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3 Results

To evaluate the performance of SWCC-Split-C compared to Split-C, we selected a small number of applications to perform comparisons on. Below we present micro-benchmarks, matrix multiply, and EM3D.

All tests were run on a NOW of 167 MHz UltraSPARC-I nodes.


There are several versions of the cached Split-C implementation, which differ by block size. These are denoted by swcc_(block size), where block size is the number of bytes in a software cache block. For example, swcc_64 refers to the version of cached Split-C using 64 byte blocks. The original, uncached version of Split-C is referred to simply as sc.

3.1 Micro-benchmarks

We use a variety of microbenchmarks to test read and write latencies for different scenarios. At the highest level, a read/write is classified as to a private variable (accessed using a standard load/store) or a shared variable (accessed through a call to the Split-C library). Accesses to shared variables are further classified based on whether the read/write is to a local block (i.e. the requesting node is also the home node) or a remote block (the requesting node is not the home node). The accesses are further classified by what state the block is in on the requesting node and what state the block is in at the home.

The resulting latencies are shown below in Figures 6 and 7. The microbenchmarks access 32 bit integer variables, and the SWCC block size is 8 bytes. The standard Split-C access times for local and remote variables can be compared to the SWCC-Split-C times for the various flavors of each kind of access. Note that the microbenchmarks are designed to give average access times without distinguishing between processor hardware cache hits and misses.

As expected, the software cache coherence protocols add some overhead to shared variable accesses which are local; these latencies are about 2 to 5 times that of standard Split-C. Additionally, an access to a variable which another processor has obtained in the modified state is several orders of magnitude longer because the block must be fetched with a network transaction. When a local shared variable is accessed whose block has not been accessed by any other node (the state is invalid, i.e. not present), our previously described optimizations allow us to satisfy the request in the nodes local memory after a single check in directory hash table. This has a significant performance advantage, and the access takes less than half the time of one which must go to a directory entry. In this case we also don't have to create a new directory entry the first time the variable is accessed, which can take as long as 50us.

The real win comes when a shared variable is accessed whose home is on a remote processor but that is in an appropriate state in the local directory. In this case, SWCC-Split-C satisfies the request locally, while standard Split-C must conduct a network transaction which takes two orders of magnitude longer.

When SWCC-Split-C must go to the home node to satisfy a request, the transaction takes about 50us if the home node has the block in an appropriate state to return to the local node without conducting network transactions with remote nodes. One reason this time is significantly longer than the 30us for standard Split-C is that our implementation uses medium-sized Active Messages to transfer the data block, while standard Split-C uses a short AM to send the variable. Medium-sized Active Messages are designed for send large blocks of data and optimizing for throughput, while short Active Messages optimize for latency [7].

When the home node must send invalidate or flush messages to remote nodes, the latency is about twice as long, depending on the types of messages which must be sent.

Figure 6: Read Micro-Benchmark Results

Figure 7: Write Micro-Benchmark Results

3.2 Matrix Multiply

This application does a matrix multiply: C = A x B. Each matrix is made up of 64bit doubles, and is spread across the processors; each processor is responsible for computing its own portion of the result matrix. There are 3 versions ranging from the most naive implementation to a highly optimized, blocked implementation. We show the performance advantage of software cache coherence for the naive version, and evaluate the advantage of caching as the application becomes more optimized. The varying levels of optimization are described below.

3.2.1 Versions

This is the simplest implementation of matrix multiply. It does stagger the starting point for the vector vector dot products that makes up the inner loop, but it ignores locality, both within a processor and across processors. The Split-C kernel of the naive matrix multiply is given below:

for_my_2D(i,j,l,n,m) {
 double sum = C[i][j];
 kk = MYPROC%r;
 for (k=0;k < r;k++) {
  sum = sum + A[i][kk]*B[kk][j];
  if (kk==r) kk=0;
 C[i][j] = sum;


