6898: Advanced Topics in Software Design: Final Presentations

Monday May 13, 2002

Alloy Model of Gnutella Ping/Pong Scheme
David Euresti, Stefanie Tellex (Paper and Alloy Models)

Design Patterns in OCaml
Antonio Vicente, Earl Wagner (Paper)

An Alloy Analysis of CVS
Alan Donovan, Michael Harder (Paperand Alloy Models)

Feature-Oriented Object Construction
Tom Woodfin (Paper)

Speech Recognition with OCaml
Jay Hancock (Paper)

Analyzing Peer-to-Peer Maintenance Protocols
Allison Waingold, Jon Whitney (Paper)

Modeling Coordinate Systems in Alloy
Gregory Dennis, Ryan Jazayeri, Winston Wang (Paper and Alloy Models)

JNS: An Extensible Network Simulation Tool
Doug Creager, Todd Nightingale (Paper)

Wednesday May 15, 2002

An Alloy Model of the Observer Pattern
Roshan Gupta (Paper and Alloy Models)

ML-Style Functors for Perl
Richard Tibbetts, Chris Lesniewski-Laas (Paper)

A Simple Model of Filesystem Synchronization
Tina Nolte (Paper and Alloy Models)

Rethinking the Semantics of Alloy Functions
Manu Sridharan (Paper)

Exploring "Location Consistency" Using Alloy
Mana Taghdiri (Paper and Alloy Models)

Jazzing up java collections
Josh Baratz (Paper)

An alloy model of group formation
Andrew Sutherland

Modelling Telephone Call-Forwarding with Alloy
Michel Lambert (Paper and Alloy Models)

Re-engineering Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Servers in Jiazzi
Shane Cruz, Jang Kim (Paper)