
Status of Dylan on MacOS X

I've been wondering for some time what the status of (Gwydion) Dylan on 
MacOS X is. It seems like the OS has settled down to a large extent with 
the release of 10.1. Is there some stable, usable version that will work 
on MacOS X 10.1?

In particular, it would seem to me desirable to make Gwydion Dylan 
usable from within Project Builder, since this is a freely available 
tool, well supported by Apple, and, of course, interfaces to GCC.

In any event, what is the status of a usable Dylan on MacOS X, excluding 
CodeWarrior, which in my experience, is buggy as the day is long under 
MacOS X (in addition to being a non-free tool in both senses of the word 



Raffael Cavallaro, Ph.D.
