A First Look at C++ Program Analyzers
C++ has a well-deserved reputation for power and flexibility. It has an equally well-deserved reputation for complexity; its gotchas are legion. For example, omitting a virtual destructor in a base class typically leads to incomplete destruction of derived class objects when they are deleted through base class pointers (see ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'Item E14'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">Item E14).
Experienced C++ programmers learn to avoid these kinds of problematic
constructs, but experience should not really be necessary: troublesome
C++ can often be detected by static analysis, i.e., by tools that parse
and analyze C++ source code. Such tools are becoming widely available,
and during the summer and fall of 1996, we undertook an investigation to
identify these tools and to assess their capabilities. In this article,
we summarize the initial results of our
We were interested in the following
. We
explicitly ignored tools designed to detect dynamic (runtime)
errors, such as programs that monitor memory usage and report on
leaks, etc. Such tools are important, but they offer functionality
that complements not replaces that of static analysis. We
also ignored products that focus on lexical issues (e.g., identifier
names, indentation style); our interest is in tools that identify
constructs that affect program behavior.
This article addresses only the first two
When we began this project, we were aware of several static analysis
tools for C++, but we suspected there were tools we didn't know about.
To fill the gaps in our knowledge, we posted a request for information
to several Usenet newsgroups, including groups devoted to C++
programming, object-oriented programming, and programming on various
platforms. Based on the responses we received, we identified the
offerings in Table
Vendor | Product | Supported Under |
DOS,Windows,Unix | ||
Unix | ||
Unix | ||
DOS,Windows,Unix | ||
Unix | ||
Unix | ||
Unix | ||
Unix | ||
Unix |
We then attempted to contact the vendors to get information on each
product. We were unable to get in touch with ConSol Software GmbH, so
we eliminated xlint++ from our study. [Note: after this article went to
press, ConSol Software GmbH contacted us, and we have included in Table 3 the information they gave us.] We also eliminated Productivity through
Software's ProLint, because it is fundamentally a GUI wrapper around
Gimpel Software's (command-line based) FlexeLint, and we had already
decided to include FlexeLint in our
That left us with the following seven
tradition. It can check for over 600 potential error conditions in
C and C++ source code, including conditions that affect more than
one translation unit or that require detailed data flow analysis.
To these choices we added our own noncommercial program, CCEL (References), purely for purposes of comparison.
CCEL began as a research project on static analysis of C++ programs
under the direction of one of us (Meyers) and was eventually implemented through independent work by the other (Klaus). We added
CCEL to our investigation because we were familiar with its capabilities
and limitations, and we felt it would be interesting to compare
commercial approaches to our research-based initiative. (Regrettably, the CCEL implementation cannot be made available, not even for research purposes. To find everything about CCEL that is available, consult the references
Our testing of the tools was broken into three
Our results yielded a table showing how well
each tool enforced our benchmark rules on our benchmark
One can imagine many ways to compose a set of benchmark rules for C++
programs, but it is difficult to argue that one set is "better" than
another. As a result, we made no attempt to develop the "best" set of
rules. Instead, we fell back on the fact that one of us (Meyers) has
authored two books containing guidelines for C++ programming (Effective
C++ and More Effective C++), and we chose nearly all our
rules from those
This approach is not as gratuitous as it might appear. Effective
C++ and More Effective C++ have been well-received in the
C++ programming community, and one or both form the basis for many sets
of corporate coding guidelines. In addition, at least two of the static
analysis tools in our investigation are based on these books. Finally,
by drawing our rules from well-known and easily accessible sources, we
avoided the need to explicitly justify individual rules in our benchmark
set. Instead, the justification for nearly every rule is available in
the books, and we simply refer to the appropriate book location as the
rationale for each
We chose 36 rules (34 of which were drawn from Effective C++ or
More Effective C++), which we divided into eight categories.
