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471: Mainline

Imagine that your data file has not only information about calories, but also code characters, with V indicating a Vegetable instance and D indicating a Dairy instance.

Further imagine that serving-size information is included, along with optional notes containing one or more words:

*-- Type code 
| *-- Food name 
| | 
| |           *-- Fat, carbohydrate, and protein calories per serving 
| |           | 
| |           |           *-- Serving size 
| |           |           | 
| |           v           |               *-- Optional notes 
v v         ---------     v               v 
V Broccoli  3  16   9   0.5c             
D Butter   37   0   0   1.0tsp          avoid 
V Carrots   1  33   4   0.5c            good for rabbits 
V Corn      1  23   6   0.5c 
V Cabbage   2  14   3   0.5c 
D Milk     54  45  32   1.0c            whole milk