Selected Publications List (with brief descriptions) -
All Publications
(* for corresponding author or
for my student is first author)
2014 Publications
Quality Score Compression
Improves Genotyping Accuracy |
William Yu, Deniz Yorukoglu, Jian Peng and Bonnie Berger |
Nature Biotechnology, in press. |
Ancient Human Genomes Suggest Three Ancestral Populations
for Present-Day Europeans |
Iosif Lazaridis, Nick Patterson, Alissa Mittnik, Gabriel
Renaud, Swapan Mallick, Karola Kirsanow, Peter H. Sudmant,
Joshua G. Schraiber, Sergi Castellano, Mark Lipson, Bonnie
Berger, et al |
Nature, in press. |
Reconstructing Austronesian
Population History in Island Southeast Asia |
Mark Lipson, Po-Ru Loh, Nick Patterson, Priya Moorjani,
Ying-Chin Ko, Mark Stoneking, Bonnie Berger and David Reich |
Nature Communications (2014),
http://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2014/05/27/005603, preprint. |
Improving Power in GWAS
while Addressing Confounding from Population Stratification
with PC-Select |
George Tucker, Alkes L. Price and Bonnie Berger * |
Genetics, in press. |
HapTree: A novel Bayesian Framework for Single Individual
Polyplotyping using NGS Data |
Emily Berger, Deniz Yorukoglu, Jian Peng and Bonnie Berger |
Computational Biology
Published: March 27, 2014
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003502, also accepted for presentation RECOMB 2014. |
A Quantitative Chaperone Interaction Network Reveals the
Architecture of Cellular Protein Homeostasis Pathways |
Mikko Taipale, George Tucker, Jian Peng, Irina Krykbaeva,
Zhen-Yuan Lin, Brett Larsen, Hyungwon Choi, Bonnie Berger,
Anne-Claude Gingras *, and Susan Lindquist * |
Cell, in press. |
and Parameter Estimation: From Experimental Design Methods
to Gene Regulatory Network Kinetics using a Community Based
Approach |
Pablo Meyer, Thomas Cokelaer, Deepak Chandran, Kyung Hyuk
Kim, Po-Ru Loh, George Tucker, Mark Lipson, Bonnie Berger,
Clemens Kreutz, Andreas Raue, Bernhard Steiert, Jens Timmer,
Erhan Bilal, DREAM 6&7 Parameter Estimation consortium,
Herbert M Sauro, Gustavo Stolovitzky, and Julio Saez-Rodriguez |
BMC Systems Biology
2014, 8:13
http://www.biomedcentral.com/1752-0509/8/13#sec8 |
Simultaneous Alignment and Folding of Protein Sequences |
Jerome Waldispuhl, Rolf Backofen, Charles W. O'Donnell,
Sebastian Will, Srini Devadas and Bonnie Berger |
Journal of Computational Biology, in press. |
Ancient West Eurasian Ancestry in Southern and Eastern
Africa |
Joseph K. Pickrell, Nick Patterson, Po-Ru Loh, Mark Lipson,
Bonnie Berger, Mark Stoneking, Brigitte Pakendorf and David
Reich. |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111, 7
(2014): 2632-2637
http://www.pnas.org/citmgr?gca=pnas;111/7/2632 |
2013 Publications
HapTree: A novel Bayesian Framework for Single Individual
Polyplotyping using NGS Data |
Emily Berger, Deniz Yorukoglu, Jian Peng and Bonnie Berger |
Computational Biology
Published: March 27, 2014
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003502, also accepted for presentation RECOMB 2014. |
Traversing the K-mer Landscape of NGS Read Datasets for
Quality Score Sparsification |
Y. William Yu, Deniz Yorukoglu and Bonnie Berger |
Accepted presentation for RECOMB 2014
http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-05269-4_31 |
Genetic Determinants of Phosphate Response in Drosophlia |
Clemens Bergwitz *, Mark J. Wee, Sumi Sinha, Joanne Huang,
Charles DeRobertis, Lawrence B. Mensah, Jonathan Cohen, Adam
Friedman, Meghana Kulkarni, Yanhui Hu, Arunachanlam
Vinayagam, Michael Schnall-Levin, Bonnie Berger, Lizabeth A.
