I received my Ph. D. in the Department of EECS at MIT. While at MIT, I worked with Professor Alan Willsky as a member of Stochastic Systems Group in the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems. I did my undergraduate work at Seoul National University (SNU) in South Korea majoring in EECS, and also spent a year at University of California, Santa Barbara as an extension student during my second year of undergraduate studies. My research interests include statistical signal processing, machine learning, and object recognition. I am now working at Two Sigma Investments. Journal Papers "Context Models and Out-of-context Objects" [Project Webpage] "Learning Latent Tree Graphical Models" [Project Webpage] "A Tree-based Context Model for Object Recognition" [Project Webpage] "Gaussian Multiresolution Models: Exploiting Sparse Markov and Covariance Structure" "Low-Rank Variance Approximation in GMRF Models: Single and Multi-Scale Approaches" [pdf] "Multiscale Stochastic
Modeling for Tractable Inference and Data Assimilation," [pdf] Conference Papers "Consistent and Efficient Reconstruction of Latent Tree Models" [Project Webpage] [Slides] "Exploiting Hierarchical Context on a Large Database of Object Categories" [Project Webpage] "Exploiting Sparse Markov and Covariance
Structure in Multiresolution Models," [Slides] "Maximum Entropy Relaxation
for Mutiscale Graphical Model Selection," [Slides] "Multiscale
Gaussian Graphical Models and Algorithms for Large-Scale
Inference" Theses "Trees and Beyond: Exploiting and Improving Tree-structured Graphical Models" "Multiscale
Gaussian Graphical Models and Algorithms for Large-Scale
Inference" Last Updated: December 2011 |