

#204How To Create Classes and Instances
#display657How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
$462How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
$479How To Work with Characters and Strings
*35How To Experiment Using the Workspace
*38How To Experiment Using the Workspace
/68How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
//62How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
1-based arrays375How To Work With Arrays
<, less than message132How To Perform Tests using Predicates
<=, less than or equal to message132How To Perform Tests using Predicates
>, greater than message132How To Perform Tests using Predicates
>=, greater than or equal to message132How To Perform Tests using Predicates
&, and message158How To Combine Boolean Expressions
**tilde**=, inequality message133How To Perform Tests using Predicates
*, multiplication message59How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
+, addition message59How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
-, subtraction message59How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
//, need for in specifying screen coordinates670How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
/, division message59How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
:=, assignment operator175How To Introduce Local Variables
=, equality message133How To Perform Tests using Predicates
addDays:538How to Work with Dates and Times
appendSubMenu:726How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
Cancel button734How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
createViews, defined by GUI builder758How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
createViews, origin of complexity744How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
framingRatio:651How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
labelWithoutPrefix:651How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
Menu721How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
MenuWindow721How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
monthName537How to Work with Dates and Times
new:, use in creating strings489How To Produce Formatted Text
nil, used in place of a selector727How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
noScrollBars:651How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
noSmalltalkMenuBar:651How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
Open button733How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
owner:722How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
subtractDate:538How to Work with Dates and Times
subtractDays:538How to Work with Dates and Times
title:722How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
weekday537How to Work with Dates and Times
|, or message158How To Combine Boolean Expressions
=625How To Create Points and Rectangles
==625How To Create Points and Rectangles
@618How To Create Points and Rectangles



abs494How To Produce Formatted Text
accessing776How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
accessing, ordered collections404How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
accessors218How To Create Classes and Instances
active window792How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
add:409How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
add:420How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
add:425How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
add:429How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
addFirst:404How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
addition message, +59How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
addLast:408How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
addMenu:728How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
addSubpane:649How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
addTime:533How to Work with Dates and Times
addView:649How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
Alt723How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
and message, &158How To Combine Boolean Expressions
and:162How To Combine Boolean Expressions
answer expressions, in blocks153How To Write Conditional Expressions
answer expressions, in methods92How To Define Simple Methods
answer marker92How To Define Simple Methods
answers3How this Book Teaches You the Language
answers26How To Experiment Using the Workspace
appendItem:selector:724How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
appendSeparator725How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
appendSubMenu:726How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
application class524How To Use Sorted Collections in Simulations
application class529How To Use Sorted Collections in Simulations
application image23How To Experiment Using the Workspace
application image882Packaging Applications for Users
application instance524How To Use Sorted Collections in Simulations
application manager, role of825How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
application model, naming825How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
application model, role of840How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
application model, role of instance825How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
application model, role of instance variables827How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
application, launching from GUI builder765How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
application, role of825How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
ApplicationModel825How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
applications, packaging for users767How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
applications, packaging for users739How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
applications, packaging for users876Packaging Applications for Users
applied5How this Book Teaches You the Language
arcSin73How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
arcTan73How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
argument5How this Book Teaches You the Language
arguments33How To Experiment Using the Workspace
array375How To Work With Arrays
Array377How To Work With Arrays
array element375How To Work With Arrays
arrays with multiple dimension392How To Work With Arrays
asArray433How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
asBag433How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
asComposedText903The VisualWorks Drawing Methods
asFloat70How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
asFloat464How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
asInteger70How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
asOrderedCollection433How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
aspect798How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
aspect adapters, role of840How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
aspect argument798How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
AspectAdapter813How To Use VisualWork's Value Holders and Aspect Adapters
asSet432How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
asSet433How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
assigned a value120How To Define Methods with Parameters
assigned a value171How To Introduce Local Variables
assigned to the parameter120How To Define Methods with Parameters
assigned to the variable171How To Introduce Local Variables
assignment operator, :=175How To Introduce Local Variables
association65How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
asSortedCollection433How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
asStream480How To Work with Characters and Strings
asString71How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
asString460How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
asString492How To Produce Formatted Text
asValue830How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
at:354How To Store Values in Dictionaries
at:378How To Work With Arrays
at:412How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
at:478How To Work with Characters and Strings
at:put:355How To Store Values in Dictionaries
at:put:364How To Store Values in Dictionaries
at:put:378How To Work With Arrays
at:put:412How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
atAllPut:489How To Produce Formatted Text
atEnd468How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
atEnd473How To Work with Characters and Strings
augmenting definitions, with data abstraction280How To Benefit from Data Abstraction
augmenting definitions, with procedure abstraction187How To Benefit from Procedure Abstraction
automatic conversion432How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
automatic garbage collection10How this Book Teaches You the Language
automatic conversion70How To Write Arithmetic Expressions



