Active Learning for Sampling in Time-Series Experiments: With Applications to Gene Expression Analysis |
Rohit Singh, Nathan Palmer, David Gifford, Bonnie Berger, and Ziv Bar-Joseph |
Many time-series experiments seek to estimate some signal as a
continuous function of time. In this paper, we address the sampling
problem for such experiments: determining which time-points ought to be
sampled in order to minimize the cost of data collection. We restrict
attention to a growing class of experiments which measure multiple
at each time-point and where raw materials/observations are archived
initially, and selectively analyzed later, this analysis being the more
expensive step. We present an active learning algorithm for iteratively
choosing time-points to sample, using the uncertainty in the quality of
the currently estimated time-dependent curve as the objective function.
Our method can handle multiple signals per time-point. By relying on
Cross Validation (LCV) our algorithm handles both uniform and non
response rates. Using simulated data as well as gene expression data,
show that our algorithm performs well, and can signicantly reduce
experimental cost without loss of information.