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Re: Multiple Languages v. Multiple Paradigms

Peter Wasilko writes:
>     In seeking the ability to program in multiple languages, which level(s)
> matter most?
>         a) Surface Structure / Syntax
>         b) Library Routines provided by each language's standard library(s)
> which might be taken as primitives vis-a-vis the multiple language user 
>         c) Actual Evaluation Semantics

I cannot make heads or tails of your question, but I suspect this is
because your thinking is muddled, not because you did not explain it
verbosely enough.

> Are multiple languages... necessary, or could... be achieved in,
> say,...  Would it be feasible to... design a new dynamic language
> that would support... could one not then also provide varying levels of
> automatic translation among the languages...

Without realizing it, you have become stuck in Perlis's Turing
Tar-Pit.  Write two interpreters and call me in the morning.

/* By Kragen Sitaker, http://pobox.com/~kragen/puzzle4.html */
char b[2][10000],*s,*t=b,*d,*e=b+1,**p;main(int c,char**v){int n=atoi(v[1]);
strcpy(d,*p+2);d+=strlen(d);goto x;}*d++=*s;x:}s=t;t=e;e=s;*d++=0;}puts(t);}