Perkins, Stephanie E. Mohr and Norbert Perrimon. |
PLoS ONE 8, 3 (2013): e56753
http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0056753 |
Genetic Evidence for Recent Population Mixture in India |
Priya Moorjani *, Kumarasamy Thangaraj *, Nick Patterson, Mark Lipson,
Po-Ru Loh, Periyasamy Govindaraj, Bonnie Berger, David Reich
and Lalji Singh. |
The American Journal of Human Genetics, 93,5 (2013):422-438 |
Reconstruction of Phyletic Trees by Global Alignment of
Multiple Metabolic Networks |
Cheng-Yu Ma, Shu-Hsi Lin, Chi-Ching Lee, Chuan Yi Tang,
Bonnie Berger and Chung-Shou Liao |
BMC Bioinformatics, 14 (2013) Suppl 2:S12
http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/14/S2/S12# |
Reconstructing Roma History from Genome-Wide Data |
Priya Moorjani, Nick Patterson, Po-Ru Loh, Mark Lipson,
Peter Kisfali, Bela I. Melegh, Michael Bonin, L'udevit
Kadasi, Olaf Rieb, Bonnie Berger *, David Reich *, and Bela
Melegh |
PLoS One
8 3 (2013): e58633
http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0058633 |
Inferring Admixture Histories of Human Populations Using
Linkage Disequilibrium |
Po-Ru Loh
, Mark Lipson, Nick Patterson, Priya Moorjani,
Joseph K. Pickrell, David Reich * and Bonnie Berger * |
Mon. 1 Apr 2013 13:03:15 -0400,
http://www.genetics.org/content/193/4.cover-expansion |
2012 Publications
The Genetic Prehistory of Southern Africa |
Joseph K. Pickrell, Nick
Patterson, Chiara Barbieri, Falko Berthold, Linda Gerlach,
Tom Gόldemann, Blesswell Kure, Sununguko Wata Mpoloka,
Hirosi Nakagawa, Christfried Naumann, Mark Lipson, Po-Ru Loh,
Joseph Lachance, Joanna Mountain, Carlos Bustamante, Bonnie
Berger, SarahTishkoff, Brenna Henn, Mark Stoneking, David
Reich, and Brigitte Pakendorf |
Nature Communications 16 (2012)3:1143
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23072811 |
A computational framework for
boosting confidence in high-throughput protein-protein
interaction datasets |
Raghavendra Hosur , Jian Peng, Arunachalam Vinayagam, Ulrich
Stelzl, Jinbo Xu, Norbert Perrimon, Jadwiga Bienkowska, and
Bonnie Berger * |
Genome Biology 13 (2012) R76
http://genomebiology.com/content/pdf/gb-2012-13-8-r76.pdf |
A gene expression profile of stem cell
pluripotentiality and differentiation is conserved across
diverse solid and hematopoietic cancers |
Nathan Palmer , Patrick Schmid, Bonnie Berger * and Isaac Kohane |
Genome Biology 13 (2012) 8:R71
http://genomebiology.com/2012/13/8/R71 |
SMURFLite: combining simplified markov random
fields with simulated evolution improves remote homology
detection for beta-structural proteins into the twilight
zone |
Noah M. Daniels, Raghavendra Hosur, Bonnie Berger * and
Lenore Cowen * |
Bioinformatics 28 (2012) 9:1216-1222
http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/28/9/1216.full |
Making sense out of massive data by going
beyond differential gene expression |
Patrick Schmid , Nathan Palmer, Isaac Kohane and Bonnie
Berger * |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109
(2012) no. 15:5549-5906
http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2012/03/21/1118792109 |
MetaMerge: Scaling up genome-scale metabolic
reconstructions with application to mycobacterium
tuberculosis |
Leonid Chindelevich
, Sarah Stanley, Deborah Hung, Aviv Regev
and Bonnie Berger * |
Genome Biology 13 (2012) r6
http://genomebiology.com/2012/13/1/r6 |
STITCHER: Dynamic assembly of likely amyloid
and prion beta-structures from secondary structure
predictions |
