Perceptual Evaluation of Video-realistic Speech
Gadi Geiger, Tony Ezzat, and Tomaso Poggio, CBCL Paper #224/ AI Memo #2003-003,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, February 2003
Trainable Videorealistic Speech Animation
Tony Ezzat, Gadi Geiger, and Tomaso Poggio, Appeared in Proceedings of
ACM SIGGRAPH 2002, San Antonio, Texas, July 2002.
Older publications:
Visual Speech Synthesis by Morphing Visemes
Tony Ezzat and Tomaso Poggio,
MIT AI Memo No 1658/CBCL Memo No 173. May 1999. [This paper also
appeared as T. Ezzat and T. Poggio. Visual speech synthesis by morphing visemes.
In K. A. Publishers, editor, International Journal of Computer Vision, volume 38,
pages 45--57, 2000.]
MikeTalk: A Talking Facial Display Based on Morphing Visemes
Tony Ezzat and Tomaso Poggio,
Proceedings of the Computer Animation Conference Philadelphia, PA, June 1998.
Videorealistic Talking Faces: A Morphing Approach, Tony Ezzat and Tomaso Poggio,
Proceedings of the Audiovisual Speech Processing Workshop, Rhodes, Greece, September 1997.
Send any comments or questions to Tony Ezzat