Ranjit Kumaresan
Welcome! I recently joined Microsoft Research Redmond.
Until October 2016,
I was a postdoc at MIT CSAIL under Prof. Vinod Vaikuntanathan. Previously
I completed my Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Maryland under Prof. Jonathan Katz and a postdoc at the Technion under Prof. Yuval Ishai. I did my undergrad at IIT Madras and was advised by Prof. C. Pandu Rangan.
Contact Information
Email: vranjit@gmail.com
Twitter: @vranjit27
My current research interests are in secure computation and Bitcoin. Recently I have worked on using Bitcoin to design fair protocols. I have also invented several new techniques to improve the efficiency of generic protocols for secure computation. One direction that I'm interested in exploring further is the use of Bitcoin to design cryptographic protocols that offer new capabilities.
Here's my CV.
Here are some recent invited talks:
Contact Information
Email: vranjit@gmail.com
Twitter: @vranjit27
Research Overview
Here's my CV.
Here are some recent invited talks:
- "Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts" (video) at DIMACS in Jun'16
- "Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts" (video) at MSR Redmond in Apr'16
- "How to Use Bitcoin to Enhance Secure Computation" (video) at Workshop on Securing Computation (Simons-Berkeley) in Jun'15.
- Scaling Bitcoin to Support Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts (video) at Scaling Bitcoin Workshop in Sep'15.
Improvements to
Secure Computation with Penalties
with Vinod Vaikuntanathan and Prashant Vasudevan
ACM CCS 2016
with Vinod Vaikuntanathan and Prashant Vasudevan
ACM CCS 2016
Efficient Batched
Oblivious PRF with Applications to Private Set Intersection
with Vladimir Kolesnikov, Mike Rosulek, and Ni Trieu
ACM CCS 2016
with Vladimir Kolesnikov, Mike Rosulek, and Ni Trieu
ACM CCS 2016
Secure Computation with Minimal Interaction, Revisited
with Yuval Ishai, Eyal Kushilevitz, and Anat Paskin-Cherniavsky
Crypto 2015 (slides, talk)
with Yuval Ishai, Eyal Kushilevitz, and Anat Paskin-Cherniavsky
Crypto 2015 (slides, talk)
Amortizing Garbled Circuits
with Yan Huang, Jonathan Katz, Vladimir Kolesnikov, and Alex Malozemoff
Crypto 2014 (slides)
with Yan Huang, Jonathan Katz, Vladimir Kolesnikov, and Alex Malozemoff
Crypto 2014 (slides)
On the Cryptographic Complexity of the Worst Functions
with Amos Beimel, Yuval Ishai, and Eyal Kushilevitz
TCC 2014 (slides, talk)
with Amos Beimel, Yuval Ishai, and Eyal Kushilevitz
TCC 2014 (slides, talk)
Improved OT Extension for Transferring Short Secrets
with Vladimir Kolesnikov
Crypto 2013 (slides, talk)
with Vladimir Kolesnikov
Crypto 2013 (slides, talk)
Multi-Client Non-interactive Verifiable Computation
with Seung-Geol Choi, Jonathan Katz, and Carlos Cid
TCC 2013 (slides)
with Seung-Geol Choi, Jonathan Katz, and Carlos Cid
TCC 2013 (slides)
Efficient Verification of Input Consistency in Server-Assisted Secure Function Evaluation
with Vladimir Kolesnikov and Abdullatif Shikfa
CANS 2012
with Vladimir Kolesnikov and Abdullatif Shikfa
CANS 2012
Improved Secure Two-Party Computation via Information-Theoretic Garbled Circuits
with Vladimir Kolesnikov
SCN 2012
with Vladimir Kolesnikov
SCN 2012
On the Security of the 'Free-XOR' Technique
with Seung Geol Choi, Jonathan Katz, and Hong-Sheng Zhou
TCC 2012 (slides)
with Seung Geol Choi, Jonathan Katz, and Hong-Sheng Zhou
TCC 2012 (slides)
Adaptively Secure Broadcast, Revisited
with Juan Garay, Jonathan Katz, and Hong-Sheng Zhou
PODC 2011 (slides)
with Juan Garay, Jonathan Katz, and Hong-Sheng Zhou
PODC 2011 (slides)
The Round Complexity of Verifiable Secret Sharing: The Statistical Case
with Arpita Patra and C. Pandu Rangan
Asiacrypt 2010 (slides)
with Arpita Patra and C. Pandu Rangan
Asiacrypt 2010 (slides)
Authenticated Broadcast with a Partially Compromised Public Key Infrastructure
with Dov Gordon, Jonathan Katz, and Arkady Yerukhimovich
SSS 2010 (slides)
(Invited to a Special Issue of Information and Computation 2014)
with Dov Gordon, Jonathan Katz, and Arkady Yerukhimovich
SSS 2010 (slides)
(Invited to a Special Issue of Information and Computation 2014)
Improving the Round Complexity of VSS in Point-to-Point Networks
with Jonathan Katz and Chiu-Yuen Koo
ICALP 2008 (slides)
(Appeared in Information and Computation 2009)
with Jonathan Katz and Chiu-Yuen Koo
ICALP 2008 (slides)
(Appeared in Information and Computation 2009)
On Exponential Lower Bound for Protocols for Reliable Communication in Networks
with Kannan Srinathan and C. Pandu Rangan
ICITS 2007
with Kannan Srinathan and C. Pandu Rangan
ICITS 2007
Ph.D. Thesis
Broadcast and Verifiable Secret Sharing: New Security Models and Round
Optimal Constructions
University of Maryland, 2012
Includes results from the following papers (see above for full publication information) and also some additional, unpublished results:
University of Maryland, 2012
Includes results from the following papers (see above for full publication information) and also some additional, unpublished results:
- Adaptively Secure Broadcast, Revisited
- The Round Complexity of Verifiable Secret Sharing: The Statistical Case
- Authenticated Broadcast with a Partially Compromised Public Key Infrastructure
- Improving the Round Complexity of VSS in Point-to-Point Networks
About me

I am on the PC
for Indocrypt
2017, Eurocrypt
2017, CCS
2016, ICITS 2016, and SCN 2016. I was on the PC for ACNS 2015
I'll be speaking
Workshop on Cryptography and Interactions
in Jul'16.
I'll be speaking
at MPC-2016
in Jun'16. Update: Unfortunately I couldn't attend
this workshop.
Presented Scaling Bitcoin to Support Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts at Scaling Bitcoin Workshop at Montreal in Sep'15.
Recent Talks
"How to Use Bitcoin to Play Decentralized Poker" at CCS (Oct'15). See this Medium post by Frank Wang.
"Secure Computation with Minimal Interaction, Revisited" at Crypto (Aug'15).