PROTEINS: Structure, Function Bioinformatics (2012) 80 no. 2 |
Structure-based whole genome realignment
reveals many novel non-coding RNA's |
Sebastian Will, Michael Yu and Bonnie Berger |
Proc 16th Annual International Conference on Research in Molecular
Biology, LNCS (2012) Abstract only |
2011 Publications
Genomics in 2011: challenges and
opportunities |
Davis Adams, Bonnie Berger, Olivier Harismendy, Curtis
Huttenhower, X Shirley Liu, Chad Myers, Alicia Oshlack, John
Rinn and Marian Walhout |
Genome Biology 12 (2011):137.
http://genomebiology.com/2011/12/12/137 |
An integrative approach to ortholog
prediction for disease-focused and other functional studies |
Yanhui Hu, Ian Flockhart, Arunachalam Vinayagam, Clemens
Bergwitz, Bonnie Berger, Norbert Perrimon and Stephanie E.
Mohr. |
BCM Bioinformatics (2011) 12 357
http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/12/357 |
Building quantitative prediction models for
tissue residue of two explosives compounds in earthworms
from microarray gene expression data |
Ping Gong, Po-Ru Loh, Natalie Barker, George Tucker, Nan
Wang, Chen Jua Zhang, B. Lynn Escalon, Bonnie Berger and
Edward Perkins |
Environmental Science and Technology (2011) Aug 8. Epub ahead of
print. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21776976 |
Multicoil2: Predicting coiled coils and their
oligomerization states from sequence in the twilight zone |
Jason Trigg , Karl Gutwin, Amy E. Keating* and Bonnie Berger* |
ONE (2011) 6 8:e23519
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0023519 |
Proteomic and functional genomic landscape of
receptor tyrosine kinase and Ras/ERK signaling |
A. A. Friedman, G. Tucker, R. Singh, D. Yan,
A. Vimayagam, Y. Hu,
R. Binari, P. Hong, X. Sun, M. Porto, S. Pacifico, T. Murali, R. L.
Finley, Jr., J. M. Asara, B. Berger and N. Perrimon. |
Science Signaling
4, no. 196 (2011): p.rs 10
DOI:10.1126/scisignal.2002029 |
A method for probing the mutational landscape
of amyloid structure. |
Charles W. O'Donnell
, Jerome Waldispόhl, Mieszko Lis, Randal
Halfmann, Srinivas Devadas, Susan Lindquist and Bonnie
Berger* |
Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular
Biology & 19th European Conference on Computational Biology ISMB/ECCB
2011, Bioinformatics.
doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btr238 |
Structure-based prediction reveals capping motifs that
β-helix aggregation. |
Allen W. Bryan, Jr.
, Jennifer Starner-Kreinbrink,
Raghavendra Hosur, Patricia Clark* and Bonnie Berger* |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2011) 108,
27: 11099-11104
10.1073/pnas.1017504108 |
Opposing effects of glutamine and asparagine govern prion
formation by intrinsically disordered proteins. |
Randal Halfmann, Simon Alberti, Rajaraman Krishnan, Nicholas
Lyle, Charles W. O'Donnell, Oliver D. King, Bonnie Berger,
Rohit V. Pappu and Susan Lindquist* |
Molecular Cell (2011)
doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2011.05.013 |
Efficient traversal of protein folding pathways using
ensemble models |
Solomon Shenker, Charles W. O'Donnell, Srinivas Devadas,
Bonnie Berger* and Jerome Waldispόhl* |
Notes in Computer Science (2011) Vol. 6577, 408-423
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-20036-6_38 |
Metabolic network analysis demystified |
Leoind Chindelevich , Aviv Regev and Bonnie Berger* |
Lecture Notes
in Computer Science (2011) Vol. 6577 ISBN 978-3-642-20035-9
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p. 31 (Abstract only).
