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875: Mainline


The marked line is needed only when you wish to separate the application from the development environment, as explained in Segment••missing reference••.

CalorieViewManager class definition
ViewManager subclass: #CalorieViewManager
  instanceVariableNames: 'food foodList'
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''
CalorieViewManager method definition • instance
initializeMeter: theMeter
  theMeter setMin: 0; setMax: 100;
           setTitle: 'Calorie Meter';
           event: #display.
CalorieViewManager method definition • instance
initializeListBox: theListBox
  foodList :=
   (Food collectFrom: 'c:\test\vtbls.dta').
  theListBox contents: (foodList collect: [:p | p name]).
CalorieViewManager method definition • instance
itemSelected: theListBox
  food := foodList at: theListBox selection.
  (self paneNamed: 'CalorieMeter')
    setValue: food tCalories;
    event: #display.
CalorieViewManager method definition • instance
callDrawMeter: thePane
  thePane drawMeter.
CalorieViewManager method definition • instance
  | theFileDialog file |
  (theFileDialog := FileDialog new)
    fileSpec: '*.dta';
  (file := theFileDialog file) notNil
    ifTrue: [foodList := (Food collectFrom: file).
              (self paneNamed: 'ListBox')
                contents: (foodList collect: [:p | p name]).
              (self paneNamed: 'CalorieMeter')
                 setValue: nil; event: #display].
CalorieViewManager method definition • instance
  | theTopPane theListBox theMeterPane theMenuWindow |
  "Set up all panes"
  self addView: (theTopPane := TopPane new).
  theListBox := ListBox new.
  theMeterPane := MeterGraphPane new.
  "Set up the top pane"
  theTopPane owner: self;
    labelWithoutPrefix: 'Demonstration Window';
    addSubpane: theListBox;
    addSubpane: theMeterPane;
    menuWindow: (theMenuWindow := MenuWindow new);
    when: #close perform: #close:;                              
    framingRatio: (1/4 @ (1/3) rightBottom: 3/4 @ (2/3)).  
  "Set up the menu window" 
  theMenuWindow addMenu:                                                 
    (Menu new                                                            
       title: '~Options';                                                
       owner: self;                                                      
       appendItem: '~Food type' selector: #resetListBox;                 
       appendSubMenu: (Menu new                                          
                         title: '~Mode';                                 
                         owner: self;                                    
                         appendItem: '~Fat calories' selector: nil;      
                         appendItem: '~Total calories' selector: nil)).  
  "Set up the list-box pane" 
  theListBox owner: self; 
    paneName: 'ListBox';                                                 
    when: #getContents perform: #initializeListBox:;  
    when: #select perform: #itemSelected:;               
    framingRatio: (2/3 @ 0 rightBottom: 1 @ 1).                  
  "Set up the meter pane" 
  theMeterPane owner: self; 
    paneName: 'CalorieMeter';                                            
    when: #getContents perform: #initializeMeter:;  
    when: #display perform: #callDrawMeter:;  
    framingRatio: (0 @ 0 rightBottom: 2/3 @ 1).