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692: Mainline

To create a list box, you alter the createViews method shown in Segment 664 in two ways: you add a ListBox instance, instead of a MeterGraphPane instance; and you arrange to respond to select and getContents events, rather than display events:

CalorieViewManager method definition • instance
  | theTopPane theListBox |
  "Set up all panes"
  self addView: (theTopPane := TopPane new).
  theListBox := ListBox new.                                    
  "Set up the top pane"
  theTopPane owner: self;
    labelWithoutPrefix: 'Demonstration Window';
    addSubpane: theListBox;
    framingRatio: (1/4 @ (1/3) rightBottom: 3/4 @ (2/3)).
  "Set up the list box pane"
  theListBox owner: self;
    when: #getContents perform: #initializeListBox:;            
    when: #select perform: #itemSelected:.