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705: Mainline

The first step toward connected display elements is to rewrite createViews such that both a MeterGraphPane and a ListBox are included. Now, both require framingRatio: messages, because both occupy only a fraction of the top pane to which they are connected by addSubpane: messages. Similarly, both require when:perform: messages so that they can send appropriate callback messages to the view manager in response to the getContents events that occur when the meter pane and the list box are created.

Also, you soon need to be able to refer to the meter by name; accordingly, you send the graph pane the paneName: message, with a string argument, 'CalorieMeter'.

CalorieViewManager method definition • instance
  | theTopPane theListBox theMeterPane |
  "Set up all panes"
  self addView: (theTopPane := TopPane new).
  theListBox := ListBox new.
  theMeterPane := MeterGraphPane new.
  "Set up the top pane"
  theTopPane owner: self;
    labelWithoutPrefix: 'Demonstration Window';
    addSubpane: theListBox;
    addSubpane: theMeterPane;
    framingRatio: (1/4 @ (1/3) rightBottom: 3/4 @ (2/3)).       
  "Set up the list-box pane"
  theListBox owner: self;
    when: #getContents perform: #initializeListBox:;
    when: #select perform: #itemSelected:;
    framingRatio: (2/3 @ 0 rightBottom: 1 @ 1).                 
  "Set up the meter pane"
  theMeterPane owner: self;
    paneName: 'CalorieMeter';                                   
    when: #getContents perform: #initializeMeter:;              
    when: #display perform: #callDrawMeter:;
    framingRatio: (0 @ 0 rightBottom: 2/3 @ 1).