These rules are listed in Table 2. Each rule begins with its rule number,
followed by a reference to the Item number in either Effective C++
(E) or More Effective C++ (M) from which it is derived. The text of the rule is often different from the text of the book Item, because the book Items tend to be worded too generally to be
General | ||
1 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'E1'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">E1 | Use const instead of #define for constants at global and file scope. |
2 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'M2'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus" >M2 | Use new-style casts instead of C-style casts. |
3 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'M3'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">M3 | Don't treat a pointer to Derived[] as a pointer to Base[] . |
Use of new and delete | ||
4 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'E5'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">E5 | Use the same form for calls to new and delete. (In general, this calls for dynamic analysis, but static analysis can catch some special cases, e.g., calls to new in ctors and to delete in dtors .) |
5 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'E6'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">E6 | When the result of a new expression in a ctor is stored in a dumb pointer class member, make sure delete is called on that member in the dtor . |
6 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'E9'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">E9 | Avoid hiding the default signature for operator new and operator delete . |
Constructors/Destructors/Assignment | ||
7a | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'E11'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">E11 | Declare a copy constructor for each class declaring a pointer data member. |
7b | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'E11'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">E11 | Declare an assignment operator for each class declaring a pointer data member. |
8 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'E12'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">E12 | Initialize each class data member via the member initialization list. |
9 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'E13'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">E13 | List members in a member initialization list in an order consistent with the order in which they are actually initialized. |
10 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'E14'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">E14 | Make destructors virtual in base classes. |
11 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'E15'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">E15 | Have the definition of operator= return a reference to *this . (Note: this says nothing about declarations.) |
12a | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'E16'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">E16 | Assign to every local data member inside operator= . |
12b | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'E16'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">E16 | Call a base class operator= from a derived class operator= .
12c | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'E16'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">E16 | Use the member initialization list to ensure that a base class copy ctor is called from a derived class copy ctor . |
13 | N/A | Don't call virtual functions in constructors or destructors. |
Design | ||
14 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'E19'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">E19 | Use non-member functions for binary operations like +-/* when a class has a converting ctor . |
15 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'E20'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">E20 | Avoid public data members. |
16 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'E22'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">E22 | Use pass-by-ref-to-const instead of pass-by-value where both are valid and the former is likely to be more efficient. |
17a | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'E23'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">E23 | Have operators like +-/* return an object, not a reference. |
17b | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'M6'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">M6 | And make those return values const . |
18 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'E25'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">E25 | Don't overload on a pointer and an int . |
19 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'M33'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">M33 | Make non-leaf classes abstract. |
20 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'M24'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">M24 | Avoid gratuitous use of virtual inheritance, i.e., make sure there are at least two inheritance paths to each virtual base class. |
Implementation | ||
21 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'E29'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">E29 | Don't return pointers/references to internal data structures unless they are pointers/references-to-const. |
22 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'M26'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">M26 | Never define a static variable inside a non-member inline function unless the function is declared extern. [Note: In July 1996, changes to the nascent standard for ANSI/ISO C++ obviated the need for this rule, at least on paper. However, the need still exists in practice, because many compilers continue to heed the older rules that can lead to duplicated variables in inline non-member functions.] |
