Transforming Science Coverage
in the General Media
Time: Monday, May 13, 2013, 5-6:30pm
Location: 32-D462 (Star Room, Stata Center)
Today, primary scientific literature is read almost exclusively by
specialists. The public can only stay abreast of research advances
through the filter of the media. This system is broken, as it leaves a
communication gap between scientists and the public. This workshop will
explore new models for science communication in which writers partner
closely with scientists to produce mainstream science coverage. We invite
scientists, writers, and other interested parties to join us for a short
presentation followed by workshop discussions with the current leaders of
NeuWrite, a writing group of research scientists and
professional writers based in New York. There will be food.
You may find a more detailed description here.
Free and open to the public. Advance registration is
Sponsored by the MIT Graduate Student Council's Academic,
Research, & Careers Committee.
Contact Jean Yang (jeanyang [at] mit [dot] edu) with questions.
Register here.
Rebecca Brachman is a doctoral candidate in neuroscience at
Columbia University, where she studies the molecular biology of
psychiatric disorders. She holds a bachelor's degree in creative
writing and briefly pursued a career in playwriting and
screenwriting. She has co-directed NeuWrite since 2012. |
Tim Requarth is an NIH National Research Service Award fellow and doctoral
candidate in neuroscience at Columbia University, where he studies sensory
processing in electric fish. His work has appeared in publications such as The New York Times, Scientific American, and Science. He has co-directed NeuWrite since 2009. |
Schoonover is a neuroscientist at Columbia University where he studies the sense of touch with the goal of elucidating basic principles of neural circuit
processing in the mammalian cortex. He is the author of Portraits of
the Mind, and has written for The New York Times, Le
Figaro, and
Scientific American and is the cofounder of NeuWrite. |