Transmembrane β-barrel (TMB) proteins are embedded in the outer
membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts. The
cellular location and functional diversity of β-barrel outer
membrane proteins (omps) makes them an important protein class.
At the present time, very few non-homologous TMB structures have been
determined by X-ray diffraction because of the experimental
difficulty encountered in crystallizing transmembrane proteins. A
novel method using pairwise inter-strand residue statistical
potentials derived from globular (non-outer-membrane) proteins is
introduced to predict the supersecondary structure of transmembrane β-barrel proteins. The algorithm transFold employs a
generalized hidden Markov model (i.e. multi-tape S-attribute grammar)
to describe potential β-barrel supersecondary structures and then
computes by dynamic programming the minimum free energy β-barrelstructure. Hence, the approach can be viewed as a ``wrapping''
component which may capture folding processes with an initiation stage
followed by progressive interaction of the sequence with the
already-formed motifs. This approach differs significantly from
others, which use traditional machine learning to solve this problem,
because it does not require a training phase on known TMB structures
and is the first to explicitly capture and predict long-range
interactions. TransFold outperforms previous programs for
predicting TMBs on smaller (<200 residues) proteins and matches
their performance for straightforward recognition of longer
proteins. An exception is the multi-meric porins where the algorithm
does perform well when an important functional motif in loops is
initially identified. We verify our simulations of the folding process
by comparing them with experimental data on the functional folding of
TMBs. A webserver running transFold is available and outputs
contact predictions and locations for sequences predicted to form