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25: Mainline

Once you are in a workspace, you can type and edit expressions as though you were entering text with a word processor. For example, you can enter the following arithmetic expression:

2 sqrt 

Once you have entered such an expression, you can select it; that is, you can cause the expression to be highlighted by moving the cursor to the left side of the expression, pressing down on a mouse button (usually the left one), dragging the mouse to the right side of the expression, and releasing the button.

2 sqrt 

Having selected such an expression in a workspace, you cause it to be compiled and evaluated, with the resulting answer displayed, by clicking the right mouse button, and then clicking Show It with the left mouse button. The resulting answer is displayed in the workspace to the immediate right of the evaluated expression:

2 sqrt1.41421 

To save space in this book, right clicking on selected text, followed by clicking on Show It with the left mouse button, is denoted by right > Show It.