Library Labels
Require Import SfLib.
Require Import LibTactics.
Require Import NameSet.
Inductive label : Set :=
| l_tau: label
| l_in: name→label
| l_out: name→label
Delimit Scope label_scope with label.
Bind Scope label_scope with label.
Module Notation.
Notation "'τ'" := (l_tau) (no associativity) : label_scope.
Notation "a !" := (l_out a) (no associativity, at level 20, p at level 21, format "a !") : label_scope.
Notation "a ?" := (l_in a) (no associativity, at level 20, p at level 21, format "a ?") : label_scope.
End Notation.
Definition fnl l : nameset := match l with
| l_tau ⇒ NameSet.empty
| l_in a ⇒ NameSet.singleton a
| l_out a ⇒ NameSet.singleton a
Definition bnl l := match l with
| l_tau ⇒ NameSet.empty
| l_in a ⇒ NameSet.empty
| l_out a ⇒ NameSet.empty
Definition nl l := NameSet.union (fnl l) (bnl l).
Lemma label_eq_dec: ∀ (l1 l2: label) , {l1=l2}+{l1≠l2}.
Proof. repeat decide equality. Qed.
Lemma label_tau_deq: ∀ l, {l=l_tau}+{l≠l_tau}.
Proof. intros; eapply label_eq_dec; eauto. Qed.
Lemma label_eq (l1 l2: label): {l1=l2}+{l1≠l2}.
Proof. decide equality; apply name_eq. Qed.
Fixpoint interleaving {A:Type} (part: list (sum unit unit)) (l1 l2: list A) := match part with
| inl tt::part ⇒ match l1 with
| a::l1 ⇒ a::interleaving part l1 l2
| _ ⇒ l2
| inr tt::part ⇒ match l2 with
| a::l2 ⇒ a::interleaving part l1 l2
| _ ⇒ l1
| _ ⇒ l1++l2
Lemma interleaving_r_nil: ∀ {A:Type} lp la1,
interleaving lp la1 (@nil A) = la1.
induction lp; simpl; intros; auto.
apply app_nil_r.
destruct a; destruct u; auto. destruct la1; auto.
Lemma interleaving_l_nil: ∀ {A:Type} lp l2,
@interleaving A lp nil l2 = l2.
induction lp; intros; simpl; auto.
destruct a; destruct u; auto; destruct l2; auto; congruence.
Lemma interleaving_com: ∀ {A:Type} lp l1 l2,
(length lp = length l1 + length l2)%nat →
@interleaving A (map (fun p ⇒ match p with inl tt ⇒ inr tt | inr tt ⇒ inl tt end) lp) l1 l2 = interleaving lp l2 l1.
induction lp; intros; auto.
destruct l1; destruct l2; simpl; auto; try solve [false; simpl in H; omega].
destruct a; destruct u.
destruct l1; destruct l2; simpl in *; auto.
rewrite interleaving_l_nil; rewrite interleaving_r_nil; auto.
rewrite IHlp; auto. simpl in ×. omega.
destruct l1; destruct l2; simpl in *; auto.
rewrite IHlp; auto.
rewrite IHlp; auto.
Lemma interleaving_app: ∀ {A:Type} l1 l2,
@interleaving A (map (fun _⇒ inl tt) l1 ++ map (fun _⇒ inr tt) l2) l1 l2 = l1++l2.
Proof. induction l1; simpl; intros; auto; f_equal; auto; apply interleaving_l_nil. Qed.
Require Import LibTactics.
Require Import NameSet.
Inductive label : Set :=
| l_tau: label
| l_in: name→label
| l_out: name→label
Delimit Scope label_scope with label.
Bind Scope label_scope with label.
Module Notation.
Notation "'τ'" := (l_tau) (no associativity) : label_scope.
Notation "a !" := (l_out a) (no associativity, at level 20, p at level 21, format "a !") : label_scope.
Notation "a ?" := (l_in a) (no associativity, at level 20, p at level 21, format "a ?") : label_scope.
End Notation.
Definition fnl l : nameset := match l with
| l_tau ⇒ NameSet.empty
| l_in a ⇒ NameSet.singleton a
| l_out a ⇒ NameSet.singleton a
Definition bnl l := match l with
| l_tau ⇒ NameSet.empty
| l_in a ⇒ NameSet.empty
| l_out a ⇒ NameSet.empty
Definition nl l := NameSet.union (fnl l) (bnl l).
Lemma label_eq_dec: ∀ (l1 l2: label) , {l1=l2}+{l1≠l2}.
Proof. repeat decide equality. Qed.
Lemma label_tau_deq: ∀ l, {l=l_tau}+{l≠l_tau}.
Proof. intros; eapply label_eq_dec; eauto. Qed.
Lemma label_eq (l1 l2: label): {l1=l2}+{l1≠l2}.
Proof. decide equality; apply name_eq. Qed.
Fixpoint interleaving {A:Type} (part: list (sum unit unit)) (l1 l2: list A) := match part with
| inl tt::part ⇒ match l1 with
| a::l1 ⇒ a::interleaving part l1 l2
| _ ⇒ l2
| inr tt::part ⇒ match l2 with
| a::l2 ⇒ a::interleaving part l1 l2
| _ ⇒ l1
| _ ⇒ l1++l2
Lemma interleaving_r_nil: ∀ {A:Type} lp la1,
interleaving lp la1 (@nil A) = la1.
induction lp; simpl; intros; auto.
apply app_nil_r.
destruct a; destruct u; auto. destruct la1; auto.
Lemma interleaving_l_nil: ∀ {A:Type} lp l2,
@interleaving A lp nil l2 = l2.
induction lp; intros; simpl; auto.
destruct a; destruct u; auto; destruct l2; auto; congruence.
Lemma interleaving_com: ∀ {A:Type} lp l1 l2,
(length lp = length l1 + length l2)%nat →
@interleaving A (map (fun p ⇒ match p with inl tt ⇒ inr tt | inr tt ⇒ inl tt end) lp) l1 l2 = interleaving lp l2 l1.
induction lp; intros; auto.
destruct l1; destruct l2; simpl; auto; try solve [false; simpl in H; omega].
destruct a; destruct u.
destruct l1; destruct l2; simpl in *; auto.
rewrite interleaving_l_nil; rewrite interleaving_r_nil; auto.
rewrite IHlp; auto. simpl in ×. omega.
destruct l1; destruct l2; simpl in *; auto.
rewrite IHlp; auto.
rewrite IHlp; auto.
Lemma interleaving_app: ∀ {A:Type} l1 l2,
@interleaving A (map (fun _⇒ inl tt) l1 ++ map (fun _⇒ inr tt) l2) l1 l2 = l1++l2.
Proof. induction l1; simpl; intros; auto; f_equal; auto; apply interleaving_l_nil. Qed.