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-20036-6_3 |
2010 Publications
Identification of functional elements and regulatory
circuits by drosophila modENCODE |
Science (2010) 330:6012, 1787-1797 DOI:
Conserved microRNA targeting in drosophila is as widespread
in coding regions as in 3' UTRs |
Michael Schnall-Levin , Yong Zhao, Norbert Perrimon* and
Bonnie Berger* |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2010) 107:36,
15751-15756 |
Phenotype prediction in DREAM5 via regression variants |
Po-Ru Loh
George Tucker, Michael Yu and Bonnie Berger* |
Winner, DREAM5 Challenge 3B Competition. Presented at RECOMB 2010
Systems Biology Satellite Conference |
Sparse estimation for structural variability |
Raghavendra Hosur , Rohit Singh and Bonnie Berger* |
Algorithms for Molecular Biology (2011) 6:12 Selected for fast-track
publication in AMB from WABI 2010. |
Struct2Net: A web service to predict protein-protein
interactions using a structure-based approach |
Rohit Singh , Daniel Park, Jinbo Xu, Raghavendra Hosur, and
Bonnie Berger* |
Acids Research (2010) 38 (suppl 2): W508-W515
iWRAP: An interface threading approach with application to
prediction of cancer related protein-protein interactions |
Raghavendra Hosur , Jinbo Xu, Jadwiga Bienkowska* and Bonnie
Berger* |
of Molecular Biology (2010)
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmb.2010.11.025 |
Inference of RhoGAP/GTPase regulation using single-cell
morphological data from a combinatorial RNAiScreen |
Oaz Nir
, Chris Bakal, Norbert Perrimon and Bonnie Berger* |
Genome Research
20: 372-380
Local optimization for the global alignment of protein
interaction networks |
Leonid Chindelevitch
, Chung-Shou Liao and Bonnie Berger* |
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (2010) p.123-132
10.1142/9789814295291_0015 |
Markov random fields reveal an N-terminal double
beta-propeller motif as part of a bacterial hybrid
two-component sensor system |
Matt Menke
, Bonnie Berger* and Lenore Cowen* |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2010) www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.0909950107 |
2009 Publications
Large-scale identification of genetic design strategies
using local search |
Desmond S. Lun, Graham Rockwell, Nicholas J. Guido, Michael
Baym, Jonathan A. Kelner, Bonnie Berger, James E. Galagan
and George M. Church* |
RNAiCut: automated detection of significant genes from
functional genomic screens |
Irene Kaplow
, Rohit Singh, Adam Friedman, Chris Bakal,
Norbert Perrimon* and
Bonnie Berger* |
RNAmutants: a web server to explore the mutational landscape
of RNA secondary structures |
Jerome Waldispόhl, Srinivas Devadas, Bonnie Berger* and
Peter Clote* |
Nucleic Acids Research (2009) 37:46, W281-W286 |
Vectorial Transport and Folding of an Autotransporter
Virulence Protein during Outer Membrane Secretion |
Mirco Junker,
Andrew McDonnell, Bonnie Berger, Ti Li, Ning Zheng and
Patricia Clark |
Simultaneous alignment and folding of protein sequences |
Jerome Waldispόhl, Charles W. O'Donnell, Sebastian Will, Srinivas Devadas, Rolf Backofen and Bonnie Berger* |
A practical
platform for blood biomarker study by using global gene
expression profiling of peripheral whole blood |
Ze Tian,
Nathan Palmer, Patrick Schmid, H. Yao, Michal Galdzicki,
Bonnie Berger*, Erxi Wu* and Isaac S. Kohane
PLoS One 2009; 4 (4) PMID 19381341 |
dissection of PDGF-PDGFR signaling pathways in PDGFR genetically
defined cells |
Erxi Wu, Nathan Palmer, Ze Tian, Annie P.
