Computational Thinking


Heron of
Heron of Alexandria, who first described an effective algorithm for finding square roots.  
(Image from here)

At a meeting of the Computer Science and Telecommunications Board of the National Research Council, we were discussing what it means to teach computational thinking to everyone, and how that task might differ from teaching mathematical or scientific or engineering thinking.

I had a small thought that it’s hard to lump together all the various ways that one might think computationally. As an example, consider the mundane problem of taking square roots, as taught in our primary through college educational systems.

Sometime in elementary school, I learned the concept of square roots, and was taught a method of guess and check to solve these.  This technique tended to work, perhaps because my teachers were careful to pose problems that required taking the square root of a perfect square.  In fact, the better students learned to iterate (informally) toward a solution rather than blindly guessing, so if, say, the square of a guess was too high, the next guess should be lower.

In about fifth grade, I learned a complicated algorithm that could reliably compute square roots, even of very large or fractional numbers, by decomposing the overall task into a sequence of small guess-and-check problems that I was assured would work.  Actually, I’m still not sure I fully understand why this algorithm worked, but it did, and I took pride in knowing how to perform it.

Sometime later, I learned (and much later taught, as an example of recursion in MIT’s 6.001) the method of Heron of Alexandria, which formalizes the intuition I had developed in my guess-and-check days.  If we are asked to take the square root of y, then the answer will be x such that x2 = y. We make a series of guesses for x, x0, x1, x2, ... so that
xi+1 = average(xi, y/xi)
As an example of Newton’s method, it’s even possible to prove that this will converge to the right answer.

When I was in college and started to program seriously, I learned that standard subroutine libraries did not in fact use any of these methods in their implementation.  Instead, they relied on the limited precision of computer representations of floating point numbers, calculated the rate of convergence of Newton’s method for this problem, and unrolled the recursion to a fixed set of steps that would guarantee convergence to the representable precision in the machine. This approach may compute more of the xi than is necessary, but saves all the overhead of testing for convergence and iterating.  More sophisticated versions may even do a few tests that identify the range of y for which different number of (unrolled) iterations is best, and adjust the initial guess based on some simple computation from the size of y.

Now, all of these techniques represent some kind of systematic thinking. The basic concept of square roots and finding a value that satisfies some equation probably belongs to mathematical thinking.  If algorithms define computation, then the later methods illustrate computational thinking, though Newton would surely have thought of his method as mathematical, computation not yet having acquired a distinct role in his day.  The final one is based more on numerical analysis and thus comes back to mathematics on the one hand and to engineering principles of optimization on the other.

Personally, I am not much of a taxonomist, so my interest is mainly in fostering education where students learn to think logically and systematically, to whatever field we attribute it.  As this little example illustrates, however, there is not one such way to think about problems but an evolving range of them. And this, too, is a lesson worth learning.
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