Research on Robotics
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I served as Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Circuits in the Simon Bolivar University in the period 2010-2012. The following summarizes my teaching and advising activities.
As Teacher Assistant at the Circuits & Electronics Department ( of the Simon Bolivar University ( (2008-2010), I took part of the following courses:
Solaeche-Estrada, R; Pérez-D’Arpino, C; Cappelletto-Fuentes J.; Medina-Meléndez, W.: Desarrollo de Laboratorio basado en Matlab® como apoyo a la docencia de Principios de Robótica en Ingeniería. Congreso Iberoamericano de Enseñanza en Ingeniería. / Development of a Matlab®-based laboratory as a support for teaching Robotics Principles to Engineering Students. Latin-American Congress of Education in Engineering.. Margarita, Venezuela (2009)
Abstract. In the context of teaching robotics principles to students of Production Engineering at the Simon Bolivar University, it has been developed a laboratory based on Matlab®-Simulink® software. This laboratory allowed students to reinforce in practice sessions the knowledge gained in classes using tools of simulation and programming of a real manipulator. The laboratory sessions were designed to pursue specific objectives and active participation of the student (learning-by-doing) that at the end of the course allowed the student to be able to design an industrial manipulator. The laboratory sessions include concepts such as elementary rotations, homogeneous transformation matrices, direct kinematics using Denavit-Hartenberg’s convention, inverse kinematics, dynamics of industrial manipulators, modeling and selection of DC motors and trajectory planning. In this work, it is shown all laboratory sessions as well as the findings and details of experience gained through the use of the laboratory as a support for teaching robotics.