bag418How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
Bag419How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
base part321How To Write Recursive Methods
baseline685How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
basic segments14How this Book Teaches You the Language
behavior perspective222How To Create Classes and Instances
behavior perspective272How To Benefit from Data Abstraction
binary methods38How To Experiment Using the Workspace
bitAnd:527How To Use Sorted Collections in Simulations
blank insensitive100How To Define Simple Methods
block144How To Write Conditional Expressions
block parameter306How To Write Iteration Statements
bold:682How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
Boolean expression140How To Write Conditional Expressions
bounds902The VisualWorks Drawing Methods
breakpoint576How to Use Debugging Tools
browsers9How this Book Teaches You the Language
built-in classes195How To Create Classes and Instances
button click, simulated804How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
button click, real866How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers



callback method658How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
Cancel732How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
Cancel734How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
canvas853How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers
canvas tool887The VisualWorks GUI Builder
cascading108How To Define Simple Methods
case sensitive102How To Define Simple Methods
casting72How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
categories290How To Design Classes and Class Hierarchies
categories, role in system organization778How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
category775How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
Category names777How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
center624How To Create Points and Rectangles
centerText:at:671How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
change bars520How To Use Sorted Collections in Simulations
change bars541How to Work with Dates and Times
change bars651How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
change message787How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
changed806How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
changed:with:806How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
changing776How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
changing methods, with procedure abstraction189How To Benefit from Procedure Abstraction
CharacterConstants482How To Work with Characters and Strings
chunk format607How to Exchange Software
chunk format611How to Exchange Software
circleFilled:687How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
class438How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
class predicates240How To Define Classes that Inherit Instance Variables and Methods
class button253How To Define Instance-Creation Methods
class hierarchies, design issues244How To Define Classes that Inherit Instance Variables and Methods
class hierarchy82How To Define Simple Methods
class method253How To Define Instance-Creation Methods
class methods342How To Store Values in Class Variables
class predicates595How to Program Defensively
class reuse278How To Benefit from Data Abstraction
class variable339How To Store Values in Class Variables
class variables, naming rule341How To Store Values in Class Variables
class-hierarchy browser74How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
class-hierarchy browser81How To Define Simple Methods
class-hierarchy diagram243How To Define Classes that Inherit Instance Variables and Methods
classes31How To Experiment Using the Workspace
classes194How To Create Classes and Instances
clear901The VisualWorks Drawing Methods
click sequence notation25How To Experiment Using the Workspace
clicked750How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
close453How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
close459How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
close button99How To Define Simple Methods
close button53How To Experiment Using the Workspace
ClrBlue680How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
ClrRed680How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
ClrWhite680How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
coercion72How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
collect:437How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
Collection83How To Define Simple Methods
Collection400How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
ColorConstants582How to Use Debugging Tools
ColorConstants672How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
ColorConstants680How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
ColorConstants686How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
colors, creating your own686How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
comments93How To Define Simple Methods
comments101How To Define Simple Methods
comparing776How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
comparison, of Date instances539How to Work with Dates and Times
comparison, of Time instances534How to Work with Dates and Times
compilation, of expression25How To Experiment Using the Workspace
compiler23How To Experiment Using the Workspace
conditional expression142How To Write Conditional Expressions
constructors250How To Define Instance-Creation Methods
contents:697How To Use List Boxes to Select Instances
controlActivity865How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers
controller790How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
Controller793How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
controller, defining861How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers
ControlPane699How To Use List Boxes to Select Instances
conversion, of arithmetic instances70How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
conversion, of collection instances432How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
corner623How To Create Points and Rectangles
cr49How To Experiment Using the Workspace
createViews647How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
creating a VisualWorks GUI884The VisualWorks GUI Builder
creating a Smalltalk Express GUI748How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
creating a VisualWorks GUI853How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers



