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541: Mainline

Once you understand dates, you can revise the rabbit-simulation program, shown in Segment 523, to use Date instances, rather than Integer instances. Each revision is marked by a change bar, , except the changes in variable names from month orientation to date orientation. Note that the principal changes are the replacement of 0 by Date today and the replacement of + 1 and + 2 by addDays: 30 and addDays: 60.

Rabbit class definition
Object subclass: #Rabbit
  instanceVariableNames: 'deliveryDate'
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''
Rabbit method definition • instance
deliveryDate: aDate deliveryDate := aDate
Rabbit method definition • instance
deliveryDate ^ deliveryDate
RabbitApplication class definition
Object subclass: #RabbitApplication
  instanceVariableNames: 'rabbits date history'
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''
RabbitApplication method definition • instance
  date := Date today.                                              
  history := OrderedCollection new.
  rabbits := SortedCollection
             sortBlock: [:x :y | x deliveryDate < y deliveryDate].
  rabbits add: (Rabbit new deliveryDate: (Date today addDays: 60)) 
RabbitApplication method definition • instance
  | mother daughter currentDate |
  mother := rabbits removeFirst.
  daughter := Rabbit new.
  currentDate := mother deliveryDate.
  mother deliveryDate: (currentDate addDays: 30).                  
  daughter deliveryDate: (currentDate addDays: 60).                
  rabbits add: mother.
  rabbits add: daughter.
RabbitApplication method definition • instance
tickTo: limit
  [date <= limit]
    whileTrue: [self updateDate. self step].
  history printOrderedCollectionValues
RabbitApplication method definition • instance
  [date < rabbits first deliveryDate]
    whileTrue: [history addLast: rabbits size.
                date := date addDays: 30]                          
OrderedCollection method definition • instance 
  self do: [:element | Transcript show: element printString; space]. 
  Transcript cr 
RabbitApplication new initialize tickTo: (Date today addDays: 12 * 30)  
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