I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at MIT.
My advisor is Prof. Dina Katabi. I develop machine learning models, algorithms, and systems to understand human motion patterns with sensor signals.
I also worked with Prof. Piotr Indyk on machine learning for algorithm design, and with Prof. Tommi Jaakkola on self-supervised learning with multimodal data.
Before coming to MIT, I received my B.S. in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University (NTU), where I worked with Prof. Homer H. Chen and Prof. Chun-Ting Chou.
Email: cyhsu@csail.mit.edu
Sapple (ICLR'20) was covered by: Tech Crunch, Engadget, DailyMail, MIT news, and other media outlets.
Covid-19 health monitoring was covered by: Tech Crunch, Engadget, CSAIL news, VentureBeat, and other media outlets.
LearnedSketch (ICLR'19) was covered by: Forbes, The Next Web, VentureBeat, MIT news, and other media outlets.
Marko (CHI'19) was covered by: World Economic Forum, EurekAlert, India TV, MIT news, and other media outlets.
WiGait was covered by: Tech Crunch, IEEE spectrum, Boston Magazine, Gizmodo, The Verge, Daily Mail, MIT news, and other media outlets.
White House Demo was covered by: The White House Press Office, MIT News, NBC News, The Wall Street Journal and other media outlets.
RF-Capture was covered by: Washington Post, BBC, NBC, CBS, CNBC, Boston Globe, Business Insider, Huffington Post, Discovery News, Daily Mail, Popular Science, Gizmodo, Popular Mechanics, The Verge, Quartz, Ars Technica, and other media outlets.