data abstraction276How To Benefit from Data Abstraction
data type5How this Book Teaches You the Language
data-abstraction barrier276How To Benefit from Data Abstraction
Date535How to Work with Dates and Times
day536How to Work with Dates and Times
debugging tools9How this Book Teaches You the Language
debugging, with procedure abstraction186How To Benefit from Procedure Abstraction
defaultControllerClass864How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers
defensive programming588How to Program Defensively
definitions, expected591How to Program Defensively
delimiters467How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
delivery environment876Packaging Applications for Users
DependentPart787How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
derived attributes222How To Create Classes and Instances
descender685How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
descenders685How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
descent685How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
detail hiding, with data abstraction279How To Benefit from Data Abstraction
detail hiding, with procedure abstraction185How To Benefit from Procedure Abstraction
development environment23How To Experiment Using the Workspace
development environment876Packaging Applications for Users
dictionaries, creating364How To Store Values in Dictionaries
Dictionary364How To Store Values in Dictionaries
digitValue465How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
direct superclass233How To Define Classes that Inherit Instance Variables and Methods
direct subclass233How To Define Classes that Inherit Instance Variables and Methods
display668How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
display753How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
displayLineFrom:to:903The VisualWorks Drawing Methods
displayOn:857How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers
displayPolygon:903The VisualWorks Drawing Methods
displayRectangularBorder:at:903The VisualWorks Drawing Methods
displayString:at:903The VisualWorks Drawing Methods
displayText:at:671How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
division message, /59How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
do:382How To Work With Arrays
do:415How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
do:421How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
do:430How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
doesNotUnderstand:565How to Use Debugging Tools
Doit566How to Use Debugging Tools
domain knowledge837How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
domain models837How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
drawing in Smalltalk Express661How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
drawing in Visual Works896The VisualWorks Drawing Methods



editor23How To Experiment Using the Workspace
element, of array375How To Work With Arrays
element, of ordered collection401How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
enumeration382How To Work With Arrays
equality625How To Create Points and Rectangles
equality message, =133How To Perform Tests using Predicates
equality, as distinguished from identity625How To Create Points and Rectangles
erase673How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
error:566How to Use Debugging Tools
error:596How to Program Defensively
errors, announcing596How to Program Defensively
evaluation, of expression25How To Experiment Using the Workspace
event657How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
event658How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
event queue508How To Use Sorted Collections in Simulations
event:707How To Connect Together Display Elements
events500How To Use Sorted Collections in Simulations
executable file23How To Experiment Using the Workspace
Experiment778How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
experimenting778How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
explicit-representation principle286How To Design Classes and Class Hierarchies
Express, entering24How To Experiment Using the Workspace
expression compilation25How To Experiment Using the Workspace
expression evaluation25How To Experiment Using the Workspace
extent623How To Create Points and Rectangles



faceName:682How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
fall off its end105How To Define Simple Methods
false132How To Perform Tests using Predicates
fences, parameter122How To Define Methods with Parameters
Fibonacci324How To Write Recursive Methods
fields209How To Create Classes and Instances
fields487How To Produce Formatted Text
File447How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
File605How to Exchange Software
file733How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
file in600How to Exchange Software
file out600How to Exchange Software
file stream446How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
file, reading448How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
file, reading783How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
file-out mechanism600How to Exchange Software
FileDialog729How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
fileIn605How to Exchange Software
fileSpec:731How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
FileStream447How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
filing in, using fileIn605How to Exchange Software
filing in, using point-and-click commands604How to Exchange Software
filing out, using point-and-click commands601How to Exchange Software
first405How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
first-in, first-out (FIFO) queues411How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
Float31How To Experiment Using the Workspace
Float61How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
floats, reading from streams450How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
font671How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
font:682How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
food, application definition871The Calorie Application
foreColor680How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
foreColor681How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
foreColor:680How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
formating text486How To Produce Formatted Text
formatting numbers492How To Produce Formatted Text
formatting floating-point numbers493How To Produce Formatted Text
formatting strings490How To Produce Formatted Text
forward references330How To Write Recursive Methods
Fraction31How To Experiment Using the Workspace
Fraction60How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
framingRatio:652How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
fromSeconds:531How to Work with Dates and Times
function5How this Book Teaches You the Language
functions5How this Book Teaches You the Language



