I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at MIT.

My advisor is Prof. Dina Katabi. I develop machine learning models, algorithms, and systems to understand human motion patterns with sensor signals.

I also worked with Prof. Piotr Indyk on machine learning for algorithm design, and with Prof. Tommi Jaakkola on self-supervised learning with multimodal data.

Before coming to MIT, I received my B.S. in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University (NTU), where I worked with Prof. Homer H. Chen and Prof. Chun-Ting Chou.

Email: cyhsu@csail.mit.edu

[2020.04] I successfully defended my PhD!
[2020.04] My work has been used to let doctors monitor COVID-19 patients from a distance (Tech Crunch, Engadget, VentureBeat).
[2019.09] I spent a wonderful summer at Waymo developing new computer vision and machine learning models for self-driving cars.

Selected Projects

New! Self-Supervised Learning of Appliance Usage
Chen-Yu Hsu, Abbas Zeitoun, Guang-He Lee, Dina Katabi, Tommi Jaakkola
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR'20)
[Website] [Paper] [Video] [Talk (5 minutes)] [Code] [News]

New! Learning-Based Frequency Estimation Algorithms
Chen-Yu Hsu, Piotr Indyk, Dina Katabi, Ali Vakilian
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR'19)
[Website] [Paper] [Code] [News]

New! Enabling Identification and Behavioral Sensing in Homes using Radio Reflections
Chen-Yu Hsu, Rumen Hristov, Guang-He Lee, Mingmin Zhao, Dina Katabi
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'19)
[Website] [Paper] [Video] [Slides] [News]

RF-Based Fall Monitoring Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Yonglong Tian*, Guang-He Lee*, Hao He*, Chen-Yu Hsu, Dina Katabi (*=equal contribution)
ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp'18 / IMWUT)

Duet: Estimating User Position and Identity in Smart Homes using Intermittent and Incomplete RF-Data
Deepak Vasisht, Anubhav Jain, Chen-Yu Hsu, Zachary Kabelac, Dina Katabi
ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp'18 / IMWUT)
[Paper] [News]

Zero-Effort In-Home Sleep and Insomnia Monitoring using Radio Signals
Chen-Yu Hsu, Aayush Ahuja, Shichao Yue, Rumen Hristov, Zachary Kabelac, Dina Katabi
ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp'17 / IMWUT)
[Website] [Paper] [Slides]

Extracting Gait Velocity and Stride Length from Surrounding Radio Signals
Chen-Yu Hsu, Yuchen Liu, Zachary Kabelac, Rumen Hristov, Dina Katabi, Christin Liu
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'17)
[Paper] [Slides] [Demo Video] [News]

Capturing the Human Figure Through a Wall
Fadel Adib, Chen-Yu Hsu, Hongzi Mao, Dina Katabi, Frédo Durand
ACM Transactions on Graphics (ACM SIGGRAPH Asia'15)
[Website] [Paper] [Demo Video] [News]

Analysis of the Effect of Calibration Error on Light Field Super-Resolution Rendering
Kuang-Tsu Shih, Chen-Yu Hsu, Cheng-Chieh Yang, Homer H Chen
IEEE International Conference onp Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'14)

An Adaptive Multichannel Protocol for Large-Scale Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Networks
Chen-Yu Hsu, Chi-Hsien Yen, Chun-Ting Chou
IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC'13)

TDTOS: T-Shirt Design and Try On System
Chen-Yu Hsu*, Chi-Hsien Yen*, Wei-Chiu Ma*, Shao-Yi Chien (*=equal contribution)
Asia-Pacific Workshop on FPGA Applications, 2012
[Paper] [Demo Video] [News]

Journal paper

An Adaptive Multichannel Protocol for Large‐Scale Machine‐to‐Machine Networks
Chi‐Hsien Yen, Chen‐Yu Hsu, Chun‐Ting Chou
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2015

Honors & Awards

Project demoed at TED 2018 main conference (2018)
CSAIL Research highlights (2017)
Project demoed at The First-Ever White House Demo Day (2015)
First Place, CSAIL Amazing Research Highlights Competition (2015)
National Science Council College Student Research Creativity Award, National Science Council, Taiwan (2013)
Third Prize, NTUEE Undergraduate Outstanding Reports of Special Projects, NTU (2013)
Best Popularity Award & Honorary Mention, NTU Innovation and Creation Contest, NTU (2013)
Presidential Award (x3), NTU (2010, 2012 Spring, 2012 Fall)
International Champion, Altera Innovate Asia Workshop and Design Contest - International Final (2012)
First Prize, Altera Innovate Asia Workshop and Design Contest - Taiwan (2012)
Silver Medal, Interdisciplinary Training Program for Talented College Students in Science (2011)


Irwin Mark Jacobs and Joan Klein Jacobs Presidential Fellowship, MIT (2014)
Undergraduate Research Participation Program Fellowship, National Science Council, Taiwan (2013)
Outstanding Engineering Student Scholarship, Chinese Institute of Engineers (2013)
Pan Wen-Yuan Scholarship, Pan Wen-Yuan Foundation (2013)
Irving T. Ho Memorial Scholarship (x2), Irving T. Ho Memorial Foundation (2011, 2012)


Sapple (ICLR'20) was covered by: Tech Crunch, Engadget, DailyMail, MIT news, and other media outlets.

Covid-19 health monitoring was covered by: Tech Crunch, Engadget, CSAIL news, VentureBeat, and other media outlets.

LearnedSketch (ICLR'19) was covered by: Forbes, The Next Web, VentureBeat, MIT news, and other media outlets.

Marko (CHI'19) was covered by: World Economic Forum, EurekAlert, India TV, MIT news, and other media outlets.

WiGait was covered by: Tech Crunch, IEEE spectrum, Boston Magazine, Gizmodo, The Verge, Daily Mail, MIT news, and other media outlets.

White House Demo was covered by: The White House Press Office, MIT News, NBC News, The Wall Street Journal and other media outlets.

RF-Capture was covered by: Washington Post, BBC, NBC, CBS, CNBC, Boston Globe, Business Insider, Huffington Post, Discovery News, Daily Mail, Popular Science, Gizmodo, Popular Mechanics, The Verge, Quartz, Ars Technica, and other media outlets.