Here, the multiply is blocked to take advantage of locality within the data. Note that it is not coded for locality across processors. The code uses a bulk split-phase read (bulk_get) to optimize the memory transaction. "matrix_mult" is a call to a local matrix multiply written in c. For the SWCC version, we read the data back into a global array after doing the local matrix multiply. The Split-C kernel of the blocked matrix multiply is given below:

for_my_2D(i,j,l,n,m) {
 double (*lc)[b] = tolocal(C[i][j]);
 kk = 0;
 for (k=0;k < r;k++) {
   bulk_get (la, A[i][kk], b*b*sizeof(double));
   bulk_get (lb, B[kk][j], b*b*sizeof(double));
   kk++; if (kk==r) kk=0;
 #ifdef SWCC
   for (ii=0; ii < b; ii++) {
     for (jj=0; jj < b; jj++) {
       C[i][j][ii][jj] = lc[ii][jj];

Optimized Blocked

This version of the matrix multiply is identical to the previous version except the local matrix multiply has been hand optimized at the level of assembly code.

3.2.2 Algorithm Analysis

In a square matrix multiplication of dimension d, there are 2d3 floating point operations, 2d3 reads, and d3 writes.
Thus, the MFLOP rate is approximately 2d3/(2d3*Tf + 2d3*Trd + d3*Twr) = 1/(Tf + Trd + Twr/2), where Tf, Trd, and Twr are the average times for a floating point operation, a read, and a write respectively.
The data set size for the reads is 2d2, so the number of redundant reads is (2d3 - 2d2).
For a blocked matrix multiply with square blocks of size b, the number of redundant reads is reduced by a factor of b.

3.2.2 Performance Results

Scaling the Number of Processors

Figure 8 below shows the result of the naive matrix multiplication algorithm on 128x128 square matrices with a varying number of processors. The peak rate for this algorithm using a sequential c version on a single processor is about 3.5 MFLOPS. The standard Split-C version is completely dominated by remote memory accesses. The lowest line in the plot shows the expected performance for a matrix multiplication dominated by a 30us read access time, and the standard Split-C version performs only slightly better than this.

The SWCC-Split-C versions take advantage of the redundant memory references, and all perform significantly better than the standard Split-C version. With increasing block size, the performance of the SWCC versions improves due to spatial locality as expected; this effect is shown in Table 1. The maximum rate achieved by the SWCC versions is about 1 MFLOP per processor. This is significantly lower than the sequential version due to the cost of the initial remote fetch of a block, and the protocol overhead after the block is cached locally.

Figure 8: Naive Matrix Multiply, 128x128 square matrices, aggregate MFLOPS vs. number of processors.

shared reads / processor %hits # of misses
swcc_8 229377 97.28 2048
swcc_256 229377 99.91 65
swcc_8192 229377 99.99 3
Table 1: Naive Matrix Multiply, 128x128 square matrices, 8 processors, read statistics

Scaling the Matrix Size

Next we examine scaling the matrix dimensions with a fixed number of processors. Figure 9 below shows the performance results of using 8 processors to multiply square matrices of varying dimensions.

For a naive matrix multiplication of dimension d, the proportion of the total memory reads which are redundant is proportional to d. Thus, as the matrix size is increased, the SWCC read hit percentage goes up as shown in Table 2 below. This behavior causes the local hit time to dominate the performance rather than the remote miss time. In Figure 9, the standard Split-C version achieves no performance improvement because it does not benefit from redundant memory accesses. The SWCC versions do take advantage of the redundant memory reads, and they all improve with increasing matrix dimensions.

We can calculate the predicted ideal MFLOP rate by assuming all reads and writes are SWCC hits. Based on the data from the Micro-Benchmarks, reads take approximately 350ns, and writes take about 180ns. Matrix multiply using standard Split-C on a single processor achieves a rate of 3 MFLOPS, so we estimate that floating point operations along with additional overhead cost 333ns. The ideal rate should then be 1/(Tf + Trd + Twr/2), which is 1.3 MFLOPS per processor. The SWCC versions in Figure 9 approach 1 MFLOP per processor which is a reasonable margin of error from the calculated ideal rate.

We don't know why performance drops off with the largest matrix dimension for the 64 and 256 byte block size versions. There are more directory entries needed with larger matrices; for example with a 256 byte block size, each processor creates 2056 directory entries for 256x256 matrix multiply compared to 8200 directory entries for 512x512 matrix multiply. However, the directory hash table was always big enough to have every entry pointed to directly by the hash table (instead of through a linked list). Still, with more directory entries, the entry pointers will cause more conflicts in the processors L1 hardware cache, which will impact performance. Also, each processor will have to service more block requests from other processors, which will take cycles away from the local program and likewise hurt performance. Or there might be problems with network traffic due to the increased number of messages.

