Package netcom.util

Class Summary
AddressPort Title: This is a class in Java 1.4 recreated here for 1.3 compatibility
AuthenticationEntry A data type which contains login information Consists of a username and a password
BloomFilter Title: Bloom Filter
BloomUpdate Title: Bloom Update Packet
LDAPCommunicator Title: LDAPCommunicator
MD5 Implementation of RSA's MD5 hash generator
NodeEntry New data type that contains information about an MDSCloud Node ( MDS or MDSProxy) Contains a set of accessor/modifier methods in order to handle every field that is needs to be stored on LDAP
Props Title: NETCOM Properties
SQueue implements a FIFO queue of Objects
Util This class contains static utility methods used throughout the program
WrappedInputStream This input stream works in conjunction with the WrappedOutputStream to introduce a protocol for reading arbitrary length data in a uniform way.
WrappedOutputStream This output stream works in conjunction with the WrappedInputStream to introduce a protocol for sending arbitrary length data in a uniform way.