

Collections are aggregate data structures mapping keys to values. Collections can be almost entirely defined in terms of an enumeration class.
 <col> (<any>) C
 <col.> (<col>) C
immutable collections.
 fab (t|(t< <col>) n|<int> => <col>) G
returns a new instance of collection type t of len n.
 col (t|(t< <col>) key-vals|... => <col>) G
returns new collection of type t with initial key values key-vals.
 fabs (t|(t< <col>) elts|... => <col>) G
returns new collection of type t with initial values elts and keys (below (len elts)).
 len (x|<col> => <int>) G
returns number of collection elements.
 col-res-type (x|<col> => <type>) G
appropriate instantiable type for creating collection results, where the default is (object-class x).
 empty? (x|<col> => <log>) G
== (= (len x) 0)
 empty (x|(t< <col>) => <col>) G
returns collection specific unique empty value.
 key-test (x|<col> => test|<fun>) G
returns collection's key equality function.
(x|<col> => (t= ==)) M
default key-test is identity function.
 key-type (x|<col> => <type>) G
returns collection x's key type.
 elt-type (x|<col> => <type>) G
returns collection x's element type.
 elt (x|<col> k|<any> => <any>) G
returns collection x's element associated with key k.
 elt-or (x|<col> k d => <any>) G
returns collection x's element associated with key k or default d if it doesn't exist.
 mem? (x|<col> y|<any> => <log>) G
returns true iff y is an element of x.
 add (x|<col> y|<any> => <col>) G
returns collection with y added to x.
 elts (x|<col> keys|<seq> => <col>) G
subset of elements of x corresponding to keys keys.
 dup (x|<col> => <col>) G
returns shallow copy of x.
 keys (x|<col> => <seq>) G
returns x's keys.
 items (x|<col> => <seq>) G
returns a sequence of x's key/val tuples.
 del (x|<col> key|<any> => <col>) G
returns copy of x's without element corresponding to key.
 zap (x|<col> => <col>) G
returns empty copy of x.
 fill (x|<col> y|<any> => <col>) G
returns copy of x with all values being y.
 any? (f|<fun> x|<col> => <log>) G
returns true iff any of x's element satisfies given predicate f.
 find (f|<fun> x|<col> => <any>) G
returns key associated with first of x's values to satisfy predicate f.
 find-or (f|<fun> x|<col> default => <any>) G
returns key associated with first of x's values to satisfy predicate f or default if not found.
 all? (f|<fun> x|<col> => <log>) G
returns true iff all of x's elements satisfies given predicate f.
 fold (f|<fun> init|<any> x|<col> => <col>) G
== (f (f ... (f init (elt x 0)) (elt x (- n 2))) (elt x (- n 1)))
 fold+ (f|<fun> x|<col> => <any>) G
== (f (f ... (f (elt x 0) (elt x 1)) (elt x (- n 2))) (elt x (- n 1)))
 do (f|<fun> x|<col>) G
iterates function f over values of x for side-effect.
 map (f|<fun> x|<col> => <col>) G
iterates function f over values of given collections and collects the results.

  • Mutable Collections
  • Enumerators
  • Packers
  • Maps
  • Sequences
  • Lazy Series'

  • SymbolsTopScalarsCollections