Queueing to get on the bus Around Seoul . .
. . Palace walls .
Me + gate Another palace Ceiling details Liam + palace
. Middle alley reserved for emperor Inside palace Throne room
. Spikes keep birds away . Details
. . . Roof with protective deities
Library . Nobleman-style house for emperor .
. City hall . Seoul bazaar
. . . No grass
Liam Namsan Park . What is this?
Seoul form the top . . .
Smoke-signal station Seoul tower Towers of the world .
. Residential neighborhood Tower from bazaar .
. . . From hotel room in Gyeongju
. Elevator Hotel rooftop garden Around Gyeongju
. . . Bulguksa Temple
. . Ceiling .
Mirror of a swastica . . .
. Bell Tupperware Convention .
Traditional music . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . Fireworks in our honor
Photo album generated by album tool from David Madison's MarginalHacks on Sun Jul 8 18:21:16 2007