Michael Cafarella

Mike Cafarella
Principal Research Scientist
32 Vassar St
Cambridge, MA 02139

Office: 32-G887
Send email to me at michjc, found at csail dot mit dot edu

Hi, I am a principal research scientist in CSAIL (Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab) at MIT.

My research interests include database systems, information extraction, data integration, video data, and application of data-intensive methods to economics. My group publishes mainly in database conferneces, but we also make contributions in systems-, AI-, and econ-related venues.

I'm a member of the Data Systems Group at CSAIL.

Before coming to MIT I was a professor at the University of Michigan from 2010-2020, and I still have ongoing projects with people there.

I am lucky enough to work with some really fantastic students and postdocs: