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813: Mainline

An AspectAdapter instance looks like a ValueHolder instance from the perspective of a viewer or controller, in that the aspect adapter handles both value and value: messages. An aspect adapter contains no value instance variable, however; instead, an aspect adapter forwards those messages to another model, using a getter and setter appropriate to that model. Thus, you have the following contrast:

*------------*   value:   *--------------* 
| Controller | ---------> |              | 
*------------*            |              | 
                          | Value Holder | 
*------------*   value    |              | 
| Viewer     | <--------- |              | 
*------------*            *--------------* 

*------------*   value:   *----------------*   setter   *-------* 
| Controller | ---------> |                | ---------> |       | 
*------------*            |                |            |       | 
                          | Aspect Adapter |            | Model | 
*------------*   value    |                |   getter   |       | 
| Viewer     | <--------- |                | <--------- |       | 
*------------*            *----------------*            *-------*