Dr. Luke Fletcher

Research Scientist
Robot Vision and Sensor Networks (RVSN),
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL),
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),
32 Vassar Street,
Cambridge, MA 02139
t: 617-715-5225
f: 617-253-4640
e: lukesf@mit.edu
h: http://csail.mit.edu/~lukesf


Selected Publications:
Publications list.

Finally, I get to play with something with hydraulics:
Agile Robotics project

In 2007 I was part of MIT's awesome DARPA Urban Challenge team:
MIT DARPA Grand Challenge Team
That'd be me looking to the side with the hat on.


Robotic Systems Lab, RSISE, ANU, Australia
This is where I spent.. oh.. ..about six years of my life.

University of Melbourne
This is where I spent.. oh.. ..about six years of my life.

Newcomb High
This is where I spent.. oh.. ..about six years of my life.

Moolap Primary School
This is where I spent.. oh.. ..about six years of my life.


You may need this to understand me:
Australian Slang dictionary
I particulary like "dingo's breakfast"

I'd like to attribute any modicum of success I ever achieve to
all those hours I spent watching TV upside-down as a kid.

The small print at the bottom of the page that makes it look all official not just something you did while waiting for the kettle to boil. Luke Fletcher 2008.