getContents692How To Use List Boxes to Select Instances
getContents694How To Use List Boxes to Select Instances
getContents753How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
getter217How To Create Classes and Instances
global variables, initializing603How to Exchange Software
global variables351How To Store Values in Dictionaries
global variables, naming rule353How To Store Values in Dictionaries
global-variable values351How To Store Values in Dictionaries
graph pane638How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
graphical user interface633How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
graphical user interface743How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
graphical user interfaces7How this Book Teaches You the Language
graphics context679How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
graphics context858How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers
GraphicsTool686How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
GraphPane676How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
greater than message, >132How To Perform Tests using Predicates
greater than or equal to message, >=132How To Perform Tests using Predicates
groups of individuals193How To Create Classes and Instances
GUI633How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
GUI builder, need for745How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
GUI (graphical user interface)743How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
GUI, creating in Smalltalk Express748How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
GUI, creating in VisualWorks884The VisualWorks GUI Builder
GUI, work done by756How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder



halt877Packaging Applications for Users
has-a rule290How To Design Classes and Class Hierarchies
has-a versus is-a principle290How To Design Classes and Class Hierarchies
hash mark204How To Create Classes and Instances
height624How To Create Points and Rectangles
height669How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
height685How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
height685How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
hiding detail, with data abstraction279How To Benefit from Data Abstraction
hiding detail, with procedure abstraction185How To Benefit from Procedure Abstraction
highlights segments14How this Book Teaches You the Language
hop573How to Use Debugging Tools
hour532How to Work with Dates and Times



identity625How To Create Points and Rectangles
identity, as distinguished from equality625How To Create Points and Rectangles
idioms18How this Book Teaches You the Language
ifFalse:146How To Write Conditional Expressions
ifTrue:142How To Write Conditional Expressions
ifTrue:ifFalse:148How To Write Conditional Expressions
implementedBySubclass591How to Program Defensively
improving data storage, with data abstraction281How To Benefit from Data Abstraction
improving methods, with procedure abstraction188How To Benefit from Procedure Abstraction
index375How To Work With Arrays
individuals193How To Create Classes and Instances
individuals290How To Design Classes and Class Hierarchies
individuals500How To Use Sorted Collections in Simulations
inequality message, ~ =133How To Perform Tests using Predicates
inherit232How To Define Classes that Inherit Instance Variables and Methods
inheritance229How To Define Classes that Inherit Instance Variables and Methods
initialize-release776How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
initialized174How To Introduce Local Variables
initializeListBox:693How To Use List Boxes to Select Instances
initWindow714How To Connect Together Display Elements
inject:into:387How To Work With Arrays
inject:into:440How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
input field828How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
input file stream446How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
input--output methods448How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
input--output methods783How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
inspect877Packaging Applications for Users
inspector571How to Use Debugging Tools
inspector window582How to Use Debugging Tools
instance button87How To Define Simple Methods
instance button253How To Define Instance-Creation Methods
instance method87How To Define Simple Methods
instance variables196How To Create Classes and Instances
instance variables, naming convention210How To Create Classes and Instances
instance--object window207How To Create Classes and Instances
instance--object window87How To Define Simple Methods
instance-creation method250How To Define Instance-Creation Methods
instance-creation methods249How To Define Instance-Creation Methods
instances31How To Experiment Using the Workspace
instances194How To Create Classes and Instances
instantiation52How To Experiment Using the Workspace
Integer2How this Book Teaches You the Language
Integer31How To Experiment Using the Workspace
Integer60How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
Integer450How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
integers, reading from streams450How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
is-a rule290How To Design Classes and Class Hierarchies
is-a versus has-a principle290How To Design Classes and Class Hierarchies
isEmpty410How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
isEmpty475How To Work with Characters and Strings
isInteger136How To Perform Tests using Predicates
isNumber165How To Combine Boolean Expressions
isNumber443How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
isString136How To Perform Tests using Predicates
itemSelected:693How To Use List Boxes to Select Instances
iteration297How To Write Iteration Statements
iteration versus recursion332How To Write Recursive Methods



jump574How to Use Debugging Tools



keys349How To Store Values in Dictionaries
keyword methods38How To Experiment Using the Workspace
keywords, multiple147How To Write Conditional Expressions



last408How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
last-in, first-out (LIFO) push-down stacks411How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
lastUpPoint869How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers
layout alternatives100How To Define Simple Methods
left-to-right order47How To Experiment Using the Workspace
less than message, <132How To Perform Tests using Predicates
less than or equal to message, <=132How To Perform Tests using Predicates
lineFrom:to:661How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
lineFrom:to:677How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
lineWidth680How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
ListBox692How To Use List Boxes to Select Instances
literal array381How To Work With Arrays
literal characters462How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
literal number205How To Create Classes and Instances
literal string205How To Create Classes and Instances
literal symbol204How To Create Classes and Instances
ln73How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
local scope124How To Define Methods with Parameters
local variables172How To Introduce Local Variables
locally scoped176How To Introduce Local Variables
locally scoped language124How To Define Methods with Parameters
log:73How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
look-it-up principle289How To Design Classes and Class Hierarchies