23 | N/A | Avoid use of "..." in function parameter lists. |
Inheritance | ||
24 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'E37'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">E37 | Don't redefine an inherited non virtual function. |
25 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'E38'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">E38 | Don't redefine an inherited default parameter value. |
Operators | ||
26 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'M5'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">M5 | Avoid use of user-defined conversion operators (i.e., non-explicit single-argument ctors and implicit type conversion operators). |
27 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'M7'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">M7 | Don't overload && , || , or ,. |
28 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'M6'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">M6 | Make sure operators ++ and have the correct return type. |
29 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'M6'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">M6 | Use prefix ++ and when the result of the increment or decrement expression is unused. |
30 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'M22'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">M22 | Declare op= if you declare binary op (e.g., declare += if you declare + , declare -= if you declare - , etc.). One way to satisfy this constraint is by providing a template that yields the appropriate function. |
Exceptions | ||
31 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'M11'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">M11 | Prevent exceptions from leaving destructors. |
32 | ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'M13'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">M13 | Catch exceptions by reference. |
Some of the rules may seem controversial, especially in light of the
C++ found in many popular class libraries. Rule 15 (no public data
members), for example, is widely violated in the Microsoft Foundation
Classes, while almost no library adheres to Rule 19 (make all non-leaf
classes abstract). With the exceptions of Rules 13 and 23 (which, in
this article, we hope are self-explanatory), Effective C++ and
More Effective C++ offer firm technical foundations for each
rule. We believe it is therefore important that programmers be able to
enforce those constraints, even if the majority of programmers choose
not to. Furthermore, our decision to include rules that are commonly
violated helps us evaluate the effectiveness of the tools' filtering
capabilities. (We do not report on this aspect of the tools in this
paper, but it is an important consideration in the practical application
of any tool; see
For each of our 36 rules, we developed a trivial source file seeded
with a violation of the rule. We then executed each tool on each source
file to see if the tools correctly identified the seeded errors. These
source files were truly trivial many were under 10 lines
long. Our goal with these files was not to provide a realistic test of
the tools, it was just to see whether the tools could identify rule
violations in the simplest of cases. (Sometimes this backfired and
yielded misleading results see
As an example, here is the complete source code for the file used to test Rule 20:
// 20 ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'M24'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus" >M24 Avoid gratuitous use of virtual inheritance, i.e., make // sure there are at least two inheritance paths to each // virtual base class. class Base { int x; }; class Derived: virtual public Base {}; Derived d;
Compilers Versus Special Tools
Several people responded to our request for information on static
analysis tools by remarking that they found little need for such
tools. Instead, they wrote, they relied on their compilers to flag
conditions that were likely to lead to trouble. The following comment
In fact, the Gnu compiler was singled out by more than one writer as
being especially good at warning about troublesome C++. This piqued our
curiosity about compiler warnings. How many of our candidate rules
would compilers
To find out, we submitted our benchmark programs to five compilers,
in each case enabling as many warnings as possible. As Table 3 shows,
the results were disappointing. Even g++ identified at most two of the
36 rule violations, and three of the compilers identified none. This
confirmed our impression (based on our experience as C++ programmers)
that compilers are good at many things, but identifying legal, but
potentially troublesome, C++ source code is not one of
The tools in our study allow programmers to specify what conditions
to check for in one of two ways. Most tools follow the lint
whereby the tool is created with the ability to enforce some set of
predefined constraints, and programmers turn these constraints on or
off. There is no way to extend the capabilities of such tools. For
example, a tool is either capable of detecting that an exception may
leave a destructor (Rule 31) or it's not. If it's not, there is no way for a tool user to add that
A different approach, one employed by
We made no attempt to master the various constraint expression
languages used by the different tools, but the examples we saw (see the
appendix) reinforced the lessons we learned
during the design and implementation of CCEL: it's hard to design a
language for expressing constraints on a language as feature-filled as
C++, and given such a constraint language, it's nontrivial to learn to
use it.
Most programmable tools attempt to offer the best of both worlds by
shipping with a set of predefined rule libraries that check for
