One twin example case. Manual segmentation is performed on the template frame for placenta, fetal livers and fetal brains. Through our temporal registration, the manual segmentation is propagated to the other frames. The video shows one cross-sectional view of the series with the propagated segmentation outlines.

R. Liao, E. Turk, M. Zhang, J. Luo, E. Adalsteinsson, E. Grant, P. Golland
Temporal Registration in Application to In-utero MRI Time Series.

R. Liao, E. Turk, M. Zhang, J. Luo, E. Grant, E. Adalsteinsson, P. Golland
Temporal Registration in In-Utero Volumetric MRI Time Series.
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2016