Magnitude85How To Define Simple Methods
Magnitude540How to Work with Dates and Times
Magnitude548How To Define Binary Methods
Magnitude775How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
Magnitude-General775How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
magnitudes540How to Work with Dates and Times
master752How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
max:548How To Define Binary Methods
member variables209How To Create Classes and Instances
memory leak10How this Book Teaches You the Language
memory recycling10How this Book Teaches You the Language
menu720How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
Menu722How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
Menu bars720How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
menu items720How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
MenuWindow722How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
message, addition +59How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
message, and &158How To Combine Boolean Expressions
message, assignment :=175How To Introduce Local Variables
message, division /59How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
message, equality =133How To Perform Tests using Predicates
message, greater than >132How To Perform Tests using Predicates
message, greater than or equal to >=132How To Perform Tests using Predicates
message, inequality ~ =133How To Perform Tests using Predicates
message, less than <132How To Perform Tests using Predicates
message, less than or equal to <=132How To Perform Tests using Predicates
message, multiplication *59How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
message, or |158How To Combine Boolean Expressions
message, subtraction -59How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
message-selector browser580How to Use Debugging Tools
messages3How this Book Teaches You the Language
metaclass258How To Define Instance-Creation Methods
meter pane638How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
method3How this Book Teaches You the Language
method26How To Experiment Using the Workspace
method browser579How to Use Debugging Tools
method overriding238How To Define Classes that Inherit Instance Variables and Methods
method selector26How To Experiment Using the Workspace
min:548How To Define Binary Methods
minute532How to Work with Dates and Times
mixed expressions69How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
mnemonic723How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
model290How To Design Classes and Class Hierarchies
model500How To Use Sorted Collections in Simulations
Model787How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
model788How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
model, accessing in a viewer859How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers
model--viewer--controller paradigm791How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
model:795How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
modular287How To Design Classes and Class Hierarchies
modularity841How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
modularity principle287How To Design Classes and Class Hierarchies
multi-dimensional arrays392How To Work With Arrays
multiple inheritance, absence of245How To Define Classes that Inherit Instance Variables and Methods
multiple keywords147How To Write Conditional Expressions
MultipleSelectListBox701How To Use List Boxes to Select Instances
multiplication message, *59How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
mutually recursive methods329How To Write Recursive Methods



Name:753How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
naming conventions127How To Define Methods with Parameters
naming conventions103How To Define Simple Methods
naming conventions551How To Define Binary Methods
natural hierarchies231How To Define Classes that Inherit Instance Variables and Methods
negated68How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
new211How To Create Classes and Instances
new250How To Define Instance-Creation Methods
new403How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
new420How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
new425How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
new429How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
new:377How To Work With Arrays
newDay:monthNumber:year:535How to Work with Dates and Times
newFile:457How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
next461How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
nextLine472How To Work with Characters and Strings
nextPut:461How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
nextPutAll:458How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
nextWord450How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
nil173How To Introduce Local Variables
nil212How To Create Classes and Instances
no-duplication principle288How To Design Classes and Class Hierarchies
noScrollBars753How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
not134How To Perform Tests using Predicates
not135How To Perform Tests using Predicates
notEmpty475How To Work with Characters and Strings
notNil174How To Introduce Local Variables
now531How to Work with Dates and Times
Number85How To Define Simple Methods



object27How To Experiment Using the Workspace
object57How To Experiment Using the Workspace
Object82How To Define Simple Methods
Object-oriented programming languages2How this Book Teaches You the Language
open642How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
open647How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
open732How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
Open742How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
Options720How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
or message, |158How To Combine Boolean Expressions
or:162How To Combine Boolean Expressions
order of evaluation45How To Experiment Using the Workspace
order of evaluation47How To Experiment Using the Workspace
ordered collection401How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
ordered collection element401How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
ordered collections, accessing404How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
ordered-collection iteration415How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
OrderedCollection402How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
organization, of book15How this Book Teaches You the Language
origin623How To Create Points and Rectangles
origin:corner:620How To Create Points and Rectangles
origin:extent:621How To Create Points and Rectangles
output file stream446How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
overridden359How To Store Values in Dictionaries
overriding238How To Define Classes that Inherit Instance Variables and Methods
overriding359How To Store Values in Dictionaries
owner:649How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows



packaging applications for users876Packaging Applications for Users
packaging applications for users739How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
packaging applications for users767How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
padding487How To Produce Formatted Text
pallet853How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers
paneName:705How To Connect Together Display Elements
parameter119How To Define Methods with Parameters
parameter assignment120How To Define Methods with Parameters
parameter fences122How To Define Methods with Parameters
parentheses, need for in arithmetic expressions67How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
parentheses, need for in multiple keyword expressions152How To Write Conditional Expressions
part--whole relation290How To Design Classes and Class Hierarchies
pathName457How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
pathName:447How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
pathName:605How to Exchange Software
peek464How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
pen660How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
Perform:750How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
Perform:753How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
picture element616How To Create Points and Rectangles
pixel616How To Create Points and Rectangles
Point617How To Create Points and Rectangles
polygon:683How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
polygonFilled:683How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
polymorphic242How To Define Classes that Inherit Instance Variables and Methods
pool dictionaries369How To Store Values in Dictionaries
Potemkin village754How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
pound sign204How To Create Classes and Instances
powerful development environments7How this Book Teaches You the Language
practice segments14How this Book Teaches You the Language
precedence45How To Experiment Using the Workspace
precedence65How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
predicate132How To Perform Tests using Predicates
preInitWindow714How To Connect Together Display Elements
printString40How To Experiment Using the Workspace
procedure abstraction183How To Benefit from Procedure Abstraction
procedure-abstraction barrier183How To Benefit from Procedure Abstraction
procedure-oriented programming languages5How this Book Teaches You the Language
procedures5How this Book Teaches You the Language
program reuse, with procedure abstraction184How To Benefit from Procedure Abstraction
protocol776How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
protocol names777How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
protocols, role in system organization778How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
pure object-oriented language30How To Experiment Using the Workspace
purpose, of book1How this Book Teaches You the Language



queue411How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections



rabbit reproduction324How To Write Recursive Methods
raisedTo:33How To Experiment Using the Workspace
raisedTo:38How To Experiment Using the Workspace
raisedTo:65How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
random-number generator527How To Use Sorted Collections in Simulations
rational number60How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
reader217How To Create Classes and Instances
reading from files448How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
reading from files783How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
receiver26How To Experiment Using the Workspace
receivers3How this Book Teaches You the Language
reciprocal68How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
Rectangle620How To Create Points and Rectangles
recursion319How To Write Recursive Methods
recursion versus iteration332How To Write Recursive Methods
recursive countdown pattern323How To Write Recursive Methods
recursive part321How To Write Recursive Methods
recycling memory10How this Book Teaches You the Language
red:green:blue:686How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
redButtonPressed866How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers
reference, variable170How To Introduce Local Variables
removeFirst406How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
removeLast408How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
retrieve from378How To Work With Arrays
reuse, of classes278How To Benefit from Data Abstraction
reuse, of programs, with procedure abstraction184How To Benefit from Procedure Abstraction
rightBottom:622How To Create Points and Rectangles