commonly-desired constraints. This eliminates the need to write rules
to cover common
The results of running the various tools on the collection of benchmark programs is shown in Table 3.
Compilers | Static Analysis Tools | |||||||||||||
Product | Borland C++ | GNU g++ | Visual C++ | SunSoft C++ | Symantec C++ | CodeWizard | PC-Lint | CodeCheck | QA/C++ | CCEL | CodeAdvisor | AcquaProva | Apex C++ | |
Version | 5.0 | 2.7.2 | 10.00.5270 | SC3.0.1 | 7.20B1 | 1.0 | 7.00c | 6.04 | 3.0.1 | N/A | C.05.00 | 1.0 | 2.0.6C | Not Tested |
Options | -w | -ansi -Wall | -W4 | +w2 | -w- | unsuppress all | -w4 | Note 14 | (Defaults) | N/A | (Defaults) | (Defaults) | (Defaults) | Not Tested |
Tested Under | NT 3.51 | SunOS 4.1.4 | NT 3.51 | Solaris 2.5 | NT 3.51 | Solaris 2.5 | NT 3.51 | NT 3.51 | Solaris 2.5 | Solaris 2.5 | Solaris 2.5 | Solaris 2.5 | Solaris 2.5 | |
Rule 1 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | X | X | X | CWP | - | - | C |
Rule 2 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | CWP | X | - | - | - | - | - |
Rule 3 | - | - | - | - | - | - | Note 5 | CWP | - | - | CWP | CD | - | - |
Rule 4 | - | - | - | - | - | Note 4 | - | CWP | Note 4 | - | CWP | CD | - | - |
Rule 5 | - | - | - | - | - | X | X | CWP | - | - | CWP | CD | - | - |
Rule 6 | - | - | - | - | - | X | - | CWP | - | X | CWP | X | Note 3 | - |
Rule 7a | - | - | - | - | - | X | Note 6 | CWP | X | X | Note 6 | X | - | C |
Rule 7b | - | - | - | - | - | X | Note 6 | CWP | X | X | Note 6 | X | - | C |
Rule 8 | - | - | - | - | - | Note 3 | X | Note 11 | X | - | CWP | Note 13 | - | C |
Rule 9 | - | X | - | - | - | X | X | Note 11 | X | - | Note 7 | X | - | C |
Rule 10 | - | Note 2 | - | - | - | Note 3 | Note 10 | Note 2 | Note 2 | X | Note 2 | Note 3 | X | C |
Rule 11 | - | - | - | - | - | Note 3 | - | CWP | Note 3 | - | CWP | X | - | - |
Rule 12a | - | - | - | - | - | X | - | CWP | - | - | CWP | - | - | C |
Rule 12b | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | CWP | - | - | CWP | - | - | - |
Rule 12c | - | - | - | - | - | - | Note 7 | Note 11 | X | - | CWP | - | - | - |
Rule 13 | - | - | - | - | - | - | X | CWP | - | - | X | - | - | - |
Rule 14 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | CWP | - | X | CWP | - | - | - |
Rule 15 | - | - | - | - | - | X | - | CWP | X | X | CWP | X | X | C |
Rule 16 | - | - | - | - | - | X | - | CWP | Note 3 | X | CWP | Note 3 | - | - |
Rule 17a | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | CWP | - | X | CWP | - | - | - |
Rule 17b | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | CWP | - | X |
- | - | - |
- | - | - | - | - |
- |
- | X |
X | - |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - |
- | X |
- | - | - |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | X |
- | - | - |
- | - | - | - | - | X |
- |
- | - | - |
- | - | - | - | - | - |
- |
- | - | - |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | X | X | X |
- | - |
- | - | - | - | - | X | X |
- | X |
X | - |
- | - | - | - | - | X | - | - | - | X |
X | - | - |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - |
- |
- | - | - |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - |
- | X |
X | - |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - |
- | X |
- | - | - |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - |
X | - | - | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - |
- | X |
- | - |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - |
- | - | - | X | - |
Legend | ||
- | The tool failed to detect violations of this rule on our benchmark programs. | |
X | The tool detected the seeded rule violation in our benchmark programs. | |
C | The vendor claims the tool will detect violations of this rule, but we were unable to acquire a copy of the tool to test the claim. | |
CD | The vendor claims the tool will detect violations of this rule dynamically, but we were unable to acquire a copy of the tool to test the claim. | |
CWP | The vendor claims that users can program the tool to detect violations of the constraint. We did not attempt to test the claim. | |
Note 1 | Warning issued that functions containing static variables are not expanded inline. | |
Note 2 | Will note a non virtual desTRuctor in classes with virtual functions. | |
Note 3 | Vendor claims the condition will be detected, but tests exposed at least one failure to do so. | |
Note 4 | A diagnostic is issued only when the calls to new and delete are within the same function. | |
Note 5 | Erroneously diagnosed an error in a valid source file. | |
Note 6 | Doesn't diagnose this particular condition, but uses similar heuristics to identify classes where assignment operators and copy constructors should be declared. | |
Note 7 | A diagnostic is issued that hints at the problem, but the problem is not directly identified. | |
Note 8 | A diagnostic is issued only when the member is initialized in the body of the consTRuctor. | |
Note 9 | (This note is not used.) | |
Note 10 | Attempts to warn about this only when the condition would cause a runtime problem, but tests showed at least one failure to do so. | |
Note 11 | The vendor claims that users can program the tool to detect violations of the constraint, but technical support was unable to describe how when asked. | |
Note 12 | A constraint to enforce the
rule can be written, but the explicit . | |
Note 13 | This condition isn't detected, but use of uninitialized memory is dynamically detected. | |
Note 14 | "-Rcplus" used, but |
Several features in the data are of interest. First, no tool was able
to enforce all our 36 benchmark rules, not even the tools supporting
user-defined constraints. Thus, even the best of currently available
tools offers only partial coverage of C++. This is especially
noteworthy, because our benchmark rules themselves failed to exercise
all major language features; templates are a particularly obvious
