Influence Flow: Integrating Pathway-specific RNAi data and Protein
Interaction Data
Rohit Singh and Bonnie Berger.
> Understanding the detailed structure of signaling sub-systems is a
> major biological challenge. Often, the core cascade of the sub-system
> is well-understood and our goal is to ascertain the other
> genes/proteins involved and the corresponding network topology (e.g.,
> the MAP Kinase signaling network). Towards this goal, we describe
> influence flow: a novel method for generating high-confidence
> hypotheses about a specific signaling network's topology. These
> hypotheses may then be used to direct further experiments.
> Our method combines pathway-specific RNA interference (RNAi) data with
> genome-wide protein interaction networks. The RNAi data is generated
> from a functional genomic screen of a specific signaling pathway.
> These screens work as follows: a known end-effector gene of the
> pathway is chosen as the reporter gene (e.g., Erk in the MAPK
> pathway). Every other gene in the genome is systematically
> knocked-down using RNAi and the effect on the reporter is measured.
> The experiment produces a list of genes (hits) that significantly
> influence the reporter and, for each hit, a score indicating the
> relative strength of its influence. The second input to our method is
> genome-wide protein-protein interaction (PPI) data (protein-DNA
> interactions can also be included). To minimize false negatives in PPI
> data, we use computational methods to predict new PPIs from other data
> sources and from PPI data in other species. To mitigate the impact of
> false positives in the data, we can estimate confidence values for
> each edge in the PPI network and take these into account during our
> computations. Given these inputs, we search for a directed acyclic
> protein network such that all its edges are consistent with the input
> PPI data, all its nodes and their relative placement is consistent
> with the RNAi data. Furthermore, we require that the output topology
> reflect the following biological intuition: for most proteins not in
> the core cascade, their influence on the end-effector protein is
> transmitted via the core cascade. Specifically, given an input PPI
> network N, an RNAi reporter gene T, the corresponding list of RNAi
> hits L = {i} and their scores S = {s_i }, our desired network G must
> satisfy the following conditions A1-A4 and be optimal under condition
> A5:
> A1. All the nodes in G are present as RNAi hits (i.e. in L).
> A2. Each edge in G is directed. Also, each directed arc a->b in G is
> either in the core cascade or corresponds to an edge a--b in N.
> A3. Every node in G has a directed path to the target gene T.
> A4. Nodes closer to T should have higher RNAi scores. If G has an arc
> a->b that is not part of the core cascade, then s_a < s_b .
> A5. For most nodes, the path(s) towards T should be routed through
> the core cascade, i.e., the last segment of the path(s) should only
> contain edges from the known core cascade.
> The optimal network G must satisfy A1-A4 and have the maximum number
> of nodes that satisfy A5. We compute this solution by formulating an
> integer linear program (ILP), borrowing ideas from the multi-commodity
> network flow literature. The constraints A1-A5 are quite simple; yet,
> the inferred influence flow network contains surprisingly plausible
> hypotheses. When supplied only a part of the known MAPK cascade (in
> fly), our method can successfully discover the other known components.