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595: Mainline

To detect and report such errors, you first must define a class predicate, isWeight. Most magnitudes are not weight instances, so you define isWeight for the Magnitude class to answer false:

Magnitude method definition • instance 
isWeight ^ false 

On the other hand, Weight instances are Weight instances, so you define isWeight for the Weight class to answer true:

Weight method definition • instance 
isWeight ^ true 

Thus, as you can see from the following diagram, one isWeight method overrides the other exactly for instances of the Weight class, but not for instances of other classes:

   |              | 
 Collection     Magnitude <-- isWeight method answers false 
   |              | 
   |              |           isWeight method answers true 
   |              |                             | 
 *-*-----*--    *-*-----*------------*--        | 
 |       |      |       |            |          | 
Bag     Set   Number   Time        Weight <-----*