Second, the number of benchmark rules that can be enforced without
programming i.e., "out of the box" is at most 17 of 36. (CCEL
supports 19, but CCEL is a discontinued research project, not a commercial
product.) If we speculate that our set of benchmark rules is somehow
representative of the kinds of constraints real programmers might want to
enforce, this suggests that current tools cover at best only about half
those constraints. Of course, automatic enforcement of half a set of
requirements is better than no enforcement at all, but the data in Table 3
suggest that there is much room for increased language coverage by static
analysis tools for
Third, it is not uncommon for there to be subtle mismatches between a benchmark rule and the conditions detected by the analysis tools. In most cases, this is an outgrowth of the vendors' attempts to avoid generating warning messages when no truly harmful condition exists. For example, consider again Rule 10:
Many programmers consider this rule too aggressive, and a common
alternative form of the same rule is
This form has the advantage that no virtual table pointer is added to a
class simply to satisfy the rule (see Items ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'E14'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus" >E14 and ONMOUSEOVER = "self.status = 'M24'; return true" ONMOUSEOUT = "self.status = self.defaultStatus">M24). (This is the rule variant that's employed by the Gnu C++ compiler, by
The motivation for this rule (in any form) is that the following code is
generally harmful if the base class lacks a virtual
class B { ... }; // base class; assume no virtual dtor class D: public B { ... }; // derived class void f(B *p); // f is some function taking a B* D *pd = new D; // pd points to a D f(pd); // pass pd to f, binding pd to p in f void f(B *p) { delete p; // this calls only B's dtor, not D's! }
In truth, this code is only harmful if one or more of the following
At least one tool vendor attempts to issue a diagnostic only if these
more stringent conditions exist, and the conditions do not exist in our
// test program for rule 10 class Base {}; class Derived: public Base {}; int main() { Base *pb = new Derived; delete pb; return 0; }
The tool in question thus issues no diagnostic on our sample program,
but if class Derived
were nontrivial, the tool might issue
This more precise analysis should be beneficial for users, because a
diagnostic should be issued only if a problem truly exists. However,
the rules of C++ can be both complicated and unintuitive, and their
subtlety can cut both ways. In the case of the vendor attempting to
check for the more detailed conditions outlined above, the test for data
members with destructors in the derived class was omitted. Hence,
though the tool avoids issuing warnings in harmless cases, it also
avoids issuing warnings in some rare, but harmful cases. Yet these are
precisely the cases in which static analysis tools that correctly
understand the detailed rules of C++ are most
Another tool had trouble issuing correct diagnostics when
compiler-generated functions default constructors, copy constructors,
assignment operators, and destructors (especially derived class
destructors) were involved. Because of the minimalist nature of our
test cases, our programs had many instances of such functions, and this
led to incorrect results from some
Whether such shortcomings would cause problems when the tools are
applied to real programs is unknown, but it hints at a deeper problem we
found with some of the tools: the vendors didn't seem to understand the
subtleties of C++ as well as they need to. We believe that vendors of
C++ analysis tools must understand C++ as well as compiler vendors, but
based on our experience with the tools in this study, we must report
that such expertise cannot yet be taken for
The results in Table 3 provide insight into the state of existing lint
-like tools for C++ (as of August/September 1996), but it is important to recognize
what they do not show. We were interested only in the capability of
such tools to handle the "++" part of C++, but most of the tools also
provide significant other capabilities. For
instead declare it explicitly, at least one tool will note
violations of that constraint.
In addition, our set of benchmark rules was far from exhaustive.
Some vendors check for C++-specific conditions we didn't consider, and
Table 3 says nothing about such
All this is to say that Table 3 is anything but a "Buyer's Guide."
Furthermore, there are many non-technical characteristics of analysis
tools you should consider before deciding which, if any, is suitable for
your circumstances. The following questions immediately come to
-like tools is an unacceptable
signal to noise
ratio, so it's important that users be given fine-grained control
over what code is analyzed and which diagnostics appear. In fact,
some vendors deliberately decided to avoid offering checks for some
conditions (e.g., the use of preprocessor macros to define
constants our Rule 1), because they felt it would be more
bothersome than useful to their customers. (Respondents to our
newsgroup postings indicated that a bad signal to noise ratio is a
continuing problem, even with some of the tools considered here.)
Our study considered none of these
Finally, it is important to bear in mind that the results in Table 3
are based on tests we performed in August and September, 1996.
Virtually all of the tools we examined are under active development, so
it's likely that new versions of the tools exist even as you read this
report. For example, we know that
A number of analysis tools is now available that read C++ source code
and warn about possible behavioral problems. They cover varying aspects
of C++, though none offers truly comprehensive coverage of the language.