Moseman, Michal Galdzicki, Xuetao Wang, Bonnie Berger,
Hongbing Zhang and Isaac S. Kohane*
PLoS ONE Computational
Biology 3 (11):
http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0003794 |
IsoRankN: spectral methods for global alignment of multiple
protein networks |
Chung-Shou Liao, Kanghao Lu, Michael Baym, Rohit Singh and
Bonnie Berger* |
Bioinformatics 2009 25: i253 - i258. |
2008 Publications
Revealing the spatial distribution of a disease while
preserving privacy |
Shannon Wieland, Christopher Cassa, Kenneth Mandl* and Bonnie Berger* |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2008) 105:46, 17608-17613. |
Global alignment of multiple protein interaction networks with
applications to functional orthology detection |
Rohit Singh, Jinbo Xu and Bonnie Berger* |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2008) 105:35, 12763-12768. |
http://www.pnas.org/content/105/35/12763.full |
High-resolution modeling of cellular signaling networks |
Michael Baym, Chris Bakal, Norbert Perrimon and Bonnie Berger* |
Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (2008) LNBI 4955, 257-271 |
http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-78839-3_22 |
Inverting the
viterbi algorithm: An abstract framework for structure design |
Michael Schnall-Levin, Leonid Chindelevitch and Bonnie Berger* |
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Machine Learning (2008). |
http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1390270 |
2007 Publications |
Predicting and annotating catalytic residues: An information
theoretic approach |
Beckett Sterner, Rohit Singh and Bonnie Berger* |
Journal of Computational Biology 14 no. 8,
1058-73. |
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
publisher's site |
Influence Flow: Integrating
pathway-specific RNAi
data and protein interaction data |
Rohit Singh and Bonnie Berger* |
15th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB)
& 6th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB), July 2007 Please cite this paper as "Personal Communication", as per the guidelines of the PLoS track at ISMB. |
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
publisher's site |
global alignment of protein interaction networks by matching
neighborhood topology |
Rohit Singh, Jinbo Xu and Bonnie Berger* |
Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Research
in Computational Molecular Biology (2007): Lecture Notes in Computer
Science 4453, 16-31. |
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
publisher's site |
Lthreader: Prediction of
ligand-receptor interactions using localized threading |
Vinay Pulim, Jadwiga Bienkowska* and Bonnie Berger* |
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing
(2007) 12, 64-75. |
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
publisher's site |
modeling of systematic errors in two-hybrid experiments |
David Sontag, Rohit Singh and Bonnie Berger* |
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing
(2007) 12, 445-457. |
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
bibTeX citation |
Automated real time constant-specificity surveillance for disease outbreaks |
Shannon C. Wieland, John S Brownstein, Bonnie Berger* and Kenneth D. Mandl*
Medical Informatics and Decision Making (2007) 7, 15. |
abstract |
euclidean minimum spanning trees for the dectection
of all disease cluster shapes |
Shannon C Wieland, John S Brownstein, Bonnie Berger* and Kenneth D. Mandl* |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2007) 104, 9404-9409. |
abstract |
A Parameterized algorithm for protein structure alignment |
Jinbo Xu*, Feng Jiao and Bonnie Berger* |
Journal of Computational Biology (2007) 14 (5), 564-577 Also appeared in RECOMB 2006. |
abstract |
ensembles of transmembrane beta-barrels proteins |
Jerome Waldispühl#, Charles W. O'Donnell#, Srinivas Devadas, Peter Clote and Bonnie Berger* (# authors equally contributed) |
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 71 no. 3, 1097-1112. |
doi:10.1002/prot.21788 |
beta-helix folding mechanism suggests common themes
for the secretion and folding of autotransporter proteins |
Mirco Junker, Christopher Schuster, Andrew McDonnell, Kelli Sorg, Mary Finn, Bonnie Berger and Patricia Clark* |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2006) 103, 4918-4923. |
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
publisher's site |
Struct2Net: Integrating