saving method definitions97How To Define Simple Methods
saving your development environment99How To Define Simple Methods
saving class definitions206How To Create Classes and Instances
scope124How To Define Methods with Parameters
scope176How To Introduce Local Variables
second532How to Work with Dates and Times
select25How To Experiment Using the Workspace
select692How To Use List Boxes to Select Instances
selection698How To Use List Boxes to Select Instances
selections701How To Use List Boxes to Select Instances
selector, using nil as a substitute727How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
self91How To Define Simple Methods
send a message26How To Experiment Using the Workspace
sensor866How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers
sensor866How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers
separation, of application from development environment739How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
separation, of application from development environment767How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
separation, of application from development environment876Packaging Applications for Users
separator725How To Display Menus and File Dialog Windows
separators51How To Experiment Using the Workspace
set423How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
Set424How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
setFillColor:683How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
setLineWidth:680How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
setter214How To Create Classes and Instances
setters and getters, importance of273How To Benefit from Data Abstraction
shadowed238How To Define Classes that Inherit Instance Variables and Methods
show:41How To Experiment Using the Workspace
shutting down your development environment53How To Experiment Using the Workspace
sidetrip segments14How this Book Teaches You the Language
simulate500How To Use Sorted Collections in Simulations
sin73How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
single inheritance245How To Define Classes that Inherit Instance Variables and Methods
size385How To Work With Arrays
size435How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
size488How To Produce Formatted Text
skip574How to Use Debugging Tools
slave752How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
sliders828How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
slots209How To Create Classes and Instances
Smalltalk350How To Store Values in Dictionaries
Smalltalk dictionary349How To Store Values in Dictionaries
Smalltalk Express12How this Book Teaches You the Language
Smalltalk Express24How To Experiment Using the Workspace
Smalltalk Express358How To Store Values in Dictionaries
Smalltalk Express366How To Store Values in Dictionaries
Smalltalk Express445How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
Smalltalk Express527How To Use Sorted Collections in Simulations
Smalltalk Express560How To Define Binary Methods
Smalltalk Express574How to Use Debugging Tools
Smalltalk Express601How to Exchange Software
Smalltalk Express641How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
Smalltalk Express647How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
Smalltalk Express699How To Use List Boxes to Select Instances
Smalltalk Express748How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
Smalltalk Express759How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
Smalltalk Express769How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
Smalltalk Express770How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
Smalltalk Express771How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
Smalltalk Express773How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
Smalltalk Express782How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
Smalltalk Express783How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
Smalltalk Express784How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
Smalltalk Express785How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
Smalltalk Express786How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
Smalltalk Express825How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
Smalltalk Express826How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
Smalltalk Express845How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers
Smalltalk Express857How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers
Smalltalk Express871The Calorie Application
Smalltalk Express876Packaging Applications for Users
Smalltalk Express880Packaging Applications for Users
Smalltalk Express881Packaging Applications for Users
Smalltalk Express882Packaging Applications for Users
Smalltalk Express883Packaging Applications for Users
Smalltalk Express900The VisualWorks Drawing Methods
Smalltalk Express901The VisualWorks Drawing Methods
Smalltalk Express902The VisualWorks Drawing Methods
Smalltalk, popularity of7How this Book Teaches You the Language
Smalltalk, benefits of11How this Book Teaches You the Language
Smalltalk, characteristics of7How this Book Teaches You the Language
sortBlock:431How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
sorted collection427How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
SortedCollection428How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
sqrt3How this Book Teaches You the Language
sqrt65How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
stacks411How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
statement50How To Experiment Using the Workspace
stepper572How to Use Debugging Tools
store into378How To Work With Arrays
stream446How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
streams, as sources of Integer and Float instances450How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
streams, producing from strings480How To Work with Characters and Strings
strength, of Smalltalk7How this Book Teaches You the Language
strength, of Smalltalk8How this Book Teaches You the Language
strength, of Smalltalk9How this Book Teaches You the Language
strength, of Smalltalk10How this Book Teaches You the Language
strength, of Smalltalk30How To Experiment Using the Workspace
strength, of Smalltalk112How To Define Simple Methods
strength, of Smalltalk224How To Create Classes and Instances
strength, of Smalltalk400How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
strength, of Smalltalk562How to Use Debugging Tools
String40How To Experiment Using the Workspace
strings, converting to streams480How To Work with Characters and Strings
stringWidthOf:685How To Use the Graphics Context to Alter Appearance
style, of book15How this Book Teaches You the Language
Style:753How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
subclass--superclass relation290How To Design Classes and Class Hierarchies
SubPane635How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
SubPane636How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
subpane638How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
subpanes, role of639How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
subtraction message, -59How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
subtractTime:533How to Work with Dates and Times
super254How To Define Instance-Creation Methods
system500How To Use Sorted Collections in Simulations



tan73How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
template, for class definition200How To Create Classes and Instances
template, for method definition86How To Define Simple Methods
templates, create by GUI builder756How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
Text749How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
text file23How To Experiment Using the Workspace
Time531How to Work with Dates and Times
timesRepeat:303How To Write Iteration Statements
to:by:do:309How To Write Iteration Statements
to:do:306How To Write Iteration Statements
today535How to Work with Dates and Times
top pane638How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
top panes, role of640How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
TopPane635How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
TopPane636How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
transcript24How To Experiment Using the Workspace
transcript40How To Experiment Using the Workspace
Transcript41How To Experiment Using the Workspace
transcript window24How To Experiment Using the Workspace
true132How To Perform Tests using Predicates
truncated73How To Write Arithmetic Expressions
truncated494How To Produce Formatted Text



