Verified Scheduling
We present a Coq framework for optimizing high-performance tensor programs via verified, algebraic rewrites. Paper available.
Hello! My name's Amanda Liu. I'm a fifth year PhD student at MIT advised by Jonathan Ragan-Kelley and Adam Chlipala. My research interests broadly include formal verification, high-performance systems, compilers, and types! I'm interested in using formal methods and programming languages to develop verified, principled methods for writing high-performance systems.
Previously, I was an undergraduate at Columbia University and conducted research under Stephen Edwards and Ronghui Gu on programming languages and formal methods for building hardware and secure smart contract languages, respectively.
We present a Coq framework for optimizing high-performance tensor programs via verified, algebraic rewrites. Paper available.
Closure is Google's internal optimizing JavaScript compiler. I implemented bounded generic template types within Closure JavaScript's type system.
ArchWyvern is an architecture description language implemented on top of Wyvern. It's used to generate secure, scalable software architectures. Extended abstract and presentation available.
Rippl is a toy language with a range of Haskell-inspired features including partial application, type inference, lazy semantics, and list comprehensions.
A Verified Compiler for a Functional Tensor Language
Amanda Liu, Gilbert Louis Bernstein, Adam Chlipala, Jonathan Ragan-Kelley Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2024) |
Verified Tensor-Program
Optimization Via High-Level
Amanda Liu, Gilbert Louis Bernstein, Adam Chlipala, Jonathan Ragan-Kelley Proceedings of the 49th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2022) |