Based on simple tests, we believe that many dangerous C++ constructs can
be detected, though the complexity of C++ leads to incorrect behavior on
the part of some tools, especially where compiler-generated functions
are concerned. C++ analysis tools are under active development, and it
is likely that the data in this article fails to accurately reflect the
current capabilities of the tools we examined. If you are interested in
static analysis tools for C++, we encourage you to contact the vendors
in Table 1, conduct your own tests, come to your own conclusions, and share them with
We are grateful to Jill Huchital and to an anonymous reviewer for their
comments on drafts of this article, and we thank the editorial staff at
Appendix: Constraint Expression Languages |
As an example of the different ways in which constraints on C++ programs
may be expressed, consider our Rule 10. In English, the constraint is:
Make destructors virtual in base classes. When this
constraint is formalized and made amenable to enforcement by computer,
it quickly becomes more complicated.
CCEL offers a fairly succinct way to express this constraint, because
CCEL was specifically designed to make the expression of constraints
like this straightforward. Still, CCEL's formal nature makes it wordier
than English. (It also makes it more precise.) This is Rule 10 in CCEL:
BaseClassDtor ( Class B; Class D | D.is_descendant(B); Assert(MemberFunction B::m; | m.name() == "~" + B.name() && m.is_virtual()); );CCEL embodies a declarative approach to the specification of constraints: you specify what you want to enforce, not how to enforce it. This CCEL constraint can be read like this: For all classes B and all classes D that inherit from B, B must have a member function m such that m is a destructor and m is virtual. Compared to CCEL, all the programmable analysis tools we investigated
are long-winded. That's because they employ a procedural
approach to constraint specification: you write code specifying
how to go about detecting violations of the constraints you
define. In practice, a procedural approach is more powerful, but it's
also more For example, int isBaseClass; int inBase; int inClassHead; char tagList[ MAXLIST ]; if ( dcl_virtual ) { if ( dcl_base == DESTRUCTOR_TYPE ) { if ( tagList[ 0 ] == 0 ) { i = 0; while ( i <= strlen( tag_name() ) ) { tagList[ i ] = tag_name()[ i ]; i++; } } else { p = tagList; while ( 1 ) { if ( p[ 0 ] == 0 ) { i = 0; while ( i <= strlen( tag_name() ) ) { p[ i ] = tag_name()[ i ]; i++; } break; } else { p = p + strlen( p ) +1; } } } } } if ( keyword( "class" ) ) { if ( strcmp( prev_token(), "<" ) != 0 ) { inClassHead = TRUE; } } if ( op_colon_1 ) { if ( inClassHead ) { inBase = TRUE; } } if ( op_separator ) { if ( inBase ) { if ( strcmp( prev_token(), ">" ) != 0 ) { isBaseClass = TRUE; } } } if ( op_open_angle ) { if ( inBase ) { if ( angleLevel == 0 ) { isBaseClass = TRUE; } angleLevel++; } } if ( op_close_angle ) { if ( inBase ) { angleLevel--; if ( angleLevel == 0 ) { isBaseClass = FALSE; } } } if ( isBaseClass ) { p = tagList; while ( p[ 0 ] != 0 ) { if (strcmp( p, prev_token() ) == 0 ) { break; } else { p = p + strlen( p ) + 1; } } if ( p[ 0 ] == 0 ) { warn( 1401, "The destructor of class %s should be declared as virtual.", tag_name() ); } } if ( tag_begin ) { inBase = FALSE; inClassHead = FALSE; }
