Lazy Series'CollectionsMapsSequences


Sequences are collections with nonnegative integer keys.
 <seq> (<col>) C
 <seq.> (<seq> <col.>) C
immutable sequence.
 1st (x|<seq> => <any>) G
== (elt x 0)
 2nd (x|<seq> => <any>) G
== (elt x 1)
 3rd (x|<seq> => <any>) G
== (elt x 2)
 last (x|<seq> => <any>) G
== (elt x (- (len x) 1))
 pos (x|<seq> v|<any> => (t? <int>)) G
finds position of v in x else returns false.
 finds (x|<seq> y|<seq> => (t? <int>)) G
finds position of y in x else returns false.
 add (x|<seq> y|<any> => <seq>) M
returns sequence with y added to the end of x.
 push (x|<seq> y|<any> => <seq>) G
returns sequence with y added to x.
 pop (x|<seq> => (tup <any> <seq>)) G
returns last pushed element of x and new sequence with that element removed from x.
 rev (x|<seq> => <seq>) G
returns reversed sequence.
 cat (x|<seq> more|... => <seq>) G
returns concatenated sequences.
 sub (x|<seq> from|<int> below|<int> => <seq>) G
subsequence of x between from and below.
 ins (x|<seq> val i|<int> => <seq>) G
returns copy of x's with val inserted before i.
 del-dups (x|<seq> => <seq>) G
returns sequence with all duplicates removed.
 del-vals (s|<seq> val => <seq>) G
returns sequence with all copies of val removed.
 sort-by (s|<seq> f|<fun> => <seq>) G
returns a sorted copy of s using f as a comparator.
 sort (s|<seq> => <seq>) G
== (sort-by s <)
 pick (f|<fun> x|<seq> => <seq>) G
returns new sequence with elements corresponding to non-false results when calling predicate f.
 prefix? (x|<seq> prefix|<seq> => <log>) G
returns true iff sequence x starts with sequence prefix.
 suffix? (x|<seq> suffix|<seq> => <log>) G
returns true iff sequence x ends with sequence suffix.
 repeat (x|<seq> n|<int> => <seq>) G
returns sequence with n concatenated copies of x.
 split (x|<seq> sep => <seq>) G
returns sequence of subsequences of x separated by sep.
 join (xs|<seq> sep|<seq> => <seq>) G
returns sequence composed of sequences in xs joined with sep.

Mutable Sequences

 <seq!> (<seq> <col!>) C
 rev! (x|<seq!> => <seq!>) G
returns destructively reversed sequence.
 cat! (x|<seq!> more|... => <seq!>) G
returns destructively concatenated sequences.
 add! (x|<seq!> y|<any> => <seq!>) G
returns collection with y added to the end of x.
 push! (x|<seq!> y|<any> => <seq!>) G
returns collection with y added to the front of x.
 pop! (x|<seq!> => (tup val|<any> <seq!>)) G
pops element from front of sequence.
 PUSHF (PUSHF ,place ,val) S
pushes ,val onto the sequence stored in ,place, updates ,place to contain the new sequence, and returns the new sequence.
 POPF (POPF ,place) S
pops a value from the sequence stored in ,place, replaces the sequence with an updated sequence, and returns the value.
 ins! (x|<seq!> v|<any> i|<int> => <seq!>) G
inserts v before i in x.
 sub-setter (dst|<seq!> src|<seq> from|<int> below|<int>) G
replaces subsequence in range between from and below of dst with contents of src. Provides insertion, deletion, and replacement operations rolled into one.
 del-vals! (x|<seq!> v|<any> => <seq!>) G
removes all v's from x.
 del-dups! (x|<seq!> => <seq!>) G
removes all duplicates from x.
 sort-by! (s|<seq> f|<fun> => <seq>) G
destructively sorts s using f as a comparator.
 sort! (s|<seq> => <seq>) G
== (sort-by! s <)


Lists are always "proper" lists, that is, the tail of a list is always a list. Lists might be deprecated in future releases of GOO.
 <lst> (<seq!>) C
 <list> <lst> A
 head (x|<lst> => <any>) P
 tail (x|<lst> => <lst>) P
 lst (elts|... => <lst>) G
returns list of arguments.
 list lst A
 nil <lst> I
aka ().
 pair (x|<any> y|<lst> => <lst>) G
returns new list with x as head and y as tail.


A zip is a sequence of tuples of sucessive elements of sequences. A zip has the length of its shortest constituent sequence.
 <zip> (<seq.>) C
 zip (cs|(... <seq>) => <zip>) G
returns a zip over sequences cs.
 unzip (z|<zip> => <tup>) G
returns a tuple of z's constituent sequences.

Flat Sequences

Flats represents sequences with constant access time. Flat enum provides an enum implementation of all but now and now-setter.
 <flat> (<seq>) C
 <flat-enum> (<enum>) C
 <tup> (<flat> <seq.>) C
Tuples are immutable flat sequences and represents multiple values in GOO.
 tup (elts|... => <tup>) G
creates a tuple with elements being elts.
 <vec> (<flat> <seq!>) C
Stretchy vectors resize when needed.
 vec (elts|... => <sec>) G
returns new vector with elements elts.


GOO currently implements ASCII strings.
 <str> (<flat> <mag> <seq.>) C
 str (elts|... => <str>) G
returns new string with elements elts.
 case-insensitive-string-hash (x|<tab> => (tup hash|<any> gc-state|<any>)) G
 case-insensitive-string-equal (x|<str> y|<str> => <log>) G

Lazy Series'CollectionsMapsSequences