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2.2 Algebraic Commands

Command: eliminate [eqn_1 eqn_2 …] [var_1 var_2 …]

Here eqn_i is an equation for i = 1 … n and where var_j is a variable for j = 1 … m. eliminate returns a list of equations obtained by eliminating the variables var_1, …, var_m from the equations eqn_1, …, eqn_n.

e39 : eliminate([x^2+y=0,x^3+y=0],[x]);

e39: 0 = - y - y

e40 : eliminate([x+y+z=3,x^2+y^2+z^2=3,x^3+y^3+z^3=3],[x,y]);

e40: 0 = 1 - z
Command: suchthat var eqn

The equation eqn must contain an occurrence of variable var. suchthat returns an expression for all complex values of var satisfying eqn. suchthat is useful for extracting an expression from an equation.

e0 : a*x+b*y+c = 0;

e0: 0 = c + a x + b y

e1 : suchthat(x, e0);

    - c - b y
e1: ---------
Command: suchthat var exp

If an expression rather than an equation is given to suchthat, it is as though the equation exp=0 was given.

e2 : suchthat(x, e0);

    - c - b y
e2: ---------
Operator: | var exp_or_eqn

An alternative infix notation is also available for suchthat.

When used in combination with the ‘{ }’ notation for or, the set notation used by some textbooks results.

If var in eqn has multiple roots, a named field extension will be introduced to represent any one of those roots. When multiple values are returned, the result (in disp2d and standard grammars) is wrapped with ‘{ }’.

e3 : x | a*x^2 + b*x + c;

ext3: {:@ | 0 = c + b :@ + a :@ }
e3: ext3

e4 : e3 ^ 2;

    - c - b ext3
e4: ------------
Command: extrule extsym

Returns the rule defining named field extension extsym.

e5 : extrule(ext3);

e5: 0 = c + b ext3 + a ext3
Command: or expr_1 …
Command: or eqn_1 …

The function or takes as inputs one or more equations or values. If the inputs are equations, then or returns an equation which is equivalent to the assertion that at least one of the input equations holds. If the inputs to or are values instead of two equations, then the function or returns a multiple value. If the inputs to or consist of both equations and values, then or will return the multiple values.

e1 : or(x=2,y=3);

e1: 0 = -6 + 3 x + (2 - x) y

e2 : or(2,3);

e2: {:@ | 0 = -6 + 5 :@ - :@ }

e3 : e2^2;

e3: {:@ | 0 = -36 + 13 :@ - :@ }

e4 : or(x=2,17);

e4: 17

{eqn, … }’ can be used as an alternate syntax for or:

e5 : {+1, -1};

e5: {:@ | 0 = -1 + :@ }

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