Figure 9: Naive Matrix Multiply, square matrices, 8 processors, aggregate MFLOPS vs. matrix dimension.

shared reads / processor %remote  %hits
8x8 136 41.18  86.03
16x16 1056 42.42  98.67
32x32 8320 43.08  99.58
64x64 66048 43.41  99.82
128x128 526336  43.58 99.91
256x256 4202496  43.66 99.96
512x512 33587200   43.71 99.98
Table 2: Naive Matrix Multiply, 8 processors, swcc_256 stats

Varying the Algorithm

Figure 10 below shows the performance of increasingly optimized various versions of matrix multiply. Note that the versions on the x-axis of the plot are arbitrary, there is no numerical order to the progression. Also note that the y-axis is a log scale.

For the blocked versions, one thing to note is that the blocks are read with a Split-C bulk_get operation. Standard Split-C divides bulk transactions into medium sized Active Messages, but our implementation of SWCC-Split-C divides them up into block size transactions. For the implementation of Active Messages which we use, the medium AM size is 8192, so swcc_8192 is the only really useful basis for comparison.

As shown before, the SWCC performs an order of magnitude better than standard Split-C for the naive version. For blocked matrix multiply with block size b*b, the redundant references are reduced by a factor of b; this affect is shown in Table 3 by the decreasing hit ratio. Due to this decrease, SWCC-Split-C has less opportunity to out-perform Split-C, although swcc_8192 does do better in several cases.

Figure 10: Matrix Multiplication, 512x512 element matrix, 8 processors, various versions:
Version 0 = naive
Version 1 = blocked, 1x1   element blocks (512x512 blocked matrix)
Version 2 = blocked, 4x4   element blocks (128x128 blocked matrix)
Version 3 = blocked, 16x16 element blocks (32x32 blocked matrix)
Version 4 = blocked, 64x64 element blocks (8x8 blocked matrix)
Version 5 = optimized blocked, 16x16 element blocks (32x32 blocked matrix)
Version 6 = optimized blocked, 64x64 element blocks (8x8 blocked matrix)
Version 7 = optimized blocked, 128x128 element blocks (4x4 blocked matrix)

shared reads / processor %remote %hits
naive 33587200 43.71 99.98
blocked 1x1 33554432 43.75 99.97
blocked 4x4 786432 43.75 98.92
blocked 16x16 73728 43.75 88.45
blocked 64x64 16512 43.75 50.05
blocked 128x128 8208 62.50 31.30
Table 3: Matrix Multiplication, 512x512 matrix, 8 processors, swcc_256 statistics

3.3 EM3D

This application models the interaction of electric and magnetic fields on a 3-d object. The program used for benchmarking is actually a simplified version, using a randomly generated graph instead of an actual object to generate the fields and node dependencies. However, it is an accurate representation, as the EM3D application is in practice quite irregular. This makes it difficult for the application programmer to program for locality, possibly making a cached system more desirable.

The em3d application takes several parameters:

Note that the number of nodes denotes how many nodes each processor has. Thus, the computation scales as the number of processors scales.

The application first builds a random graph based on the parameters specified. Each processor is allocated number of nodes e nodes and number of nodes h nodes. For each node, a dependence count is randomly generated, with an average dependence count of degree of nodes. For each dependence, a node to be depended on is selected. First, the remote probability parameter is used to determine if the node to be depended on is remote or local. If it is remote, the dist_span parameter is used to determine on which processor the node should depend on. A random node is then selected from that processor. Note that h nodes only depend on e nodes, and e nodes only depend on h nodes, allowing the computation to be broken into two phases.

Once the graph is created, the main loop is entered:

Here, each processor computes the new values for the nodes it owns. To do this, the dependence list of each node is traversed. Since the nodes may depend on remote nodes, this step may cause remote reads. Note that since each processor computes only its nodes new values, there are no remote writes in the main loop.

For EM3D measurements, each configuration was run 5 times and the average time/iteration was measured. For each run, the number of iterations was 10 and the dist_span was set to 1.

