Teaching and Mentoring
This year, I am the EECS Teaching Development Fellow, working to support TAs developping their teaching skills and navigating the new online learning reality. This position is supported by the Teaching and Learning Lab and the EECS department at MIT. If you are an EECS TA, please do no hesitate to contact me.
I am also mentoring Lola Wolf through the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP). We are working on a BGP hijacking related project.
Previous Experience
- In Spring 2020, I followed the Kaufman Teaching Certificate Program to improve my teaching skills based on the latest scholarship of teaching and learning in STEM. If you are a grad student at MIT interested in teaching, I highly recommend the program.
- In May 2019, I was an instructor in the Beautiful Patterns pilot in Chile. This program seeks to introduce computational thinking and programming to high-school children from low-income communities, to inspire them to pursue STEM degrees after school.
- In Fall 2015, I was a Teaching Assitant for 6.805: Foundations of Information Policy, taught by Danny Weitzner and Hal Abelson.
- During my undergrad, I was a recitation instructor and grader for Intro to Mechanichs and Multivariate Calculus.