Some FTM RTT Related Papers and Web Links
Using Time of Flight (ToF) for Geolocation
“Facing the obstructed path problem in indoor TOA-based ranging between IEEE 802.11 nodes,”
M. Ciurana and F. Barcelo-Arroyo
IEEE 19th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications,
2008 October
“WiFi FTM and Map Information Fusion for Accurate Positioning,”
Leor Banin, Uri Schatzberg, and Yuval Amizur,
International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN),
Alcale de Henares, Spain,
2016 October 4-7.
“Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Location brings Wi-Fi indoor positioning capabilities,”
Wi-Fi Alliance,
2017 Feburary 22.
“High-Accuracy Indoor Geolocation using Collaborative Time of Arrival (CToA),”
Leor Banin, Ofer Bar-Shalom, Nir Dvorecki, and Yuval Amizur,
2017 September.
“Reference Positioning Engine & Measurements Database for Indoor Time-Delay Wi-Fi Client Positioning,”
Leor Banin, Ofer Bar-Shalom, Nir Dvorecki, and Yuval Amizur,
2018 April.
“How to achieve 1-meter accuracy in Android,”
Frank Van Diggelen, Roy Want and Wei Wang, Google,
2018 July 3
“Testing Wifi RTT on Android P for Indoor Positioning,”
James Cobb, CrowdConnected,
2018 September 13.
“Scalable Wi-Fi Client Self-Positioning Using Cooperative FTM-Sensors,”
Leor Banin, Ofer Bar-Shalom, Nir Dvorecki, and Yuval Amizur,
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,
2018 October.
“Verification: Accuracy Evaluation of WiFi Fine Time Measurements on an Open Platform,”
Mohamed Ibrahim, Hansi Liu, Minitha Jawahar, Viet Nguyen, Marco Gruteser, Richard Howard, Bo Yu, and Fan Bai,
2018 October 29 - November 2,
New Delhi, India.
“A Machine Learning Approach for Wi-Fi RTT Ranging,”
Nir Dvorecki, Ofer Bar-Shalom, Leor Banin and Yuval Amizur,
Proceedings of the 2019 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation,
2019 January 28-31,
Hyatt Regency, Reston, Reston Virginia.
“A Robust Dead Reckoning Algorithm Based on Wi-Fi FTM and Multiple Sensors,”
Yue Yu , Ruizhi Chen, Liang Chen, Guangyi Guo, Feng Ye and Zuoya Liu,
Remote Sensing,
Vol. 11, No. 5, 2019 March.
“Massive MIMO-based Localization and Mapping Exploiting Phase
Information of Multipath Components,”
Xuhong Li, Magnus Oskarsson, Kalle Åström, and Fredrik Tofvesson,
IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications,
2019 June.
IEEE 802.11mc (a.k.a. IEEE 802.11-2016)
“Next Generation Positioning --- Beyond Indoor Navigation,”
Jonathan Segev, Carlos Aldana, Naveen Kakani, Rolf de Vegt, Gal Basson, Ganesh Venkatesan, and Gaby Prechner,
IEEE 11-14/1193r0, 2014
“Addition of p802.11-MC Fine Timing Measurement (FTM) to p802.1AS-Rev”,
Kevin Stanton and Carlos Aldana,
2015 March 9.
“FTM Parameters for 802.1AS”,
Carlos Aldana,
2016 January
“Discussion of New State Machines and Specifications for
Transport of Time Sync in 802.1AS using 802.11 FTM”,
Geoffrey M. Garner and Carlos Aldana,
2016 March.
“Security Enhancement to FTM,”
Qi Wang, Nehru Bhandaru and Matthew Fiischer
2016 July.
IEEE 802.11-2016 - IEEE Standard for Information technology--Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks--Specific requirements - Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications
“IEEE 802.1AS REV D5.0 Review Comments”,
Ganesh Venkatesan,
2017 September 10.
“Status of 802.1AS-Rev/D5.1 and Questions on Several Items Needing Resolution / Revision”,
Geoffrey Garner,
2017 November 8.
“Derivation of FTM Parameters in 12.6 of 802.1AS-Rev”,
Geoffrey M. Garner
2018 October 28.
Relative Permittivity of Building Materials
“Electromagnetic Signal Attenuation in Construction Material”,
William Stone et al (NIST), 1997 Oct.
“Propagation Losses Through Common Building Materials - 2.4 GHz
vs 5 GHz”,
Robert Wilson
Magis Networks,
2002 August.
“Complex Permittivity of Planar Building Materials Measured with an
Ultra-Wideband Free-Field Antenna Measurement System”,
Ben Davis, Chriss Grosvenor, Robert Johnk, David Novotny, James Baker-Jarvis, and Michael Janezic,
Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Volume 112, Number 1,
2007 January-February.
“Millimeter Waves Sensing behind Walls - Feasibility
Study with FEL”,
B. Kapilevich, M. Einat, A. Yahalom, M. Kanter, B. Litvak, A. Gover,
Proceedings of FEL 2007,
Novosibirsk, Russia.
“Building Materials and Propagation Final Report - Ofcom”,
Richard Rudd, Ken Craid, Martin Ganley, and Richard Hartless,
2014 September 14.
Super Resolution for Time of Arrival (ToA)
“Super-Resolution TOA Estimation with Diversity for Indoor Geolocation,”
Xinrong Li and Kaveh Pahlavan,
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,
vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 224-234,
2004 January.
“Time of Arrival Estimation for WLAN Indoor Positioning Systems
using Matrix Pencil Super Resolution Algorithms,”
Ali Aassie Ali and A.S. Omar,
Proc. 2nd Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communications (WPNC),
“Super-Resolution Time Delay Estimation in Multipath Environments,”
F. X. Ge, D. Shen, Y. Peng and V. O. K. Li,
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I,
vol. 54, no. 9,
pp. 1977-1986,
2007 September.
“Super-Resolution Time of Arrival for Indoor Localization,”
David Humphrey, and Mark Hedley,
Proc. IEEE Communications Society 2008 (ICC),
2008 May.
“Prior Models for Indoor Super-Resolution Time of Arrival Estimation,”
David Humphrey, and Mark Hedley,
Proc. IEEE 69th Conference: Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC),
2009 May.
“High Resolution Time of Arrival Estimation for a Cooperative Sensor System,”
C. Morhart and E.M. Biebl,
Advances in Radio Science, Vol. 8, pp. 61-66, 2010.
“Use of Super Resolution Algorithms for Indoor Positioning
Keeping Novel Designed WLAN Signal Structure,”
Tariq J.S. Khanzada, Ali R. Ali, and Sameh A. Napoleon,
“Super-Resolution Time of Arrival Estimationm Using Random Resampling in Compressed Sensing,”
Masanari Noto, Fang Shang, Shoukei Kidera, and Tetsuo Kirimiti,
IEICE Trans. Commun.,
Vol E101-B, No. 6,
2018 June
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Berthold K.P. Horn,