It should be noted that the parameters used may not necessarily be representative of real EM3D problem sets. However, the setup is still useful as a general model of how many parallel programs may communicate.

Scaling Remote Dependency Probability

We first examined the effect that the remote probability had on the applications. Figure 11 below shows the results of an EM3D test with 8 processors, in which each processor has 500 nodes and each node has an average of 40 dependencies. We set the distance span to 1 in order to increase the number of common dependencies which nodes on a processor share.

Figure 11: EM3D, Remote Dependencies vs. Time

shared reads %remote swcc_8 %hits swcc_256 %hits swcc_8192 %hits
0 1160711 0.00 99.83 99.91 100.00
8 1160711 3.58 98.99 99.07 99.82
16 1160711 7.14 98.98 99.05 99.82
24 1160711 10.68 98.98 99.05 99.82
32 1160711 14.23 98.98 99.05 99.82
40 1160711 17.85 98.98 99.05 99.82
Table 4: EM3D, 8 procs, 500 nodes/proc, 40 dep/node, Processor 1 read statistics for various remote dependency averages

unshared local read hit% unshared local write hit%
swcc_8 31.13 15.99
swcc_64 29.70 15.26
swcc_256 23.26 11.95
swcc_1024 11.36 5.83
swcc_8192  0.02 0.01
Table 5: EM3D, 8 procs, 500 nodes/proc, 40 dep/node, Processor 1 Unshared Hit Statistics

We can see that the original Split-C version, sc, scales linearly with the number of remote dependencies. The various SWCC versions have more overhead when there are few remote dependencies. However, once there are more than about 8 remote dependencies per node, the time/iteration is almost constant. With more than 12 remote dependencies per node, the SWCC 8, 64, and 256 versions outperform standard Split-C, as do the 1024 and 8192 versions when there are more than 24 remote dependencies per node.

As the remote probability increases, the number of remote reads that each processor does increases; this effect is demonstrated in Table 4. This is why the running time of the standard Split-C version of EM3D scales linearly with the percentage of remote dependencies.

The advantage that the SWCC versions have is that, increasing the percentage of remote dependencies also increases the probability that two or more nodes on a given processor will depend on the same remote node. This means that once the value of the remote node has been obtained, future accesses will be software cache hits rather than remote memory accesses. Since each processor has a constant number of nodes, the collection of dependencies of the nodes owned by one processor will eventually include every node owned by its neighboring processors. Once this happens, increasing the remote probability will not increase the total number of nodes depended on by the collection of nodes owned by a single processor. This means that the number of remote memory transactions per iteration remains constant, which is why the curves in Figure 11 become flat.

One disadvantage of caching is that at the end of each iteration, a processor must send out invalidate Requests before it can update its nodes which have been read by other processors. A way to avoid this problem is to send updates instead of invalidates at the end of each iteration; this option was explored with Stache [9].

The reason that the SWCC 1024 and 8192 versions perform worse than those with smaller block sizes seems to be an interesting form of false sharing. As described previously, our protocol implementation optimizes shared variable accesses which are local to a processor and for which the software cache block has not been accessed by any other processor. The frequency of this type of access in the EM3D program is shown in Table 5. As the block size increases, it becomes more likely that shared variables which are only used by the owning processor will lie within blocks that are accessed by other processors. This will increase the latency for accessing these variables, and thereby impact performance. Better data layout could potentially alleviate this problem.

Scaling Number of Processors

We next look at how the application scales as the number of processors increases. Remember that the problem size scales with the processors, so the computation per processor remains constant. As the number of processors is increased, the amount of network transactions increases. We fix the percentage of remote dependencies as 24/40, and vary the number of processors from 2 to 16, as shown in Figure 12 below.

Figure 12: EM3D, Number of Processors vs. Time

The SWCC configurations with small block size outperform standard Split-C for each processor configuration tested. It is interesting that the standard Split-C implementation reaches a constant Time/Iter, while the SWCC versions continue to increase. This effect actually seems to be an artifact of our implementation. In our EM3D code, Processor 0 initializes all of the node values. This part of the application isn't timed, but it does cause Processor 0 to obtain all of the shared blocks in a modified state. Then during the first iteration of EM3D, there is contention at Processor 0 for the shared values which scales with the number of processors. Presumably, this one-time effect would diminish with more iterations of EM3D.

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