A podcast series from MIT Professional Education in collaboration with Accenture Solutions

Expendable Identities: Illegal Downloading, IP Privacy and Anonymizers
MP3, 13 minutes]
In the biggest suit to date against BitTorrent users, Thomas Dunlap, an American lawyer, just announced that he had the IP addresses of 23,322 people who had downloaded the movie The Expendables, and that he would now trace them and sue them. In this podcast, I explain how he can do this; why your online privacy is threatened; how anonymizing services work; and whether you can safely rely on them. [May 2011]

These podcasts are written and read by Daniel Jackson. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of MIT or Accenture. All similarities to real people (or software), living or dead, are coincidental. No animals or software developers were harmed in this production.

Introductory music used with kind permission of Chris Breemer via the Piano Society.

Copyright 2011, Daniel Jackson