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Trixel library

The Trixel library enables graphics on non-graphic displays. It adds 1x3 mosaic graphics to the LiquidCrystal library on displays with six or more characters of font RAM.

Characters and graphics can be mixed in the same rectangular window but not in the same character cell.

Trixel graphics, similar to DEC VT-100 2x3 "sixel" graphics, divide each 5x8 pixel character cell into a 1x3 "trixel" mosaic of dots.

Dot and Char functions both use trixel coordinates. Divide the trixel y-coordinate by three to compute character coordinates such as window offsets or LiquidCrystal library coordinates.

Char functions use the trixel character cell values 0 through 7 as "tribit" codes to represent three horizontally stacked trixel dots. Character cell values 32 through 126 are ASCII character codes on most displays. Moves windows and renders dots with any Boolean function (e.g., xor) which nearly supports sprites.



Tested on SUNPLUS SPLC780D-001 with font ROM 8.1, other LCD controllers and font ROMs may require a different all-black character code. Please contact the author for new features or bug fixes.

See also

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