Module Yaxpodom

module Yaxpodom: sig .. end
Defines an XML 1.0 + XMLNS data model and provides constructors, accessors, mutators, serializers, and parsers for that model.

Data Model

type txt = string 
UTF-8 encoded text
type cdata = string 
UTF-8 encoded CDATA section

type qname =
| QName of txt * txt * txt
A QName consists of (prefix,local_part,nsURI). nsURI is provided purely as a convenience; the parser will resolve the prefix into the corresponding URI for you, but everything else ignores it.

type att =
| Att of qname * txt Pervasives.ref
An attribute is (name,value). The value is a ref to enable mutation.

type ele =
| Element of qname * att list Pervasives.ref
* content list Pervasives.ref
The type of any XML elements: (name,atts,children).

type content =
| Text of txt
| CDATA of cdata
| Comment of txt
| PI of txt * txt (*(target,value)*)
| Subele of ele
The type of element content.
type doc = content list Pervasives.ref * ele Pervasives.ref 
A document is a list of comments and PIs, and the document element.
exception Namespace_error
Raised if some namespace processing error occurs. examples:

Constructors, Accessors, and Mutators

val qname_pfx : qname -> txt
Retrieve the prefix of a QName.
val qname_local : qname -> txt
Retrieve the local-part of a QName.
val qname_nsURI : qname -> txt
Retrieve the nsURI of a QName.
val qname_eq : qname -> qname -> bool
Returns true if the two qnames have the same prefix and local part.
val qname_eq' : qname -> qname -> bool
Returns true if the two qnames have the same local part and nsURI. (Use = to determine if qnames are equal in all respects)
val att_name : att -> qname
Retrieve the QName of an attribute.
val att_value : att -> txt
Retrieve the value of an attribute.
val find_att : qname -> att list -> att
Find an attribute given its QName, using qname_eq to determine qname equality.
Raises Not_found if the attribute isn't in the list.
val find_att' : qname -> att list -> att
Ditto, except use qname_eq'
val make_ele : qname -> ele
Create an empty element.
val ele_name : ele -> qname
Retrieve the name of an element
val ele_atts : ele -> att list
Retrieve the attributes of an element
val set_ele_atts : ele -> att list -> unit
Replace the attributes of an element.
val ele_children : ele -> content list
Retrieve the children of an attribute
val set_ele_children : ele -> content list -> unit
Replace the children of an element.
val ele_append_child : ele -> content -> unit
Append a child node to an element.
val ele_prepend_child : ele -> content -> unit
Prepend a child node to an element's existing children.
val ele_get_att : ele -> qname -> txt
Get an attribute value, using qname_eq to determine qname equality.
Raises Not_found if the attribute doesn't exist
val ele_get_att' : ele -> qname -> txt
Ditto, except use qname_eq'
val ele_set_att : ele -> qname -> txt -> unit
Set an attribute value, or add the attribute if it isn't already there.
val ele_remove_att : ele -> qname -> unit
Remove an attribute, using qname_eq to determine qname equality.
val ele_remove_att' : ele -> qname -> unit
Ditto, except use qname_eq'
val ele_inner_text : ele -> txt
Returns the text contained in the first Text child of the element. Useful for processing elements expected to be of the form <ele>some-text</ele>
val doc_prolog : doc -> content list
Returns the prolog (comments and PIs) of a document
val doc_ele : doc -> ele
Returns the document element
val clone_qname : qname -> qname
val clone_att : att -> att
val clone_ele : ele -> ele
val clone_content : content -> content
Deep copy


val build_element_tree : #Cps_reader.t -> Yaxpo.att list Stack.t -> ele
Construct an ele. The second parameter is supposed to be a stack of lists of Yaxpo attributes representing namespace declarations, so that you can carry over namespace decls if you are only parsing a document fragment. Normally, you can just pass Stack.create () .
val build_doc_tree : #Cps_reader.t -> doc
Construct a document.
val build_element_tree_cps : #Cps_reader.t -> Yaxpo.att list Stack.t -> (ele -> unit) -> unit
CPS version of build_element_tree
val build_doc_tree_cps : #Cps_reader.t -> (doc -> unit) -> unit
CPS version of build_doc_tree


val string_of_qname : qname -> string
val string_of_att : att -> string
val string_of_atts : att list -> string
val string_of_ele : ele -> string
val string_of_doc : doc -> string

General note: the parser is pretty rigorous about verifying the well-formedness of its input. however, the same is not true of the serializers! you are expected to pass the serializers only valid data. Especially note that the serializers pay no attention to the nsURI parts of qnames; you are expected to emit xmlns declarations in the right places. However, the following may be of use.
module Namespace_utils: sig .. end