structure into protein-protein interaction prediction |
Rohit Singh, Jinbo Xu and Bonnie Berger* |
In Proceedings of the 11th Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (2006) 403-414. |
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
Publisher's Site
protein networks and their interaction with the human
proteome |
Peter Uetz, Yu-An Dong , Christine Zeretzke, Christine Atzler, Armin Baiker,
Bonnie Berger, Seesandra Rajagopala, Maria Roupelieva, Dietlind Rose, Even Fossum
and Jürgen Haas* |
Science (2006), 13 January, 311, 239-242; published online 7 December 2005 [DOI: 10.1126/science.1116804] (in Reports). |
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
Publisher's Site |
recognition and accurate sequence-structure alignment of sequences directing
beta-sheet proteins |
Andrew V. McDonnell, Matthew Menke, Nathan Palmer, Jonathan King, Lenore Cowen* and Bonnie Berger* |
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, (2006) 63, 976-985. |
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
A Parameterized
algorithm for protein structure alignment |
Jinbo Xu*, Feng Jiao and Bonnie Berger* |
In Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology RECOMB (2006) 488-499. |
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
Publisher's Site |
transmembrane β-barrels and inter-strand residue
interactions from sequence |
Jerome Waldispühl, Bonnie Berger*, Peter Clote* and Jean-Marc Steyaert |
PROTEINS: Structure, function and Bioinformatics (2006) 65, 61-74. |
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
Publisher's Site |
TransFold: a
web server for predicting transmembrane β-barrels and
inter-strand residue interactions from sequence |
Jerome Waldispühl, Bonnie Berger*, Peter Clote* and Jean-Marc Steyaert |
Acids Research (Web Server Issue) (2006) 34, W189-W193. |
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
Publisher's Site |
Fast and
accurate algorithms for protein side-chain packing |
Jinbo Xu and Bonnie Berger* |
of the ACM (2006) 53:4, 533 -557. |
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
specificity surveillance for real-time outbreak detection |
Shannon C. Wieland, Bonnie Berger and Ken D. Mandl |
Mortal Wkly Rep (2005) 54 Suppl, 206. |
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
tree decomposition approach to protein structure prediction |
Jinbo Xu and Bonnie Berger* |
Proceedings of IEEE CSB 2005 (2005): 247-256. |
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
Local rule simulations of
capsid assembly |
Russell Schwartz, Peter W. Shor and Bonnie Berger* |
of Theoretical Medicine (June 2005) 6 no. 2, 81-85. |
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
learning for sampling in time-series experiments: with
applications to gene expression analysis |
Rohit Singh, Nathan Palmer, David Gifford, Bonnie Berger and Ziv
Bar-Joseph* |
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International Conference on Machine
Learning (2005) 833-840. |
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
ChainTweak: Sampling from the
neighborhood of a protein conformation |
Rohit Singh and Bonnie Berger* |
In Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Symposium on Biocomputation (2005) 52-63. |
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
Wrap-and-Pack: A
new paradigm for beta xtructural motif recognition with zpplication to recognizing
beta trefoils |
Matthew Menke, Eben Scanlon, Jonathan King, Lenore Cowen* and Bonnie Berger* |
Journal of Computational Biology (2005) 12 no. 6, 777-795. |
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
Methods in
comparative genomics: genome correspondence, gene identification, and motif
Manolis Kellis, Nick Patterson, Bruce Birren, Bonnie Berger* and Eric S. Lander* |
Journal of Computational Biology (2004) 11 no.2-3, 319-355. |
bibTeX citation |
Multiple sequence alignments for statistical detection of RNA secondary
Alex Coventry, Daniel J. Kleitman and Bonnie Berger*
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2004) 101 no. 33, 12102-12107. |
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
publisher's site |
2003 Publications |
comparative annotation and regulatory motif discovery in multiple yeast species |
Manolis Kellis (Kamvysselis), Nick Patterson , Bruce Birren, Bonnie Berger and Eric Lander
In Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology RECOMB (2003) 157-166.
