Index of values

att_name [Yaxpodom]
Retrieve the QName of an attribute.
att_value [Yaxpodom]
Retrieve the value of an attribute.

build_doc_tree [Yaxpodom]
Construct a document.
build_doc_tree_cps [Yaxpodom]
CPS version of build_doc_tree
build_element_tree [Yaxpodom]
Construct an ele.
build_element_tree_cps [Yaxpodom]
CPS version of build_element_tree

clone_att [Yaxpodom]
clone_content [Yaxpodom]
Deep copy
clone_ele [Yaxpodom]
clone_qname [Yaxpodom]

doc_ele [Yaxpodom]
Returns the document element
doc_prolog [Yaxpodom]
Returns the prolog (comments and PIs) of a document

ele_append_child [Yaxpodom]
Append a child node to an element.
ele_atts [Yaxpodom]
Retrieve the attributes of an element
ele_children [Yaxpodom]
Retrieve the children of an attribute
ele_get_att [Yaxpodom]
Get an attribute value, using qname_eq to determine qname equality.
ele_get_att' [Yaxpodom]
Ditto, except use qname_eq'
ele_inner_text [Yaxpodom]
Returns the text contained in the first Text child of the element.
ele_name [Yaxpodom]
Retrieve the name of an element
ele_prepend_child [Yaxpodom]
Prepend a child node to an element's existing children.
ele_remove_att [Yaxpodom]
Remove an attribute, using qname_eq to determine qname equality.
ele_remove_att' [Yaxpodom]
Ditto, except use qname_eq'
ele_set_att [Yaxpodom]
Set an attribute value, or add the attribute if it isn't already there.

find_att [Yaxpodom]
Find an attribute given its QName, using qname_eq to determine qname equality.
find_att' [Yaxpodom]
Ditto, except use qname_eq'

is_basechar [U_char]
is_char [U_char]
is_combiningchar [U_char]
is_digit [U_char]
is_extender [U_char]
is_ideographic [U_char]
is_letter [U_char]
is_namechar [U_char]
is_ncnamechar [U_char]
is_space [U_char]

make_ele [Yaxpodom]
Create an empty element.
make_string_reader [Cps_reader]
Creates a reader from the given ASCII string.
make_utf8_file_reader [Cps_reader]
Creates a reader from a UTF-8 file given the filename.
make_utf8_string_reader [Cps_reader]
Creates a reader from the given UTF-8 string.

of_bytes [Utf8_char]
Creates a UTF-8 character from a string of bytes.
of_char [Utf8_char]
Creates a UTF-8 character from a regular ASCII character.
of_char [U_char]
of_int [U_char]
of_int32 [U_char]

parse_document [Yaxposax]
Parse a document (consisting of some comments and PIs followed by a document element)
parse_element [Yaxposax]
Parse the next element from the reader.
pull_next_token [Yaxpo]
Pulls the next token from the stream.

qname_eq [Yaxpodom]
Returns true if the two qnames have the same prefix and local part.
qname_eq' [Yaxpodom]
Returns true if the two qnames have the same local part and nsURI.
qname_local [Yaxpodom]
Retrieve the local-part of a QName.
qname_nsURI [Yaxpodom]
Retrieve the nsURI of a QName.
qname_pfx [Yaxpodom]
Retrieve the prefix of a QName.
qualify_namespaces [Yaxpodom.Namespace_utils]

set_ele_atts [Yaxpodom]
Replace the attributes of an element.
set_ele_children [Yaxpodom]
Replace the children of an element.
size [Utf8_char]
Determines the size, in bytes, of the UTF-8 character.
string_of_att [Yaxpodom]
string_of_att [Yaxpo]
string_of_atts [Yaxpodom]
string_of_doc [Yaxpodom]
string_of_ele [Yaxpodom]
string_of_qname [Yaxpodom]
string_of_qname [Yaxpo]

to_U_char [Utf8_char]
Decode the character to a UNICODE character.
to_bytes [Utf8_char]
Emits a byte string from a UTF-8 character
to_int [U_char]

utf8_character_size [Utf8_char]
Decoding utility: given just the first byte of a utf-8 character, determines how many bytes the whole character should be.