Hair Photobooth: Geometric and Photometric Acquisition of Real Hairstyles
Sylvain Paris, Adobe
Will Chang, UCSD
Wojciech Jarosz, UCSD
Oleg Kozhushnyan, MIT CSAIL
Wojciech Matusik, Adobe
Matthias Zwicker, UCSD
Frédo Durand, MIT CSAIL
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2008 (proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH conference)
We accurately capture the shape and appearance of a person's hairstyle. We use triangulation and a sweep with planes of light for the geometry. Multiple projectors and cameras address the challenges raised by the reffectance and intricate geometry of hair. We introduce the use of structure tensors to infer the hidden geometry between the hair surface and the scalp. Our triangulation approach affords substantial accuracy improvement and we are able to measure elaborate hair geometry including complex curls and concavities. To reproduce the hair appearance, we capture a six-dimensional reflectance field. We introduce a new reflectance interpolation technique that leverages an analytical reflectance model to alleviate cross-fading artifacts caused by linear methods. Our results closely match the real hairstyles and can be used for animation.
- Article: full resolution (pdf, 41MB), print resolution (pdf, 4.5MB)
- Slides: ppt (16MB),
pdf (90MB),
ppt and videos (zip, 105MB)
- Videos: results (mov, 184MB),
acquisition setup (mov, 5.8MB),
triangulation data (mov, 23MB),
comparison with visual hulls (mov, 71MB),
linear interpolation (mp4, 6.4MB),
view interpolation (avi, 22MB),
all in one archive (zip, 248MB)
- Data: visit our download page.
We thank Janet McAndless for her help during the acquisition sessions, all the subjects who participated in the project, Peter Sand for the 2D tracking software, Tim Weyrich for helping with the calibration, John Barnwell for his discussions on hardware issues, MERL for providing the acquisition dome, the MIT pre-reviewers, and the anonymous SIGGRAPH reviewers. This work was supported by an NSF CAREER award 0447561. Frédo Durand acknowledges a Microsoft Research New Faculty Fellowship, a Sloan Fellowship, and a generous gift from Adobe.