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262: Sidetrip

As explained in Segment 257, super is a signal to initiate method search in the direct superclass of the class for which the super-containing method is defined.

Suppose, for example, that new is sent to Vegetable. The reference to super in the new method defined in Segment 255 signals that search is to be initiated in the Object class's metaclass, the direct superclass of the Food class's metaclass, because the super-containing new method is defined as a Food class method, which is an instance method of the Food class's metaclass.

                                    |           Search starts here 
                                    | subclass    | 
                                    v             v 
*--------------*     instance     *-------------------------------* 
| Object class | <--------------- | Object class's metaclass      | 
*--------------*                  *-------------------------------* 
  |                                 |           new defined here 
  | subclass                        | subclass    | 
  v                                 v             v 
*--------------*     instance     *-------------------------------* 
| Food class   | <--------------- | Food class's metaclass        | 
*--------------*                  *-------------------------------* 
  |                                 | 
  | subclass                        | subclass 
  v                                 v 
*-------------------*   instance  *-------------------------------* 
| Vegetable class   | <---------- | Vegetable class's metaclass   | 
*-------------------*             *-------------------------------* 
  *-- new message sent here