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Set a dot at Trixel coordinates x, y to black or a given color or combine old and new colors.
No change appears on the physical display until rendered by the show() function.


Trixel.setDot(x, y)

Trixel.setDot(x, y, color)

Trixel.setDot(x, y, color, operator)


x: dot horizontal position, 0 = leftmost

y: dot vertical position, 0 = topmost

color (optional): 0 = white, 1 = black

operator (optional): Boolean binary operator to combine old and new color values:

the sixteen Boolean binary operators
new color 1100
old color 1010
boole_clr 0000ignore both colors, use white
boole_nor 0001
boole_andc2 0010like white ink
boole_c2 0011
boole_andc1 0100
boole_c1 0101
boole_xor 0110exclusive or: like negative ink — repeat to undo
boole_nand 0111
boole_and 1000
boole_eqv 1001
boole_1 1010do nothing: ignore new color, use old color
boole_orc2 1011
boole_2 1100default: ignore old color, use new color
boole_orc1 1101
boole_ior 1110inclusive or: like black ink
boole_set 1111ignore both colors, use black

See also

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