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
publisher's site |
Predicting the beta-helix
from protein sequence data
Lenore Cowen, Philip Bradley, Matthew Menke, Jonathan King and Bonnie Berger*
J of Computational Biology (2002) 9, 261-276.
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
publisher's site |
whole-genome shotgun assembler |
Serafim Batzoglou
, David B. Jaffe
, Ken Stanley
, Jonathan Butler
, Sante Gnerre
, Evan Mauceli
, Bonnie Berger
, Jill P. Mesirov and Eric S. Lander
Genome Research
) 12 no. 1, 177
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
publisher's site |
TRILOGY: Discovery of
sequence-structure patterns across diverse proteins |
Philip Bradley, Peter S. Kim and Bonnie Berger*
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2002) 99, 8500-8505.
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
publisher's site |
BETAWRAP: Successful
prediction of parallel beta-helices from primary sequence reveals an association with many
microbial pathogens |
Philip Bradley, Lenore Cowen*, Matthew Menke, Jonathan King* and Bonnie Berger*
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2001) 98 no. 26, 14819-14824.
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
publisher's site |
rule mechanism for selecting icosahedral shell geometry |
Bonnie Berger*, Jonathan King, Russell S. Schwartz and Peter W. Shor
Discrete Applied Mathematics (2000) 104 no. 1, 97-111.
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
rules' theory applied to polyomavirus polymorphic capsid assemblies |
Russell S. Schwartz, Robert L. Garcea and Bonnie Berger*
Virology (2000) 268 no. 2, 461-470.
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
publisher's site |
Human and
mouse gene structure: comparative analysis and application to exon prediction |
Serafim Batzoglou, Lior Pachter, Jill Mesirov, Bonnie Berger* and Eric S. Lander*
Genome Research (2000) 10, 950-958.
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
publisher's site |
Sequencing a
genome by walking with clone-end sequences: a mathematical analysis |
Serafim Batzoglou, Bonnie Berger, Jill Mesirov and Eric S. Lander*
Genome Research (1999) 9 no. 12, 1163-1174.
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
publisher's site |
On the
structure of the scaffolding core of bacteriophage T4 |
Bonnie Berger*, G. W. Hoest, J. Paulson and Peter W. Shor
Journal of Computational Biology (1999) 6 no. 1, 1-12.
bibTeX citation |
Reconstructing a
three-dimensional model with arbitrary errors |
Bonnie Berger*, Jon Kleinberg and Tom Leighton
Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery (1999) 46 no.
2, 212-235.
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
publisher's site |
computational evidence for coiled-coil-like motifs in many viral membrane fusion
proteins |
Mona Singh, Bonnie Berger* and Peter S. Kim*
Journal of Molecular Biology (1999) 290 no. 5, 1031-1041.
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
publisher's site |
A dictionary
based approach for gene annotation |
Lior Pachter, Serafim Batzoglou, Valentin Spitkovsky, Eric Banks, Eric S. Lander, Daniel J. Kleitman and Bonnie Berger*
Journal of Computational Biology (1999) 6 no. 3, 419-430.
bibTeX citation |
cost construction of sparse neighborhood covers |
Baruch Awerbuch, Bonnie Berger, Lenore Cowen and David Peleg
SIAM Journal on Computing (1998) 28 no. 1, 263-277.
