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REPLS deadline extension

We have extended the paper submission deadline to Monday, 7/7/03. See 
the full CfP below.

                   C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S

                            Workshop on
    Reflectively Extensible Programming Languages and Sytems (REPLS)

        The International Conference on Generative Programming
                 and Component Engineering (GPCE'03)

                          September 22, 2003
                           Erfurt, Germany



   *  7 July 2003 (Position Papers Due)
   * 31 July 2003 (Notification of Acceptance)
   * 22 September (Workshop)


The domain of generative programming features many different techniques 
to raise the level from programming to domain-specific abstractions. 
Most of these approaches are based either on generically composable 
abstractions (templates, mixins, ...), on specialized composition 
languages (GenVoca), or on program transformation systems (Draco, 

Another approach that has a long history in creating domain-specific 
abstractions is the use of full-fledged reflective features in 
general-purpose programming languages (e.g. Lisp macros, Smalltalk MOP, 
CLOS MOP, Prolog rule bases...).

This workshop will address the use of such reflective and dynamic meta 
capabilities for generative programming. They have proven to be 
well-suited for this task because of their facilities not only to 
examine (introspection), but also to dynamically modify the internal 
representation of a system (intercession). In particular, this approach 
has been used extensively to embed domain-specific languages in the 
general-purpose host languages.

We are interested both in practical applications of, and research on 
reflectively extensible languages and systems. Topics include, but are 
not limited to:

+ Use of reflective features to build domain-specific abstractions
+ Macro-, reflective-, meta- and/or rule-based development approaches
+ Design of reflectively extensible language features
+ Case studies
+ Experience reports
+ Industrial applications
+ Flexibility/efficiency trade-off considerations
+ Interoperability and composability issues
+ Feature interactions
+ Transfer to static programming languages
+ Uses in scripting languages
+ Teaching and learning reflectively extensible languages

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and 
practitioners who make use of reflectively extensible features of 
programming languages in order to build and embed domain-specific 
layered abstractions. We especially encourage participants to submit new 
ideas and recent developments in this area, and to submit descriptions 
of successful, demonstratable applications of reflectively extensible 
languages and systems.


Attendance to the workshop is limited to facilitate lively discussions 
and the exchange of ideas. Prospective participants are sollicited to 
submit a position paper (max. 6 pages) in PDF by email to 
gpce-repls@prog.vub.ac.be, no later than July 7, 2003. Submissions will 
be required to be focused on the topic of this workshop to facilitate a 
strong focus and lively discussions. The submissions will be reviewed by 
the organizers.


Johan Brichau, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Pascal Costanza, University of Bonn, Germany

Robert Hirschfeld, DoCoMo EuroLabs, Germany,

Pascal Costanza               University of Bonn
mailto:costanza@web.de        Institute of Computer Science III
http://www.pascalcostanza.de  Römerstr. 164, D-53117 Bonn (Germany)