class Rule_VirtDtorInBaseClass : public Rule { public: virtual int kindMask() const; virtual Language langMask() const; void check(SymbolTable *, const Symbol &); virtual const char *errorMess() const; virtual const char *name() const; }; // This rule is invoked for all "Tag" objects. Tags include all // compound objects, such as Classes, Templates, Structs, Unions, and Enums. // Can't specify a kindMask() of KIND_CLASS, since check() is invoked // only on Symbol objects. Class is not a Symbol; Tag is. int Rule_VirtDtorInBaseClass::kindMask() const { return 1 << KIND_TAG; } // RETURNS A MASK OF THE LANGUAGE(S) THIS RULE APPLIES TO. LANGUAGE RULE_VIRTDTORINBASECLASS::LANGMASK() CONST { RETURN LANGUAGE_CPP; } // FIND ALL BASE CLASSES NOT DECLARING A VIRTUAL DESTRUCTOR. VOID RULE_VIRTDTORINBASECLASS::CHECK( SYMBOLTABLE *, CONST SYMBOL &SYM) { TAG TAG; CLASS CL; // DON'T WANT TO CHECK INSTANCES. THE !TAG.CLASSTYPE(CL) CALL ALSO REJECTS ENUMS. IF (!SYM.SYMBOLTOTAG(TAG) || !TAG.CLASSTYPE(CL) || IS_INSTANTIATED(CL.ATTRIB())) RETURN; // REJECT STRUCTS AND UNIONS, WHICH ARE ALSO REPRESENTED AS CLASSES. IF (WAS_STRUCT(CL.ATTRIB()) || WAS_UNION(CL.ATTRIB())) RETURN; // GET POSSIBLE BASE CLASSES AND DERIVED CLASSES. ATTRIBUTE_ITERATOR(TAG) BCL=CL.BASECLASSES(); ATTRIBUTE_ITERATOR(TAG) DCL=CL.DERIVEDCLASSES(); // REJECT DERIVED CLASSES. ITERATE_BEGIN(BCL) { RETURN; } ITERATE_END(BCL); // CHECK ONLY BASE CLASSES. ITERATE_BEGIN(DCL) { FUNCTIONMEMBER FM; CHAR DTOR_NAME[256]; CHAR MSG[1024]; // DESTRUCTORS CAN BE IDENTIFIED BY THEIR NAME. STRCPY(DTOR_NAME, TAG.NAME()); STRCAT(DTOR_NAME, "::~"); STRCAT(DTOR_NAME, TAG.NAME()); STRCAT(DTOR_NAME, "()"); // BASE CLASS MUST DECLARE A DESTRUCTOR MEMBER FUNCTION THAT IS VIRTUAL. IF (CL.FINDFUNCTIONMEMBER(DTOR_NAME, FM) && IS_VIRTUAL(FM.ATTRIB())) { RETURN; } // ISSUE THE VIOLATION MESSAGE. SPRINTF(MSG, "BASECLASS '%S' SHOULD DECLARE A VIRTUAL DESTRUCTOR", TAG.NAME()); VIOLATION(TAG, MSG); RETURN; } ITERATE_END(DCL); } // RETURNS A ONE-LINE SUMMARY OF THE VIOLATION WITH NO INSTANCE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION. CONST CHAR *RULE_VIRTDTORINBASECLASS::ERRORMESS() CONST { RETURN("BASE CLASS MUST DECLARE A VIRTUAL DESTRUCTOR."); } // RETURNS THE NAME OF THIS RULE. CONST CHAR *RULE_VIRTDTORINBASECLASS::NAME() CONST { RETURN("RULE_VIRTDTORINBASECLASS"); } STATIC RULE_VIRTDTORINBASECLASS INSTANCE; Finally, here's Rule 10 in the constraint expression language advBool advSMNonvirtualDestructor::DoesEntityViolateRule (const advClassStructOrUnionType& t, advDiagnostic& d) const { advBool result = adv_false; do { if (t.HasBaseClasses() && t.HasDestructor()) { if (t.Destructor()->IsCompilerGenerated()) { d << "Class type:" << t << "Base classes without virtual destructors:"; // Make sure that all direct // bases have virtual destructors. (There's no need to check // indirect bases since they will have been checked previously.) class CheckForBaseClassesWithNonvirtualDestructors : public advForEachFunction<advClassStructOrUnionType::BaseClassInfo> { public: CheckForBaseClassesWithNonvirtualDestructors(advDiagnostic& d, advBool& result) : d_(d), result_(result) {} virtual void operator()(const advClassStructOrUnionType::BaseClassInfo& b, advBool&) { if (!b.base_class_.HasDestructor() || !b.base_class_.Destructor()->IsVirtual()) { // A base class with a non-virtual destructor! result_ = adv_true; // Add the offending base class to the diagnostic so that // the user will know what was wrong. d_ << b.base_class_; } // if } private: advDiagnostic& d_; advBool& result_; } check_for_base_classes_with_nonvirtual_destructors(d, result); (void) t.ForEachBaseClass (check_for_base_classes_with_nonvirtual_destructors); } // if } while (adv_false); return result; } |