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Re: the forward method [dynamic vs. static typing]

On Dec 9, 2003, at 7:40 PM, Ken Shan wrote:

> Static typing can make programs more concise: I can write
>     getLine >>= print . (/2) . read
> or
>     getLine >>= print . not . read
> rather than
>     getLine >>= print . (/2) . readDouble
> or
>     getLine >>= print . not . readBool

Jumping rather late; Ken, this doesn't seem like a (generally) good 
idea.  That is, when the meaning of a function call depends not just on 
its inputs but also on how its output is used, it could be very hard to 
reason about a program.

Typically, type systems help you to construct a proof that certain 
errors cannot arise during evaluation.  When parts of that proof are 
used to alter the evaluation itself, you suddenly have a class of 
_runtime_ errors (or rather, "mis-behaviors") that can only be 
understood by examining the type proof.

I see that read is something of a special case, but even here I can 
imagine some _really_confusing_ errors:  E.G.: compiled program 
prompts: "Enter a String:".  User enters a string. Now user gets 
message:  "read: expected double, given string".  Huh?

I admit that this is somewhat contrived, because in general when the 
programmer asks for a string, the result of that call will be used in a 
way that allows the type system to infer that it must be a string.  In 
a test harness, though, I can see this coming up.

So: does Haskell (or some of its implementations) really work this way?


p.s.: I've read about ten messages past the one I'm responding to; if 
this topic has already been hashed out, please ignore it.