unary methods38How To Experiment Using the Workspace
UndefinedObject:566How to Use Debugging Tools
universal scope360How To Store Values in Dictionaries
update messages787How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
update:797How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
update:with:806How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
updating776How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
upTo:467How To Create File Streams for Input and Output



value5How this Book Teaches You the Language
value170How To Introduce Local Variables
value809How To Use VisualWork's Value Holders and Aspect Adapters
value holder, automatic creation830How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
value holder, dependents834How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
value holder, location834How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
value holders, role of840How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
value:809How To Use VisualWork's Value Holders and Aspect Adapters
ValueHolder809How To Use VisualWork's Value Holders and Aspect Adapters
values349How To Store Values in Dictionaries
variable170How To Introduce Local Variables
variable assignment171How To Introduce Local Variables
variable declarations, absence of179How To Introduce Local Variables
variable reference170How To Introduce Local Variables
variable value170How To Introduce Local Variables
variables window88How To Define Simple Methods
variables window207How To Create Classes and Instances
View788How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
view manager638How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
view manager641How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
view manager, naming644How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
view manager, role of641How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
view manager, role of642How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
view manager, role of643How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
view manager, role of644How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
viewers788How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
ViewManager635How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
ViewManager636How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
ViewManager755How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
views641How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
Visual Age769How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
VisualWorks12How this Book Teaches You the Language
VisualWorks445How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
VisualWorks466How To Create File Streams for Input and Output
VisualWorks773How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
VisualWorks774How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
VisualWorks775How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
VisualWorks776How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
VisualWorks782How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
VisualWorks783How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
VisualWorks784How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
VisualWorks785How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk
VisualWorks786How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
VisualWorks787How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
VisualWorks806How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
VisualWorks807How To Work with the Model--Viewer--Controller Paradigm
VisualWorks808How To Use VisualWork's Value Holders and Aspect Adapters
VisualWorks819How To Use VisualWork's Value Holders and Aspect Adapters
VisualWorks821How To Use VisualWork's Value Holders and Aspect Adapters
VisualWorks825How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
VisualWorks826How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
VisualWorks828How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
VisualWorks843How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
VisualWorks844How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers
VisualWorks845How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers
VisualWorks853How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers
VisualWorks855How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers
VisualWorks857How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers
VisualWorks858How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers
VisualWorks864How To Use VisualWorks To Build Viewers and Controllers
VisualWorks885The VisualWorks GUI Builder
VisualWorks890The VisualWorks GUI Builder
VisualWorks896The VisualWorks Drawing Methods
VisualWorks899The VisualWorks Drawing Methods
VisualWorks900The VisualWorks Drawing Methods
VisualWorks901The VisualWorks Drawing Methods
VisualWorks902The VisualWorks Drawing Methods
VisualWorks, entering774How To Work with a Commercial Smalltalk



walkback window563How to Use Debugging Tools
When:750How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
When:753How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
when:perform:657How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
whileFalse:301How To Write Iteration Statements
whileTrue:297How To Write Iteration Statements
whitespace characters100How To Define Simple Methods
widget633How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
widget interaction808How To Use VisualWork's Value Holders and Aspect Adapters
width624How To Create Points and Rectangles
width669How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
Window669How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
WindowBuilder Pro769How To Develop a GUI using a gui Builder
windows633How To Draw Lines and Display Text in Windows
windowSpec826How To Use VisualWorks To Build Applications
with:380How To Work With Arrays
with:416How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
with:with:380How To Work With Arrays
with:with:416How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
with:with:with:380How To Work With Arrays
with:with:with:416How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
with:with:with:with:380How To Work With Arrays
with:with:with:with:416How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections
workspace24How To Experiment Using the Workspace
workspace window24How To Experiment Using the Workspace
writer214How To Create Classes and Instances
x619How To Create Points and Rectangles
x:y:617How To Create Points and Rectangles
y619How To Create Points and Rectangles
year536How to Work with Dates and Times
yourself414How To Work with Ordered Collections and Sorted Collections