Han-Pang Chiu
201 Washington Rd |
I am currently working as a senior computer scientist in the
Vision and Robotics Laboratory at SRI
International Sarnoff (formerly Sarnoff Corporation, and RCA Laboratories).
Before I joined SRI, I was a postdoctoral researcher in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
(CSAIL) at MIT, where I worked with
Profs. Tomas Lozano-Perez and Leslie Pack Kaelbling (LIS lab homepage) on machine vision for
robotics. I got my Ph.D from MIT in February 2009.
My research interests are computer vision, sensor fusion, machine
learning, and mobile robotics. Specifically, my research (see demos and
projects) focuses on
real-time 3D pose estimation with large-area mapping using moving cameras and other
sensors, with applications to robot navigation and
augmented reality. Past projects
included 3D object pop-up,
grasping objects from a single image,
and multi-view
object class recognition. Currently, I am
providing technical leadership to develop real-time navigation algorithms and
systems needed for rapid integration and reconfiguration of any combination of
sensors. This work seeks to enable low cost, robust, and seamless navigation
solutions for users on any operational platform and in any environment.
Before I started my research career in computer science, I
received an MBA degree in Management Information System (MIS) from National Taiwan University. During my
time in business school, I learned how to turn technologies into services and
products for users.