Names of design patterns appear in small capitals: e.g., ADAPTER. Page numbers in bold indicate the definition of a term. Numbers in italics indicate a diagram for the term. Letters after a diagram's page number indicate the kind of diagram: a "c" denotes a class diagram, an "i" denotes an interaction diagram, and an "o" denotes an object diagram. For example, 88co means that a class and object diagram appears on page 88.


use of STRATEGY323
participant of PROXY 209co, 210
participant of COMMAND 236, 236c, 237i, 238
receiver 361
decoupling from sender 346
implicit 224
Rect 374
Rectangle 20, 20c
recursive composition 36, see also COMPOSITE
iteration over 262
of document structure 36
of graphic elements 163
of part-whole structures 164
redesign, causes of 24
redo, see undo/redo
refactoring 326, 353
reference counting 210
participant of BRIDGE 153c, 154
regular expression 243
representing in Smalltalk 248
RegularExpression 244c
remote proxy, see proxy, remote
RepetitionExpression 244co, 343
implemented in Smalltalk 249
request 11, 361
automatic forwarding of 229
encapsulation of 59, see also COMMAND
guaranteed receipt of 226
representing 227
sequencing 234
Responder 232
black-box 19, 354, 359
by composition 19
by parameterized types 21
by subclassing 19
code 26
designing for 24-25
frameworks 26
internal 25
maximizing 23
of implementation 18
toolkits 26
white-box 19, 354, 362
Rich Text Format 97
robust iterator, see iterator, robust
Room 82c, 83
RTF, see Rich Text Format
RTFReader 97, 97c
RTL Smalltalk compiler
use of COMPOSITE172
use of STRATEGY323