- October 2021 I am starting as a postdoctoral researcher at Brown University. Very excited to be working with the robotics groups here at Brown.
- August 2021: I defended by Ph.D. thesis. The video recording of the defense seminar is available here.
- July 2021: Check out the CSAIL news article on our RSS 2021 paper led by Shen Li.
- January 2021: Our paper on provably safe motion planning with human dynamics led by Shen Li was accepted at RSS 2021!
- March 2020: Check out the MIT news article on Bayes-TrEx.
- Dec 2020: Our work on Bayes-TrEx led by Serena Booth and Yilun Zhou was accepted at AAAI-2021.
- March 2020: Our research on ‘Planning with Uncertain Specifications (PUnS)’ was featured on the MIT home page. Check out the article here.
- Feb 2020: Our paper on ‘Planning with Uncertain Specifications (PUnS)’ has been accepted for publication in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L). It will also be presented at ICRA 2020.
- Dec 2019: My abstract on ‘Interactive Training for Temporal Tasks’ has been accepted at the 2020 HRI Pioneers Workshop.
- June 2019: I will be presenting our work on PUnS at RSS 2019 at the Workshop on Combining Learning and Reasoning (RSS-CLeAR) and at the workshop on Robust Autonomy
- May 2019: I will be presenting my work on leveraging temporal logics for learning from demonstrations at University of Washington.
- March 2019: I will be presenting my work on Bayesian specification inference at CU Boulder on March 21st.
- December 2018: I will be presenting our paper at NeurIPS 2018 on December 4th.
- October 2018: I will be presenting a talk on Bayesian specification inference at Brown University robotics on October 12th.
- September 2018: The paper titled ‘Bayesian inference of temporal task specifications’ has been accepted for a poster presentation at NeurIPS 2018 in Montreal, Canada.