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
publisher's site |
On the
structure of the scaffolding core of bacteriophage T4 and its role in head-length
determination |
Bonnie Berger* and Peter W. Shor
Journal of Structural Biology (1998) 121 no. 3, 285-294.
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
publisher's site |
rules simulation of the kinetics of virus capsid self-assembly
Russell Schwartz, Peter W. Shor, Peter E. Prevelige and Bonnie Berger*
Biophysical Journal (1998) 75 no. 1, 2626-2636.
abstract |
bibTeX citation |
publisher's site |
learning reveals coiled coil-like motifs in histidine kinase linker domains
Mona Singh, Bonnie Berger, Peter S. Kim, J.M. Berger and A.G.Cochran*
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA (1998) 95 no. 6, 2738-2743.
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folding in the hydrophobic-hydrophilic (HP) model is NP-complete |
Bonnie Berger* and Tom Leighton
Journal of Computational Biology (1998) 5 no. 1, 27-40.
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developments in computational gene recognition |
Serafim Batzoglou, Bonnie Berger*, Daniel J. Kleitman, Eric S. Lander and Lior Pachter
Documenta Mathematica: Journal der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (1998) Extra Volume ICM I, 649-658.
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modeling of cascade amorphization in network structures using local rules
L.W.Hobbs, Esther Jesurum, Vinay Pulim and Bonnie Berger
Material Science and Engineering (1998) A 253 no. 1, 16-29.
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modeling of topologically-disordered tetrahedral structures using local approaches |
Esther Jesurum, Vinay Pulim, Bonnie Berger and L. Hobbs
Materials Science Forum (1997) 239, 37-40.
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MultiCoil: A
program for predicting two and three stranded coiled coils
Ethan Wolf, Peter S. Kim* and Bonnie Berger*
Protein Science (1997) 6 no. 6, 1179-1189.
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An iterative
method for improved protein structural motif recognition |
Bonnie Berger and Mona Singh
Journal of Computational Biology (1997) 4 no. 3, 261-273.
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distributed network decomposition |
Baruch Awerbuch, Bonnie Berger, Lenore Cowen and David Peleg
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (1996) 39 no. 2, 105-114.
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freedom, topological disorder, and the irradiation-induced amorphization of ceramic
L.W. Hobbs, A.N. Sreeram, Esther Jesurum and Bonnie Berger
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B (1996) 116 no. 1, 17-25.
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Algorithms for
protein structural motif recognition |
Journal of Computational Biology (1995) 2 no. 1, 125-138.
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optimal algorithms and bounds for multilayer channel routing |
Bonnie Berger, Martin Brady, Donna Brown and Tom Leighton
Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery (1995) 42 no. 2, 500-542.
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coiled coils by use of pairwise residue correlations |
Bonnie Berger, David B. Wilson, Ethan Wolf, Theodore Tonchev, Maria Milla and Peter S. Kim*
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA (1995) 92, 8259-8263.
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A local
rule based theory of virus shell assembly |
Bonnie Berger, Peter W. Shor, Lisa Tucker-Kellogg and Jonathan King*
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA (1994) 91 no. 16, 7732-7736.
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diameter graph decomposition is in NC |
Baruch Awerbuch, Bonnie Berger, Lenore Cowen and David Peleg
Random Structures and Algorithms (1994) 5 no. 3, 441-452.
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Efficient NC
algorithms for set cover with applications to learning and geometry
Bonnie Berger, John Rompel and Peter W. Shor
Journal of Computer and System Sciences (1994) 49 no. 3, 454-477.
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Simulating (logc n)-wise
independence in NC
Bonnie Berger and John Rompel
Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery (1991) 38 no. 4, 1026-1046.
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A better
performance guarantee for approximate graph coloring |
Bonnie Berger and John Rompel
Algorithmica (1990) 5 no. 3, 459-466.
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