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Re: XML as a transition to s-expr

Paul Graham wrote:

> > Emacs will match [] and {} as well as ().  Don't other editors?  I
> > don't
> > like the visual look of ))})]) but it's easier to grok some kinds of
> > statements when you have multiple delimiters 
>				 When you're typing you have
> to stop and think about whether you're closing off a { [ or (,

DrScheme takes care of this for you.  Just type *a* closing paren, and 
it'll replace it with the right one.

> and when you change code you can't tell just by looking at it
> whether it's still correct.  

DrScheme will, when your cursor is over a paren, highlight it in pink
rather than grey if there's a mismatch.  Or click on Check Syntax.  In 
general, once you've got the parens in place in the first place
(easily done, as above), this proves to be less of an issue.

Besides, I thought you were toying with [...] being a shorthand for
functions in Arc (one of the few things I didn't like about Arc).
